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Timing: Our past, the present, our future? by NE5


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It's like those Japanese soldiers who're found in the jungle, still fighting years after the second world war's ended  bluedead.gif


Or the knight in Monty Python & the Holy Grail who still thinks he's in with a chance after all his limbs have been chopped off. "Come back! I'll bite you to death!!"

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If someone takes the time out to write an article it's a bit harsh to slate it. 


Unless it's a load of bollocks.


It may be a load of bollocks to you, but it's no reason to slate it. Debate.


It takes maturity. There isn't much of that displayed around here, I'm afraid.

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I look forward to the day when this thread is rendered completely pointless.  It's pretty close already.


It became that, when you decided to argue with factual information. However, the opportunity is still there to prove otherwise, so justifying your "opinion"



I might as well be arguing with a creationist.  You just sidestep arguments and bring up others that have no direct relevance to the core issue, play the 'facts' card and claim victory.  Personally I think you regard yourself as a better fan for supporting the current shower in charge at NUFC against the masses of those that disagree with you; you're more faithful, longer-serving.  Well done.  :thup:


Have NUFC declined, consistently, since the days of SJH/Keegan et al?  Apart from a brief reawakening under Bobby Robson, yes, we have.  More and more money spent on less and less return.  Apparently no-one's truly responsible for our decline as we have no divine right to be better, and if you weren't around when football was played between Chinese villages with a pig's bladder on a stick than you don't know how good you have it now.


"The masses" don't disagree. This forum is not representative of the match going supporter.

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Guest Gemmill

I look forward to the day when this thread is rendered completely pointless.  It's pretty close already.


It became that, when you decided to argue with factual information. However, the opportunity is still there to prove otherwise, so justifying your "opinion"



I might as well be arguing with a creationist.  You just sidestep arguments and bring up others that have no direct relevance to the core issue, play the 'facts' card and claim victory.  Personally I think you regard yourself as a better fan for supporting the current shower in charge at NUFC against the masses of those that disagree with you; you're more faithful, longer-serving.  Well done.   :thup:


Have NUFC declined, consistently, since the days of SJH/Keegan et al?  Apart from a brief reawakening under Bobby Robson, yes, we have.  More and more money spent on less and less return.  Apparently no-one's truly responsible for our decline as we have no divine right to be better, and if you weren't around when football was played between Chinese villages with a pig's bladder on a stick than you don't know how good you have it now.


"The masses" don't disagree. This forum is not representative of the match going supporter.


Are you sure about that?  I don't know many fans that I talk to that go to the match that have that high an opinion of Shepherd.  Everyone I know that goes to the match thinks the bloke is an incompetent.

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Guest elbee909

I look forward to the day when this thread is rendered completely pointless.  It's pretty close already.


It became that, when you decided to argue with factual information. However, the opportunity is still there to prove otherwise, so justifying your "opinion"



I might as well be arguing with a creationist.  You just sidestep arguments and bring up others that have no direct relevance to the core issue, play the 'facts' card and claim victory.  Personally I think you regard yourself as a better fan for supporting the current shower in charge at NUFC against the masses of those that disagree with you; you're more faithful, longer-serving.  Well done.  :thup:


Have NUFC declined, consistently, since the days of SJH/Keegan et al?  Apart from a brief reawakening under Bobby Robson, yes, we have.  More and more money spent on less and less return.  Apparently no-one's truly responsible for our decline as we have no divine right to be better, and if you weren't around when football was played between Chinese villages with a pig's bladder on a stick than you don't know how good you have it now.


"The masses" don't disagree. This forum is not representative of the match going supporter.


You've just taken two words out of context and made an irrelevant point, surely?  As no one person can say what 'the masses' may or may not think I don't claim to speak for them, it's disingenuous.  While we're on the subject however:


"The supporters have identified Glenn as the man they want.  We have listened to them."


Doesn't seem to bother him to claim to speak for us all now, does it?

