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Kevin Doyle - SJP Wall Of Noise


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It’s the place where I’ve heard the most noise when anyone scored. It was deafening last season.


“We were winning and the place was quiet and I thought it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be and then they scored and I just remember it being the loudest it has ever been in any stadium – definitely more than Croke Park. You could not hear yourself think.


“It was a wall of noise and was strange because we were playing well and it had been quiet. The way the stadium is designed makes the crowd sound louder.


“I suppose if you are out on the touchline about to take a thrown-in or a corner you will get a bit more abuse, but when you are playing you don’t really notice it.


“It doesn’t put you off and the Geordies aren’t nasty, but it was just scary that it could go from quiet to a wall of noise. All the lads said the same thing.


“They have their tails up now and they all seem happy again having come into some form.


“The pressure is off them a bit now, but that might be a good thing. They are three points ahead of us and one more win means they will be safe.


I don’t know if that will make them relax and play better, but we will be up for it.


“People always say they are not the strongest defensively, but when you win 4-1 like they did against Tottenham it doesn’t matter how your defence plays.


“They are more into attacking football and showing what they can do going forward. They hadn’t been doing that for a while, but have got that back now after Sunday.”


Found this on NUFC.COM


Some canny comments from the lad.

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It’s the place where I’ve heard the most noise when anyone scored. It was deafening last season.


“We were winning and the place was quiet and I thought it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be and then they scored and I just remember it being the loudest it has ever been in any stadium – definitely more than Croke Park. You could not hear yourself think.


“It was a wall of noise and was strange because we were playing well and it had been quiet. The way the stadium is designed makes the crowd sound louder.


“I suppose if you are out on the touchline about to take a thrown-in or a corner you will get a bit more abuse, but when you are playing you don’t really notice it.


“It doesn’t put you off and the Geordies aren’t nasty, but it was just scary that it could go from quiet to a wall of noise. All the lads said the same thing.


“They have their tails up now and they all seem happy again having come into some form.


“The pressure is off them a bit now, but that might be a good thing. They are three points ahead of us and one more win means they will be safe.


I don’t know if that will make them relax and play better, but we will be up for it.


“People always say they are not the strongest defensively, but when you win 4-1 like they did against Tottenham it doesn’t matter how your defence plays.


“They are more into attacking football and showing what they can do going forward. They hadn’t been doing that for a while, but have got that back now after Sunday.”


Found this on NUFC.COM


Some canny comments from the lad.


Yeah but this one is strange, everyone here will probably agree, that the way the stadium has been designed makes the crowd seem 'quieter' not 'louder'.

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Guest Phil K

Not often you can hear intelligent contributions from a footballer, (cliche's and a nervous tick spending 2 minutes not on the mobile is usual) and I've heard the lad talk before and was pleasantly surprised.

So this came as no real surprise this time.

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Guest Hoop Blah

Would love to see Doyle here.


Young lad, great attitude, has scored goals, can play in a couple of positions and works hard.


Keep your hands off!!!!


This season Doyle hasn't looked quite the same player as he has been during the previous two seasons but he's toiled away admirable without much reward.  I don't think he's looked fit since an interupted pre-season and considering the amount of football he's played, and the step up in level, since he was playing for Cork 2 and a half years ago he's done tremendously well for us.


If we had a bit more strength in depth I think he'd have been given a bit of a rest at times, but he started the season playing upfront on his own against Ferdinand & Vidic, then the same when we had ten men against Chelsea (and again against West Ham and Pompey).  He's also turned out quite effectively on the right side of midfield too but you never hear a single complaint from him.  A cracking player and seems to have the perfect attitude too.


He's not scored a goal with his feet all season by the way.

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Guest marky555

Would like Doyle here? He's shit. Had a good first season with Reading but thats about it. Seems to have a good attitude and works hard but fuck that, if we want to go places, players of the calibre of Kevin Doyle are not required. Just cos he's said something nice about us.

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Guest Hoop Blah

Would like Doyle here? He's s***. Had a good first season with Reading but thats about it. Seems to have a good attitude and works hard but f*** that, if we want to go places, players of the calibre of Kevin Doyle are not required. Just cos he's said something nice about us.


He's had two sensational seasons for Reading, followed by this one which he's struggled a little bit.


As I said, he hasn't looked as fit and sharp as the last two years and personally I think looks like he's been carrying a bit of a knock all season which has cost him half a yard.  Add that to the fact it's always trickier for a forward during his second season in the Prem and he's had to play on the wing a number of times and upfront on his own quite often, and I think he's done pretty well.  He's also looked pretty good for Eire alongside Robbie Keane.


He's by no means shit, but granted he's not in Owen or Shearer's league, and there are plenty of worse forwards getting away with playing worse and picking up more praise (and £££'s) at the so called bigger clubs.

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Guest Magpiecn

Saw him play as a midfield many times,it seemed that coppell wanted to substitute him for Sidwell.

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Guest Hoop Blah

Saw him play as a midfield many times,it seemed that coppell wanted to substitute him for Sidwell.


Not sure if you're confusing him with someone else, but Doyle has never played in the middle where Sidwell operated.


He's played on the right wing more than a few times, but never in the middle.



Reading are a load of old guff and there aren't many of their players i'd take.


I don't think that's what this thread was meant to be about though.


