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Pure Hatred

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Guest Novocastrian






Man Utd



Boro/Chelsea/Everton/Spurs/West Ham

Sunderland/Man City/Arsenal


Everyone else

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Hate is to much a strong word,


I dislike Sunderland the most but out of that list i probs dislike them all in equal amounts but if i had to chose one i'd go for Liverpool.  Just for the fact they play boring football.

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Guest teepee

i hate sunderland - and then a few teams outside of england, but really none of the ones listed here

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Guest rebel_yell12

I can't stand Liverpool, they are without a doubt the most supported English team over here, and never with any proper reasons. People always go on and say "I have supported them since the 70s" or, as is the case with many of my mates, "my father supports them, so I do too". Just too bad that they are just as much glory-hunters as the new Chelsea fans that has emerged in the last couple of seasons, or the Man Ure fans from the 90s. Somehow though, you can never call a Liverpool fan a glory-hunter, because they haven't really won that much recently, up til 2005 anyway, which makes them A-OK to support over here.

Also have a bit of a chip on my shoulder for Man City, because of Eriksson. Not that I dislike him, he's a decent enough manager, but all the hype as soon as City does anything these days is way over the top. I don't dislike them as much as I dislike any of the other teams in the poll, but they're a close sixth, after these five and the mackems.


Towelie, where is "over here"?  Because if it's part of the US, I need to move!  I'm surrounded by ManUre fans (when there's a fan of proper football to be found at all), with the occasional Chelsea or Arsenal fan -- but hardly any LFC fans, and aside from one West Ham fan, no further variety of clubs.


I have to say, it IS hard to call Liverpool fans "glory-hunters" -- the 1990s were sh***, and for myself, I can't remember much of the 1980s (I was barely 7 at the time of Hillsborough -- one of my clearest early memories), and aside from 2000-1, there's not been much of late to call "glory".  I think it's a bit unfair to label all non-local Liverpool fans glory-hunters.  Some of us legitimately do have fathers, uncles, granddads and cousins who raised us on a club that is no longer where the immediate family resides (a fact that does not apply only to Liverpool fans).  Since I was raised in a city whose local club is Conference level, it's not as if there was a local club to seriously compete for my brother's and my attention.  Don't see why I should have been a fan of 'Boro or some other Yorkshire club just because they were closer geographically, as those are not "my" city either.  I know it's been mentioned in another thread, but I still don't understand why my loyalties are "less" than another's because of where I live.

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Over here is Sweden. I know there are pool-supporters outside of Liverpool with proper reasons to support them, you for example. Here, too many started following Liverpool when English football started to be televised in Sweden, in the 70s. There were many other clubs that got a decent following back then, Leeds and Wolves for example, but strangely enough you never hear anyone who supports them nowadays. Liverpool had just the right amount of success for people to still be able to support them without risking being called Glory-hunters

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I dislike Man Utd and Liverpool.  For Man Utd, it's really the team I don't like, but in Liverpool's case it's the arrogant supporters who have their heads up their own arses.

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Is Spurs a recent thing? There doesn't seem to be any historical or geographical factors there (except maybe the cockney thing but then surely every London club deserves the same treatment?), but merely more topical because they're loved by the media and are apparently our rivals for the Euro spots. I like to laugh at them, and obviously want them to lose because it benefits us, but there's no genuine dislike of them or their fans. I know a few Spurs fans and they're all quite canny lads actually.


But with the others, especially Man Utd and Liverpool, there's definitely a childhood growing up element to it which just makes me dislike them to the point that I almost enjoy them losing as much as I enjoy Newcastle winning. Almost.

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I detest Arsenal. Ever since Wenger took over most players there turn into one or more of divers, fakers, niggly foulers, foul-mouthed tossers, players who constantly hassle the referee and usually get away with it and just general cheats, including some bright lights along the way like Ian Wright and Patrick Vieira. Pricks. This season the baton is being carried by Eboue and Flamini.