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I look forward to the day when this thread is rendered completely pointless.  It's pretty close already.


It became that, when you decided to argue with factual information. However, the opportunity is still there to prove otherwise, so justifying your "opinion"



I might as well be arguing with a creationist.  You just sidestep arguments and bring up others that have no direct relevance to the core issue, play the 'facts' card and claim victory.  Personally I think you regard yourself as a better fan for supporting the current shower in charge at NUFC against the masses of those that disagree with you; you're more faithful, longer-serving.  Well done.  :thup:


Have NUFC declined, consistently, since the days of SJH/Keegan et al?  Apart from a brief reawakening under Bobby Robson, yes, we have.  More and more money spent on less and less return.  Apparently no-one's truly responsible for our decline as we have no divine right to be better, and if you weren't around when football was played between Chinese villages with a pig's bladder on a stick than you don't know how good you have it now.


"The masses" don't disagree. This forum is not representative of the match going supporter.


Are you sure about that?  I don't know many fans that I talk to that go to the match that have that high an opinion of Shepherd.  Everyone I know that goes to the match thinks the bloke is an incompetent.


Ok, perhaps you're right and it is the masses then. Let's face facts here, to make progress the clubs needs revenue and needs to get people through the turnstiles, nowt wrong with that. Post-1992 we see regular crowds of over 50,000, yet for decades before that we often saw crowds of 15,000 to 20,000 hard-core supporters who went to matches through thick and thin. Perhaps it is only those people who understand what a shit Board really looks like?




Do you think that someone who believes a successfull attempt to replace the current Board might result in the club ending up with an unambitious Board means they believe,  "Fred is great", "everything is fantastic", "I'm happy with mediocrity?" If you do, I can assure you that it's not true. Nobody is saying those things.


It's a good thing that expectations have been lifted by the current Board, but it's dangerous to allow those expectations to cause people to ignore the past.  It seems there are a lot of people on here who believe the past to be irrelevant, they automatically treat with disdain those who mention the past.  Well, the past of the club is very, very relevant and it always will be because that's where the lessons are. Nobody is saying the current Board is the most talented, and it may well be they have taken the club as far as they can, but they should be recognised for how far they have brought this club, and it should be acknowledged that replacing them with better will not be easy.


We would all take a group of people replacing the current Board that are better than the current lot, a group of people who would show ambition, who would strive to take the club forward. Yes, we'd all take that, for sure. I imagine NE5 would take that more than most on here, if the truth be known. Let's face it, and the younger people won't want to accept this, but those of us who have witnessed the decades of true mediocrity are more desperate for success than those used to top 4 finishes, those used to top quality footballers wearing the black and white, players who fall short at the last hurdle by not performing to their true level in cup finals. Yes, the disappointment is huge, but let me tell you this, you don't become immune to these things, you don't become immune to the frustration and the disappointment, it just gets worse as the years go on and you become more desperate for success. However, I can also tell you that it is better when the club is trying to be successful than when it is happy with bottom half finishes. That is a Board settling for mediocrity whether they are competent or not.


By ignoring the past people have the mistaken idea the club has always been ambitious, that it has always tried to win things, that is has always spent the money that comes into the club on top players to play in the black and white because they have to spend it. Have to spend it!! No, they don't. The reality is they don't have to do any of these things, they do it by choice.


Those of us who have really witnessed the club under previous Boards know it is not that simple to improve on the current one. I believe it is far, far easier for the current Board to be replaced by people who would not show ambition and who would take the club back to the days I don't want to see again. Believe me, nobody would want to see those days again. For those of us who really have seen those times of a poor Board, it's a very scary thought.

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I think its near unanimous that the way Freddie has conducted himself has been amateur. The "business" side of football has been changing continuously and we have not been keeping up with the times.


The argument that we could have worse gets weaker every year because I think most supporters have been seeing a phasing out of poor managers by either buy-out or relegation and have been for the most part replaced with professionals.


