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Limit on Foreign Players

Guest ObaStar

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good idea imho.


Why? Club and international football are two completely different kettles of fish. Look at how sh*t Man Utd did in the Champions League when they had a similar ruling back then. They had to play players like Gary Walsh or Kevin Pilkington ahead of Schmeichel, Terry Cooke rather than Keane. F*cking stupid idea tbh.

yeah but there does seem something in the idea that the countries producing the best players winning things at club level.


Is that what international football's for though, Madras?

i can understand your point but when temas are putting out 11's that are totally foreign it just seems wrong so maybe if teams had to play so many from their home country the prices for average players would rocket so maybe they'd put more care into developing their own.



i'd be more radical and give clubs 5 years notice and say 5 players from each starting 16 (though i beleive 18 is on its way) have to have come through the ranks (in this case from 16 yrs old)

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He could restrict the number of non EU players, I wouldn't put that past him.


That wouldn't be too bad, comes in line with Spain & Italy anyway.


No more than 3 non EU players in the starting line up isn't it?

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He could restrict the number of non EU players, I wouldn't put that past him.


That wouldn't be too bad, comes in line with Spain & Italy anyway.


No more than 3 non EU players in the starting line up isn't it?


I think so. Maybe even 3 in the matchday squad of 18, not so sure.

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good idea imho.


Why? Club and international football are two completely different kettles of fish. Look at how sh*t Man Utd did in the Champions League when they had a similar ruling back then. They had to play players like Gary Walsh or Kevin Pilkington ahead of Schmeichel, Terry Cooke rather than Keane. F*cking stupid idea tbh.

yeah but there does seem something in the idea that the countries producing the best players winning things at club level.


Is that what international football's for though, Madras?

i can understand your point but when temas are putting out 11's that are totally foreign it just seems wrong so maybe if teams had to play so many from their home country the prices for average players would rocket so maybe they'd put more care into developing their own.



i'd be more radical and give clubs 5 years notice and say 5 players from each starting 16 (though i beleive 18 is on its way) have to have come through the ranks (in this case from 16 yrs old)


Remember seeing a quote from Walter Smith or Gordon Strachan recently about that. In Scotland, I think 2 of the 7 subs have to be Under 21 and Scottish. Whichever one of the two it was who was speaking was critical of the ruling saying it meant that he had to name 2 players who didn't particularly deserve to be in the squad, and they were getting a bit above themselves and cocky because they were going round with the attitude that they'd "made it". Basically what he was saying was that instead of having to work their a*ses off in training to prove a point, he had to pick them anyway. Now imagine having to pick 6 Englishman in the team? I think you'll get a lot of the same. Instead of having to work harder in training to prove to the manager that they deserve a chance, they'll be getting picked by default anyway. Not sure how that's going to benefit the national sides.

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Guest Geordiecunny

English players cost enough anyway. It'd just mean the top four buy all the good english players and we get stuck having to play alan smith every week. The problem with the game in this country is all the best players have a good season elsewhere then go to the top four. It's the money going upwards and draining out of the bottom. This would just leave clubs without quality english talent because they'd be such a commodity there'd be no way the top four would allow someone lower to sign anyone decent. All english transfer deals would become like Rooney's but with lesser players. a mid table side come in for a good english player and one of the big four shits themselves and pays a huge fee just to counter the chance of them going elsewhere, only when a club like eveton get their huge fee they cant spend it on reasonably priced quality from abroad, as they have done, they have to spend it paying over the odds for average english talent- the top four improve and everyone else fights for the scraps.

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As long as this rule is extended throughout FIFA, I agree with Blatter.

He is quite correct in stating that the domination of the EPL by the Top 4 IS damaging the game in England and clubs are not putting enough effort into finding and developing young players. It is too easy for them to sign a ready-made player from elsewhere an we all know that big money changes LOTS of hands when this happens.

The rule CANNOT just apply to England - it must be extended everywhere to be fair but, as Opt Nut says, Spain & Italy operate something similar.

As for the EU, the French ignore any rules it makes when it doesn't suit them, so I don't see why other countries/organisations don't.

Far too many bureaucratic rules emanating from that set-up, and I'm sceptical - tough.

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As long as this rule is extended throughout FIFA, I agree with Blatter.

He is quite correct in stating that the domination of the EPL by the Top 4 IS damaging the game in England and clubs are not putting enough effort into finding and developing young players. It is too easy for them to sign a ready-made player from elsewhere an we all know that big money changes LOTS of hands when this happens.

The rule CANNOT just apply to England - it must be extended everywhere to be fair but, as Opt Nut says, Spain & Italy operate something similar.

As for the EU, the French ignore any rules it makes when it doesn't suit them, so I don't see why other countries/organisations don't.

Far too many bureaucratic rules emanating from that set-up, and I'm sceptical - tough.


So do I. 


For every high quality foreign player coming in, there is a distinctly average one coming in as well.  Taking Spurs as an example, players like Berbatov and Modric should always be welcome, players like Ghaly and Stalteri less so.  But Blatter is not fully addressing the problem when he says the clubs are not putting enough effort into developing their own players.  Arsenal put a lot of time and effort into developing young players, the problem is that Fabregas, Flamini, Lupoli, Quincy, Aliadiere, Benttner, Larsson et al are not English.  Until there is a system in place, voluntary or not, whereby all (or a very high percentage) of Academy players are English/British, the problem cannot be properly addressed imho.