I also hate Everton, mainly because their players on paper, up until this season at least, are largely shite yet they still do well. It's not so bad anymore, but when they first got into the champions league on the back of fouling, bruising and just general attempting to batter teams down it was annoying. I also hate Tim Cahill. I've also never forgiven them for that time they beat us 2-1 at their place when Gravesen committed one of the most ridiculous fouls of all time on Bernard at 1-1, got away with it and then they won a penalty which won the game and effectively stumped our title challenge that year. Bah.


I also hate Boro and Fulham because their presence in the EPL is pointless.

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I officially hate Sunderland but i cannot stand Man Utd, their club has no sole they even have a devil on their badge FFS!


After them i despise Liverpool because of their fans and Spurs.

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Guest TheKingOfNewcastle

As a lad it would have been Liverpool (bourne out of the 1974 FA Cup Final defeat) but now it's Man Utd hands down. From the ungracious whiskey-nosed cunt of a manager, to twats like Roy Keane and Kung-Fu Cantona, to glory hunting bastards in the stands. Horrible.

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Sunderland  :rant: are the obvious bunch of scummy knackers, but...


Liverpool, Manchester Utd & Sellick. Ireland is just covered with the shower of b@stards supporting them. F*cking trophy hunting c*nts.


I also can't watch the the poxy Pool at anfield, their f*cking chants irritate the rampant diahorrea outta me.

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Guest sittingontheball

Hate is too strong a word but....


A season back and it would have been Chelsea for spunking silly money all over the place.  However, the press are seriously gunning for Avram Grant to fail, so I've mellowed a bit on them. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing them beat Liverpool, who often play shite football and are jammy in the CL. They've also got far too many fans in the media, so it would shut them up for a bit. If I had money to bet though, it would be on Liverpool.


I respect Arsenal the most, but sadly it wasn't to be. Grudging respect for ManYoo.  Couldn't give a monkeys about Spurs.

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Man United by a long way.


Plastic fans.


Bunch of whingers when things don't go their way too.


Plastic fans??? In what way?


In the way that all my mates and most of Ireland are ManUre fans and all bar 2 of them have never been to OT, the 2 that have been have only been twice. Now when your team plays the football and has the players like Man Utd surely you would always be there? They say they cant afford to go, when our local pub organises trips to OT for £80 a head. 80 fucking quid man. One of my friends started supporting them after they won the league last year ffs.


Also to these guys their idea of support is LITERALLY sitting in the pub cheering, they do shit like clap off subs, chant etc. When they played us there recently, they were chanting shit like "sad geordie bastards" and "cheerio" etc, there was only 1 nufc there and that was me and i wasnt even going anywhere. They chant to the TV and that makes them content, they couldnt care less about going to games.


Also most of them claim to be these great fans, one of them told me he was supporting "yanited" back before they were winning things, he is fucking 20. Also that guy i mentioned who started supporting after they won the league last year, aye hes been a life long fan now like.


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Man United by a long way.


Plastic fans.


Bunch of whingers when things don't go their way too.


Plastic fans??? In what way?


In the way that all my mates and most of Ireland are ManUre fans and all bar 2 of them have never been to OT, the 2 that have been have only been twice. Now when your team plays the football and has the players like Man Utd surely you would always be there? They say they cant afford to go, when our local pub organises trips to OT for £80 a head. 80 fucking quid man. One of my friends started supporting them after they won the league last year ffs.


Also to these guys their idea of support is LITERALLY sitting in the pub cheering, they do shit like clap off subs, chant etc. When they played us there recently, they were chanting shit like "sad geordie bastards" and "cheerio" etc, there was only 1 nufc there and that was me and i wasnt even going anywhere.  They chant to the TV and that makes them content, they couldnt care less about going to games.


Also most of them claim to be these great fans, one of them told me he was supporting "yanited" back before they were winning things, he is fucking 20. Also that guy i mentioned who started supporting after they won the league last year, aye hes been a life long fan now like.



Ahh, so plastic in the sense that nearly every club in the Premiership has fans like that, including Newcastle.


Man United just have more of them because they're a better team to watch. That's life I'm afraid. Newcastle attracted plenty of people like that when Keegan was manager the first time around.

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