Five years ago there were less criticisms of Freddie not just because the team was doing better than expected but because we were one of many clubs that had a poor chairman at the helm.


This is no longer the case.


We now have the WORST chairman in the Premiership.


Ellis was worse

Bates was worse

Ridsdale was worse


You could also argue Gold was worse.


Well none of them are in the Premiership anymore and that makes us the undisputed leader of "the Worst Chairman and Board table." The days of El Tel buying Pompey for a quid are over - the world is different, the internet, Sky, economic growth and other factors have all completely changed the world of football and the Board has not kept up.




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I look forward to the day when this thread is rendered completely pointless.  It's pretty close already.


It became that, when you decided to argue with factual information. However, the opportunity is still there to prove otherwise, so justifying your "opinion"



I might as well be arguing with a creationist.  You just sidestep arguments and bring up others that have no direct relevance to the core issue, play the 'facts' card and claim victory.  Personally I think you regard yourself as a better fan for supporting the current shower in charge at NUFC against the masses of those that disagree with you; you're more faithful, longer-serving.  Well done.   :thup:


Have NUFC declined, consistently, since the days of SJH/Keegan et al?  Apart from a brief reawakening under Bobby Robson, yes, we have.  More and more money spent on less and less return.  Apparently no-one's truly responsible for our decline as we have no divine right to be better, and if you weren't around when football was played between Chinese villages with a pig's bladder on a stick than you don't know how good you have it now.


"The masses" don't disagree. This forum is not representative of the match going supporter.


Are you sure about that?  I don't know many fans that I talk to that go to the match that have that high an opinion of Shepherd.  Everyone I know that goes to the match thinks the bloke is an incompetent.


Ok, perhaps you're right and it is the masses then. Let's face facts here, to make progress the clubs needs revenue and needs to get people through the turnstiles, nowt wrong with that. Post-1992 we see regular crowds of over 50,000, yet for decades before that we often saw crowds of 15,000 to 20,000 hard-core supporters who went to matches through thick and thin. Perhaps it is only those people who understand what a shit Board really looks like?




Do you think that someone who believes a successfull attempt to replace the current Board might result in the club ending up with an unambitious Board means they believe,  "Fred is great", "everything is fantastic", "I'm happy with mediocrity?" If you do, I can assure you that it's not true. Nobody is saying those things.


It's a good thing that expectations have been lifted by the current Board, but it's dangerous to allow those expectations to cause people to ignore the past.  It seems there are a lot of people on here who believe the past to be irrelevant, they automatically treat with disdain those who mention the past.  Well, the past of the club is very, very relevant and it always will be because that's where the lessons are. Nobody is saying the current Board is the most talented, and it may well be they have taken the club as far as they can, but they should be recognised for how far they have brought this club, and it should be acknowledged that replacing them with better will not be easy.


We would all take a group of people replacing the current Board that are better than the current lot, a group of people who would show ambition, who would strive to take the club forward. Yes, we'd all take that, for sure. I imagine NE5 would take that more than most on here, if the truth be known. Let's face it, and the younger people won't want to accept this, but those of us who have witnessed the decades of true mediocrity are more desperate for success than those used to top 4 finishes, those used to top quality footballers wearing the black and white, players who fall short at the last hurdle by not performing to their true level in cup finals. Yes, the disappointment is huge, but let me tell you this, you don't become immune to these things, you don't become immune to the frustration and the disappointment, it just gets worse as the years go on and you become more desperate for success. However, I can also tell you that it is better when the club is trying to be successful than when it is happy with bottom half finishes. That is a Board settling for mediocrity whether they are competent or not.


By ignoring the past people have the mistaken idea the club has always been ambitious, that it has always tried to win things, that is has always spent the money that comes into the club on top players to play in the black and white because they have to spend it. Have to spend it!! No, they don't. The reality is they don't have to do any of these things, they do it by choice.