That's fair enough, I can't say any of our individuals would better the ones you've got already (apart from Shorey and Little, and maybe Matejovsky and Harper, that is - I'd rather take Kitson and Doyle over Viduka by the way) but I reckon our lot have proven over the last two seasons to be a little better than guff! 


Our team is greater than the sum of it's parts....imagine where you'd be if you could say the same.

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Saw him play as a midfield many times,it seemed that coppell wanted to substitute him for Sidwell.


Not sure if you're confusing him with someone else, but Doyle has never played in the middle where Sidwell operated.


He's played on the right wing more than a few times, but never in the middle.



Reading are a load of old guff and there aren't many of their players i'd take.


I don't think that's what this thread was meant to be about though.


That's fair enough, I can't say any of our individuals would better the ones you've got already (apart from Shorey and Little, and maybe Matejovsky and Harper, that is - I'd rather take Kitson and Doyle over Viduka by the way) but I reckon our lot have proven over the last two seasons to be a little better than guff! 


Our team is greater than the sum of it's parts....imagine where you'd be if you could say the same.


I'm not having a go mate but you guys are happy with that and we're not.  I guess that's the difference.

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Guest Hoop Blah

Not sure where this Reading bashing has come from. Unnecessary in my view.


Anyway, Hoop Blah, what's the chances of Shorey leaving in the summer?


Personally I'd say 60/40 that he'll stay.  If you'd asked me in December or January I'd have said 90/10 he'd be off!


He's a very level headed lad but at the start of the season he certainly appeared to have had his head turned by transfer rumours, his England debut and the chance at a big pay rise.  To be honest he's not looked his normal self for a lot of this season but the noises coming out of the club are that he's close to signing a new deal.  If he's continued his form from last season I'm sure someone would come in with a very good offer for him.  As it is I'm not sure the offers will be quite so forthcoming.


His left foot is exceptional though and so much of our attacking play starts or goes through him.  Defensively he's pretty sound, although he's not got the pace of the likes of Ashley Cole and he's never going to be the best in the air, but he's a clever little defender who isn't often beaten.

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Guest marky555

Would like Doyle here? He's s***. Had a good first season with Reading but thats about it. Seems to have a good attitude and works hard but f*** that, if we want to go places, players of the calibre of Kevin Doyle are not required. Just cos he's said something nice about us.


He's had two sensational seasons for Reading, followed by this one which he's struggled a little bit.


As I said, he hasn't looked as fit and sharp as the last two years and personally I think looks like he's been carrying a bit of a knock all season which has cost him half a yard.  Add that to the fact it's always trickier for a forward during his second season in the Prem and he's had to play on the wing a number of times and upfront on his own quite often, and I think he's done pretty well.  He's also looked pretty good for Eire alongside Robbie Keane.


He's by no means s***, but granted he's not in Owen or Shearer's league, and there are plenty of worse forwards getting away with playing worse and picking up more praise (and £££'s) at the so called bigger clubs.


He has certainly sturuggled this season, whether he is carrying a knock I don't know, but something is clearly affecting his form.

Don't think he was remarkable last season, he scored goals yes but didn't think he had it in him to carry on doing that and this is evident.


From my point of view I don't believe he would be good enough for NUFC and that is my point, no disrespect but just making the point that players of the calibre of Doyle are not going to help take us to that next level.


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Not sure where this Reading bashing has come from. Unnecessary in my view.


Anyway, Hoop Blah, what's the chances of Shorey leaving in the summer?


Personally I'd say 60/40 that he'll stay.  If you'd asked me in December or January I'd have said 90/10 he'd be off!


He's a very level headed lad but at the start of the season he certainly appeared to have had his head turned by transfer rumours, his England debut and the chance at a big pay rise.  To be honest he's not looked his normal self for a lot of this season but the noises coming out of the club are that he's close to signing a new deal.  If he's continued his form from last season I'm sure someone would come in with a very good offer for him.  As it is I'm not sure the offers will be quite so forthcoming.


His left foot is exceptional though and so much of our attacking play starts or goes through him.  Defensively he's pretty sound, although he's not got the pace of the likes of Ashley Cole and he's never going to be the best in the air, but he's a clever little defender who isn't often beaten.


I think we need to put as much pressure on him as possible to be honest, from what I've seen he starts a lot of your moves. If we can get Oba to pin him back as much as possible you may struggle to break free.

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Guest Hoop Blah



I'm not having a go mate but you guys are happy with that and we're not.  I guess that's the difference.


I didn't think you were having a go......anyway, personally, I think mising out on Europe by one goal last season and being within one win of you guys (util tomorrow that is) this season kind of shows there isn't much old guff about us.  But your welcome to your opinion of course!


I think the difference is that we know where we're at and are setting our expectations at a realistic level.  Thats not to say we're happy with the season we've had this year, trust me we're not, but realistically we have to build our team/club slowly.  We haven't got the revenue that goes along with 55k crowds and so can't afford to bring in mercenary wasters like Viduka, and boy am I'm glad of that.  Instead we have to nuture some rough diamonds and build a team.  Coppell has done a brilliant job doing that over the last few years and we've played the kind of football I'm sure a lot of Geordies are dreaming of under him.  


Having said that, this summer is cruicial in how we develop.  We need to invest all this TV money thats flying around in a few players that don't need quite so much nuturing and can take us forward from where we are.  I'm hopeful that we'll see that happen this season, but then thats what supporting a club is all about I guess.

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