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I can't see it happening.


IMO, the problem isn't to do with the first teams (although I do think Arsenal only having one English player in their first team a little disgraceful), more to do with the youth/reserve teams coming up.


Look at Liverpool for example, full of foreigners that they nab when they're 15/16. We've started to do it as well.


Also, English players are far too highly valued as is, why pay 10m for an English player when you can get a same level player for 3m from Ukraine or Russia? 

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It'd mean even more of a concentration of the best English players at the richest clubs, with maybe a few of the better foreigners released for the not-quite-so-rich ones.


For Irish players it would be bad news.


The Mackems would be fucked.

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I think on the surface it would be excellent, although it is easy for me to say this, as we already have loads of English players.


However, the concentration it would create of the best English players at the top 4 is a very valid point.


So I'm not sure.


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How many Spanish players did Barcelona have in their starting XI last night? Valdez, Puyol, Iniesta and Xavi?

Man U had Ferdinand, Brown, Scholes, Carrick and Hargreaves who are English... Where would it make more sense to enforce this rule?

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The heath of the game would be better served by measures to stop all the wealth, glory and talent concentrating at a handful of clubs. A return to the old European Cup format would make more sense than some daft exclusionary thing for "foreigners".

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The heath of the game would be better served by measures to stop all the wealth, glory and talent concentrating at a handful of clubs. A return to the old European Cup format would make more sense than some daft exclusionary thing for "foreigners".


Now that I do agree with.


The Champions League makes me want to vomit, it is everything which is wrong with football. And while they're at it, they can put the UEFA Cup back to its old format, and reinstate the Cup Winners Cup.


Although I also think they should go back to doing commentary from games abroad over crackly phone lines, so I'm a bit of a traditionalist.

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This is Platini's agenda too.


There is no link in the OP but it looks like this was released soon after the confirmation of an all-england final?


They say its for the good of the national teams but whose national team are they referring to? England's? The Italian national team seems ok and apart from the perennial underperformance of Spain at all major tournaments, only England's national side seems to be demonstrably underperforming. The fact that this was really down to McClaren is of course ignored. The rest of the top european sides seem in order. They just dont want English football to be successful at any level.


Ultimatley though they dont want the premier league to have as much power as this is what this is truly about, the bigger and more successful the premiership as an internationally watched league, the less power they have. Utter tossers.



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THe amount of money in English football is scaring foreign teams and owners, they dont want it to go back to the days when English clubs won everything.



They will win the Champions league this seaon, How many english players will play in the Final?

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good idea imho.


Why? Club and international football are two completely different kettles of fish. Look at how sh*t Man Utd did in the Champions League when they had a similar ruling back then. They had to play players like Gary Walsh or Kevin Pilkington ahead of Schmeichel, Terry Cooke rather than Keane. F*cking stupid idea tbh.

yeah but there does seem something in the idea that the countries producing the best players winning things at club level.


Is that what international football's for though, Madras?

i can understand your point but when temas are putting out 11's that are totally foreign it just seems wrong so maybe if teams had to play so many from their home country the prices for average players would rocket so maybe they'd put more care into developing their own.



i'd be more radical and give clubs 5 years notice and say 5 players from each starting 16 (though i beleive 18 is on its way) have to have come through the ranks (in this case from 16 yrs old)


Remember seeing a quote from Walter Smith or Gordon Strachan recently about that. In Scotland, I think 2 of the 7 subs have to be Under 21 and Scottish. Whichever one of the two it was who was speaking was critical of the ruling saying it meant that he had to name 2 players who didn't particularly deserve to be in the squad, and they were getting a bit above themselves and cocky because they were going round with the attitude that they'd "made it". Basically what he was saying was that instead of having to work their a*ses off in training to prove a point, he had to pick them anyway. Now imagine having to pick 6 Englishman in the team? I think you'll get a lot of the same. Instead of having to work harder in training to prove to the manager that they deserve a chance, they'll be getting picked by default anyway. Not sure how that's going to benefit the national sides.

that sounds like an excuse. surely it's easy for the manager to say to those kids that they haven't made it, that they are only there for that reason and they have to prove to him they are worthy of staying there or he can easy get another couple to fill those places.
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THe amount of money in English football is scaring foreign teams and owners, they dont want it to go back to the days when English clubs won everything.



They will win the Champions league this seaon, How many english players will play in the Final?

Like I said, Man U had more English players in their starting XI than Barcelona had Spanish players, Real Madrid had just three Spanish players in their 3-0 win over Bilbao this weekend. Someone tell me why this is only a problem in England?

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Good idea to a degree, something needs to be done that is for sure.


How many english youngsters have been stopped coming through by average foreign players? We have to look after our homegrown players, as they just are not getting the opportunities unless they are genuine quality from day 1.

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Good idea.


It will be hard to applay but I hope UEFA and FIFA will give a shot.


Hate to see teams like Arsenal that almost not have any english player at all. For me it take away the feeling and the emotion feeling for the team.


I don´t just think this is a problem in england. I hope this will be applied in all the counties in europe.

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Good idea.


It will be hard to applay but I hope UEFA and FIFA will give a shot.


Hate to see teams like Arsenal that almost not have any english player at all. For me it take away the feeling and the emotion feeling for the team.


I don´t just think this is a problem in england. I hope this will be applied in all the counties in europe.


Out of the major nations Italy is the most domestically based. They have a limit of 1 non EU player/year. Seems to work for their national team too.

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