Those of us who have really witnessed the club under previous Boards know it is not that simple to improve on the current one. I believe it is far, far easier for the current Board to be replaced by people who would not show ambition and who would take the club back to the days I don't want to see again. Believe me, nobody would want to see those days again. For those of us who really have seen those times of a poor Board, it's a very scary thought.


canny post that.

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Over time, the board's signal failure has been its inability to consolidiate on the success we achieved in the SJH/KK days. We had a chance to establish ourselves as a top four club and we blew it. Miracle of miracles, SBR almost got us back up there again with a chance to build on a season or two of Champions' League money but (Partizan) we blew it again. The overall trajectory has been downwards and we're back where we were when I first started supporting the club in the late 1960s -- mid-table, good on our day and capable of inching our way into Europe (we'd finished 10th the season before we won the Fairs Cup and only got into the competition by a quirk in the qualification rules) but generally pretty mediocre and no match for the top clubs of the day.


All else is haggling over the details of how this happened.


What to do?


NE5 says "better the devil you know". A recipe for more of the same, in my opinion, subject to the law of diminishing returns.


Most of the rest us reckon that our resources indicate the club can perform better than it is currently doing, and that evident stagnation can only be arrested by some kind of radical change. Fat Fred has shot his wad, and is surely our biggest obstacle to finding the right manager. It's not just that his choices are poor. It's not even that he as likely to undermine them as back them once they're in position. It's also that now everyone knows what he is like, few people seem to want to work for him. He's not exactly a well-respected figure. In fact he's a downright embarrassment.


What's needed is different structure, new thinking, better appointments, less bullshit, and a much-need infusion of cash. Otherwise we ain't going nowhere.




Your opinion doesn't count you're a Souness supporter so it's all your fault, it's got nothing to do with the person who appointed him - Fact.

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those of you who are season ticket holders...why are you season ticket holders ?


If you aren't, you are irrelevant, as the opportunity is there to support the club yet choose not to take it.


Why not ?


Those who are season ticket holders, and continue to support the club, why do this if you are not happy  ?


as for Ozzie..is he as thick and stupid as he was when he supported Souness [thereby backing the board and the decision to back him with big money yet now dissociates himself from his own comments] ......... as he disappeared with his tail between his legs for a while and is now coming back.....is he not able to admit he is wrong  :lol:


Not that it matters ..... I know his knowledge, and experience of supporting the club, when we really did have a shit board, is zero. Like many others    :lol:






I knew that was coming, Ozzie is thick and stupid for supporting Souness, Shepherd, the person who appointed him and gave him in the region of £50 million is blameless, get a grip.



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Mick has indirectly gotten to teh crux of the dispute here.


Its just like the reign of Souness when we were divided - there were the ones who supported him because they thought we could do worse and those were those who did not because they believed that any change would be for the better.

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Once again, somebody else takes 10 minutes out to completely dismantle NE5's argument and entire reason for being on Newcastle forums.  He won't see it though.  He'll just come back with the same old tired stuff about 5th best, divine right, full houses etc. etc. 


And lo and behold....


If filling the stadium, and running the club to a level that it can buy major England players and international players at their peak or approaching their peak, isn't an achievement of the board by raising expectations and showing ambition, please explain why 30,000 supporters pissed off - for years on average - when the club was shite........Contrary to what you think we do not have a divine right to finish above all these clubs......qualifying for europe more than any other club in a decade except 4, is certainly not "mediocrity".


It's like a bad bad joke. :lol:  He'll even read someone predict that that's exactly what he'll say in response, and then say it anyway.


get back to work .... :)


is this your new job Gem.....you do even less work than the other one  bluebigeek.gif


Yes it is.  And yes, I do.  bluebigrazz.gif


I'm right though, you can't keep peddling the same old shit to defend this failing regime.  You're doing yourself no favours by excusing Shepherd's failures all the time.


You still think we have a divine right to be 2nd ...


You're a hoot. We are in the position we are in because of the man you backed, Souness.


I am pleased you still consider regular european football to be "failure" ... yet you are still attraced enough to presumably pay for a ticket.

If you want them out, stop going. It worked the last time they were shit. I mean bottom of the 2nd division, not playing european football on a regular basis BTW






Ahhh, the divine right line.  How utterly predictable. 


And you STILL fail to realise that it was Shepherd's backing of Souness that has put us where we are, not mine.  How this most simple of "facts" (I know you like facts, particularly when they're in quotation marks) is beyond your powers of comprehension is a mystery to me, and yet somehow it is.  I get the blame for Shepherd's biggest mistake to date - makes it easier to defend him I suppose.


I pay for a ticket because I want to watch my team play, not because I think the current board is the bees' knees - another concept beyond your limited intelligence.


Keep defending Shepherd though.  You're a joke in the eyes of pretty much everyone on here because of it. :lol:


aaahhh....the "only" qualifying for europe - again - yet we haven't taken up our divine right to finish 2nd in the league.


How utterly predicatable.


YOu do realise that ii is idiots trotting out this crap that the press jump on and call it "naive and thick Geordies" ... the same as you condemn Shepherd for his own "Geordie Nation" rubbish.....


You couldn't make it up. Are you also a thick shite, like you call Fred  :lol:


Anyway, what is your opinion on the facts I have posted about the appointment of Keegan and ther people who chose him  ? Forget the fact you are blind to the truth, just give us your opinion....... or are you going to say you know differently..... :lol:


Or you can name me the successors to the current board who will guarantee to do better, as you think it will be so easy. Which is a question that strangely, everyone has avoided  :lol:




Errrr...were you drunk when you posted this?  Was any of it supposed to make any sense or address my post in any way, shape or form?   It's like arguing with a drunken tramp intent on just shouting nonsense at you.  You really are the stupidest person on here.  How you get to be the age you are and still totally incapable of conducting a sensible discussion with someone is beyond me.


but I'm not deluded like your good self .......  :lol:

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Well it seems to me that NE5 and those who support him are doing what they criticise others for. There apperas to be a modern day tendenct and its prevalent on this board that you cannot voice an opinion of disapproval, if you do you are not supporting the club.

Absolute nonsense and even more nonsensical to suggest that you should not be  a ticket holder if you are going to criticise any of the hierarchy or players.

The comparison of pre 92 with today is ridiculous, as I've said before pre 92 the board was dickensian and Sir John Halls involvement put the club back in the limelight with major investment.

However you can compare 92-96 with today and was is indisputal, other than to complete idiots, is since Keegan we have gone backwards both in terms of league position and quality on the pitch.

To argue against that is a joke. NE5 knows it and so do his happy rose tinted band of merry men, which is why he constantly fails to respond to any points made and tries switching the subject.

Hopefully this is the last word, but I doubt it, as the sensible ones among us know the truth and to prolong discussion merely gives NE5 something to do.



what I am saying - is nobody forces anyone to go and spend money supporting the club. Long term supporters will tell you that when the club was shit, nobody did !!!!! [well not so many as now...] Also fairly obvious is that nobody has forced you to go, not even yourself.


So - if you are not happy with spending money on a shit club, keep it in your pocket. Watch NUFC play in europe on the telly.



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If someone takes the time out to write an article it's a bit harsh to slate it. 


Unless it's a load of bollocks.


It may be a load of bollocks to you, but it's no reason to slate it. Debate.


I suppose we could compliment him on his spelling.


Well, we certainly can't complement you on your judgement. Are you still supporting your view on Souness



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I agree to an extent actually.  If someone takes the time out to write an article it's a bit harsh to slate it.  Having said that I have LAID INTO some of the shit that's been posted as articles on the main site in the past, so maybe I should shut up round about now.


aye !!!!



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I look forward to the day when this thread is rendered completely pointless.  It's pretty close already.


It became that, when you decided to argue with factual information. However, the opportunity is still there to prove otherwise, so justifying your "opinion"



I might as well be arguing with a creationist.  You just sidestep arguments and bring up others that have no direct relevance to the core issue, play the 'facts' card and claim victory.  Personally I think you regard yourself as a better fan for supporting the current shower in charge at NUFC against the masses of those that disagree with you; you're more faithful, longer-serving.  Well done.   :thup:


Have NUFC declined, consistently, since the days of SJH/Keegan et al?  Apart from a brief reawakening under Bobby Robson, yes, we have.  More and more money spent on less and less return.  Apparently no-one's truly responsible for our decline as we have no divine right to be better, and if you weren't around when football was played between Chinese villages with a pig's bladder on a stick than you don't know how good you have it now.


Well, I don't agree that "masses" disagree with me, there may be a fair few people on here that do, but everyone is entitled to an "opinon"....however your comment about playing "the facts card and claiming victory" is pretty damning because if you wish to argue against facts then it makes you look pretty daft. You can't argue against facts. As I have said, if you aren't happy with "only" qualifying for europe regularly, you must think we have a divine right to do better, which is - to be honest - the view of one extremely naive individual.


I have said and agreed that on the field, we have not had a manager as good as Keegan. But in other areas, where do you get the notion that continuing to finance the manager to buy the top players, building a new training complex and expanding the stadium is "declining" ? The truth is, and I'm sure you won't admit it and you won't be the only one, is that these moves are in fact the "forward planning" that quite a lot of people accuse the club of not making....despite it being repeatedly pointed out.



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I look forward to the day when this thread is rendered completely pointless.  It's pretty close already.


It became that, when you decided to argue with factual information. However, the opportunity is still there to prove otherwise, so justifying your "opinion"



I might as well be arguing with a creationist.  You just sidestep arguments and bring up others that have no direct relevance to the core issue, play the 'facts' card and claim victory.  Personally I think you regard yourself as a better fan for supporting the current shower in charge at NUFC against the masses of those that disagree with you; you're more faithful, longer-serving.  Well done.   :thup:


Have NUFC declined, consistently, since the days of SJH/Keegan et al?  Apart from a brief reawakening under Bobby Robson, yes, we have.  More and more money spent on less and less return.  Apparently no-one's truly responsible for our decline as we have no divine right to be better, and if you weren't around when football was played between Chinese villages with a pig's bladder on a stick than you don't know how good you have it now.


"The masses" don't disagree. This forum is not representative of the match going supporter.


Are you sure about that?  I don't know many fans that I talk to that go to the match that have that high an opinion of Shepherd.  Everyone I know that goes to the match thinks the bloke is an incompetent.


Slowly getting a picture here .......  :lol:

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I look forward to the day when this thread is rendered completely pointless.  It's pretty close already.


It became that, when you decided to argue with factual information. However, the opportunity is still there to prove otherwise, so justifying your "opinion"



I might as well be arguing with a creationist.  You just sidestep arguments and bring up others that have no direct relevance to the core issue, play the 'facts' card and claim victory.  Personally I think you regard yourself as a better fan for supporting the current shower in charge at NUFC against the masses of those that disagree with you; you're more faithful, longer-serving.  Well done.   :thup:


Have NUFC declined, consistently, since the days of SJH/Keegan et al?  Apart from a brief reawakening under Bobby Robson, yes, we have.  More and more money spent on less and less return.  Apparently no-one's truly responsible for our decline as we have no divine right to be better, and if you weren't around when football was played between Chinese villages with a pig's bladder on a stick than you don't know how good you have it now.


"The masses" don't disagree. This forum is not representative of the match going supporter.


Are you sure about that?  I don't know many fans that I talk to that go to the match that have that high an opinion of Shepherd.  Everyone I know that goes to the match thinks the bloke is an incompetent.


Ok, perhaps you're right and it is the masses then. Let's face facts here, to make progress the clubs needs revenue and needs to get people through the turnstiles, nowt wrong with that. Post-1992 we see regular crowds of over 50,000, yet for decades before that we often saw crowds of 15,000 to 20,000 hard-core supporters who went to matches through thick and thin. Perhaps it is only those people who understand what a shit Board really looks like?




Do you think that someone who believes a successfull attempt to replace the current Board might result in the club ending up with an unambitious Board means they believe,  "Fred is great", "everything is fantastic", "I'm happy with mediocrity?" If you do, I can assure you that it's not true. Nobody is saying those things.


It's a good thing that expectations have been lifted by the current Board, but it's dangerous to allow those expectations to cause people to ignore the past.  It seems there are a lot of people on here who believe the past to be irrelevant, they automatically treat with disdain those who mention the past.  Well, the past of the club is very, very relevant and it always will be because that's where the lessons are. Nobody is saying the current Board is the most talented, and it may well be they have taken the club as far as they can, but they should be recognised for how far they have brought this club, and it should be acknowledged that replacing them with better will not be easy.


We would all take a group of people replacing the current Board that are better than the current lot, a group of people who would show ambition, who would strive to take the club forward. Yes, we'd all take that, for sure. I imagine NE5 would take that more than most on here, if the truth be known. Let's face it, and the younger people won't want to accept this, but those of us who have witnessed the decades of true mediocrity are more desperate for success than those used to top 4 finishes, those used to top quality footballers wearing the black and white, players who fall short at the last hurdle by not performing to their true level in cup finals. Yes, the disappointment is huge, but let me tell you this, you don't become immune to these things, you don't become immune to the frustration and the disappointment, it just gets worse as the years go on and you become more desperate for success. However, I can also tell you that it is better when the club is trying to be successful than when it is happy with bottom half finishes. That is a Board settling for mediocrity whether they are competent or not.


By ignoring the past people have the mistaken idea the club has always been ambitious, that it has always tried to win things, that is has always spent the money that comes into the club on top players to play in the black and white because they have to spend it. Have to spend it!! No, they don't. The reality is they don't have to do any of these things, they do it by choice.


Those of us who have really witnessed the club under previous Boards know it is not that simple to improve on the current one. I believe it is far, far easier for the current Board to be replaced by people who would not show ambition and who would take the club back to the days I don't want to see again. Believe me, nobody would want to see those days again. For those of us who really have seen those times of a poor Board, it's a very scary thought.


I'm willing to bet the usual people will ignore all of that.



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I look forward to the day when this thread is rendered completely pointless.  It's pretty close already.


It became that, when you decided to argue with factual information. However, the opportunity is still there to prove otherwise, so justifying your "opinion"



I might as well be arguing with a creationist.  You just sidestep arguments and bring up others that have no direct relevance to the core issue, play the 'facts' card and claim victory.  Personally I think you regard yourself as a better fan for supporting the current shower in charge at NUFC against the masses of those that disagree with you; you're more faithful, longer-serving.  Well done.  :thup:


Have NUFC declined, consistently, since the days of SJH/Keegan et al?  Apart from a brief reawakening under Bobby Robson, yes, we have.  More and more money spent on less and less return.  Apparently no-one's truly responsible for our decline as we have no divine right to be better, and if you weren't around when football was played between Chinese villages with a pig's bladder on a stick than you don't know how good you have it now.


"The masses" don't disagree. This forum is not representative of the match going supporter.


You've just taken two words out of context and made an irrelevant point, surely?  As no one person can say what 'the masses' may or may not think I don't claim to speak for them, it's disingenuous.  While we're on the subject however:


"The supporters have identified Glenn as the man they want.  We have listened to them."


Doesn't seem to bother him to claim to speak for us all now, does it?


The irony will no doubt escape you. Look at the two bits in bold and the bit in italic then check who posted that tripe.


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Well it seems to me that NE5 and those who support him are doing what they criticise others for. There apperas to be a modern day tendenct and its prevalent on this board that you cannot voice an opinion of disapproval, if you do you are not supporting the club.

Absolute nonsense and even more nonsensical to suggest that you should not be  a ticket holder if you are going to criticise any of the hierarchy or players.

The comparison of pre 92 with today is ridiculous, as I've said before pre 92 the board was dickensian and Sir John Halls involvement put the club back in the limelight with major investment.

However you can compare 92-96 with today and was is indisputal, other than to complete idiots, is since Keegan we have gone backwards both in terms of league position and quality on the pitch.

To argue against that is a joke. NE5 knows it and so do his happy rose tinted band of merry men, which is why he constantly fails to respond to any points made and tries switching the subject.

Hopefully this is the last word, but I doubt it, as the sensible ones among us know the truth and to prolong discussion merely gives NE5 something to do.



what I am saying - is nobody forces anyone to go and spend money supporting the club. Long term supporters will tell you that when the club was shit, nobody did !!!!! [well not so many as now...] Also fairly obvious is that nobody has forced you to go, not even yourself.


So - if you are not happy with spending money on a shit club, keep it in your pocket. Watch NUFC play in europe on the telly.




Its true that nobody forces anyone to buy the shirt from the club shop, or anyone to attend the games there is a distinction between supporting the club and the board.


I don't agree with a lot of Freddy's decisions or motives and truth be told would love him to be replaced. However, even if he were to be chairman until I die and we got relegated I would still buy the shirt because I support the club and am proud to show my colours so to speak.


There is a clear distinction between supporting the club and the board, you can do one without the other

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Well it seems to me that NE5 and those who support him are doing what they criticise others for. There apperas to be a modern day tendenct and its prevalent on this board that you cannot voice an opinion of disapproval, if you do you are not supporting the club.

Absolute nonsense and even more nonsensical to suggest that you should not be  a ticket holder if you are going to criticise any of the hierarchy or players.

The comparison of pre 92 with today is ridiculous, as I've said before pre 92 the board was dickensian and Sir John Halls involvement put the club back in the limelight with major investment.

However you can compare 92-96 with today and was is indisputal, other than to complete idiots, is since Keegan we have gone backwards both in terms of league position and quality on the pitch.

To argue against that is a joke. NE5 knows it and so do his happy rose tinted band of merry men, which is why he constantly fails to respond to any points made and tries switching the subject.

Hopefully this is the last word, but I doubt it, as the sensible ones among us know the truth and to prolong discussion merely gives NE5 something to do.



what I am saying - is nobody forces anyone to go and spend money supporting the club. Long term supporters will tell you that when the club was shit, nobody did !!!!! [well not so many as now...] Also fairly obvious is that nobody has forced you to go, not even yourself.


So - if you are not happy with spending money on a shit club, keep it in your pocket. Watch NUFC play in europe on the telly.




Its true that nobody forces anyone to buy the shirt from the club shop, or anyone to attend the games there is a distinction between supporting the club and the board.


I don't agree with a lot of Freddy's decisions or motives and truth be told would love him to be replaced. However, even if he were to be chairman until I die and we got relegated I would still buy the shirt because I support the club and am proud to show my colours so to speak.


There is a clear distinction between supporting the club and the board, you can do one without the other


nobody supports the board. Everybody supports the club. The point is, they are supporting the club because the board has gave them a club worth supporting . If they didn't do that, people would stop going. Some people may not understand this or like it, but its true. When the club wasn't worth supporting, people didn't support the club, other than the hard core supporters of 15-20,000.


As HTL says, replacing the current board with another unambitious one like pre-1992, would be a disaster, and the odds on that are heavily in favour of that rather than them being better. That doesn't make people "shepherd lovers" as Gem and his ilk laughingly say, only realistic.


You can of course ignore the view of someone who has been there, and think you know best if you like - and that is not aimed at you specifically.



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