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Have we been punching above our weight?


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Guest want_nufc_to_be_big_club

I honestly believe if Ashley did splash out and we did get back to where we were many years ago at least one person would be a little disappointed.


Thats what happens when you get so wound up about a certain aspect and it starts to take over everything you ever have to say about the club.


I don't remember one person claiming new owners would instantly right all the wrongs at the club although that is often claimed with nothing to back it up, but some people seem to have got themselves into a difficult position where if the club did become a success now they would have to admit they were wrong which would kill them :lol:


It seems some want and expect instant results on and off the pitch even though we've only done that once and even then we couldn't sustain it.  The daft thing is that our past limited success (we won nothing) has been paid for by Ashley yet others are given the credit. Ashley paid for the stadium expansion plus £30-40 million which was spent on players.  He'll probably now get blamed for buying Luque as he's paid for him.   :lol:


Aye, well obviously the correct thing for Ashley to do is buy loads of players the business can't afford (it doesn't matter if they're crap or not because the spend alone will say "ambition") and then eventually sell off to someone richer who will pay for his profligacy. There aren't many of those, of course. Maybe Bill Gates or the Sultan of Brunei will develop an interest in football


If he is to buy us i'll be over the moon and probably eat my left nut.

Maybe as a welcome gift he will give to every player one Ferrari each from his collection of cars which i know is around 300-400 or something :yikes:


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I honestly believe if Ashley did splash out and we did get back to where we were many years ago at least one person would be a little disappointed.


Thats what happens when you get so wound up about a certain aspect and it starts to take over everything you ever have to say about the club.


I don't remember one person claiming new owners would instantly right all the wrongs at the club although that is often claimed with nothing to back it up, but some people seem to have got themselves into a difficult position where if the club did become a success now they would have to admit they were wrong which would kill them :lol:


It seems some want and expect instant results on and off the pitch even though we've only done that once and even then we couldn't sustain it.  The daft thing is that our past limited success (we won nothing) has been paid for by Ashley yet others are given the credit. Ashley paid for the stadium expansion plus £30-40 million which was spent on players.  He'll probably now get blamed for buying Luque as he's paid for him.   :lol:


Aye, well obviously the correct thing for Ashley to do is buy loads of players the business can't afford (it doesn't matter if they're crap or not because the spend alone will say "ambition") and then eventually sell off to someone richer who will pay for his profligacy. There aren't many of those, of course. Maybe Bill Gates or the Sultan of Brunei will develop an interest in football.


What 1.8 billion? There's at least 30 billionaires with more money than Ashley in Moscow alone. Many dozens in London as well.

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I honestly believe if Ashley did splash out and we did get back to where we were many years ago at least one person would be a little disappointed.


Thats what happens when you get so wound up about a certain aspect and it starts to take over everything you ever have to say about the club.


I don't remember one person claiming new owners would instantly right all the wrongs at the club although that is often claimed with nothing to back it up, but some people seem to have got themselves into a difficult position where if the club did become a success now they would have to admit they were wrong which would kill them :lol:


It seems some want and expect instant results on and off the pitch even though we've only done that once and even then we couldn't sustain it.  The daft thing is that our past limited success (we won nothing) has been paid for by Ashley yet others are given the credit. Ashley paid for the stadium expansion plus £30-40 million which was spent on players.  He'll probably now get blamed for buying Luque as he's paid for him.   :lol:


Aye, well obviously the correct thing for Ashley to do is buy loads of players the business can't afford (it doesn't matter if they're crap or not because the spend alone will say "ambition") and then eventually sell off to someone richer who will pay for his profligacy. There aren't many of those, of course. Maybe Bill Gates or the Sultan of Brunei will develop an interest in football.


What 1.8 billion? There's at least 30 billionaires with more money than Ashley in Moscow alone. Many dozens in London as well.


Aye, Abramovich had put £580 million into Chelsea before the summer spending began. He could spend around ten times that much and still have more wealth than Ashley. My point was simply that there are no more orders of magnitude to step upwards, simply gradations among the super-rich.

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I don't think we've been punching above our weight, no.


The problem for us is though, that Spurs, Everton & Aston Villa are finally starting to punch their own weight in the Premiership, and Man City, Portsmouth & Blackburn are punching well above theirs.


without a shadow of doubt the best analysis so far


with the addendum that we're headed towards taking the place of the aforementioned clubs and punching below our weight, we'd better be careful 'cause look how long it took them to drag themselves back


Spurs, Everton and Villa ? ALL THREE of those clubs have had genuine real trophy winning success in the last 40 years since we did anything at all, and ALL THREE of those clubs were above us for the vast majority of this time. Its only recent history which has seen us get above those clubs for most of the time. I like some of your posts mate, but you have this the wrong way round I'm afraid.


i presume the OP is referring to our time in the EPL NE5, and not the preceding 40 years as during that time we were puching well below our weight obviously


so looking at the EPL time period i tend to agree with Opt Nuts analysis - we were puching our weight when we challenged for the title, got to the FA cup/Champs League etc... but not above it


during that time the clubs you mention were puching well below their weight, all three being involved in relegation battles at some point more than once...now they're puching their weight in the EPL which ONpt Nut even refers to in his post


i'm not sure what you're disagreeing with here mate, under the hall/shepherd tenures we dragged ourselves up to where we should rightfully be and then it started to slip away...it continues to do so under the new owner whilst around us clubs who could claim an equally if not better history than us are finally dragging themselves from the doldrums they were in...

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i presume the OP is referring to our time in the EPL NE5, and not the preceding 40 years as during that time we were puching well below our weight obviously


so looking at the EPL time period i tend to agree with Opt Nuts analysis - we were puching our weight when we challenged for the title, got to the FA cup/Champs League etc... but not above it


during that time the clubs you mention were puching well below their weight, all three being involved in relegation battles at some point more than once...now they're puching their weight in the EPL which ONpt Nut even refers to in his post


i'm not sure what you're disagreeing with here mate, under the hall/shepherd tenures we dragged ourselves up to where we should rightfully be and then it started to slip away...it continues to do so under the new owner whilst around us clubs who could claim an equally if not better history than us are finally dragging themselves from the doldrums they were in...


I'm not sure how we continued to slip when we actually finished last season 1 place higher than the season before.  I know our points total was slightly down but the league place shows our relative position to others and is the way the season should be judged.


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I honestly believe if Ashley did splash out and we did get back to where we were many years ago at least one person would be a little disappointed.


Thats what happens when you get so wound up about a certain aspect and it starts to take over everything you ever have to say about the club.


I don't remember one person claiming new owners would instantly right all the wrongs at the club although that is often claimed with nothing to back it up, but some people seem to have got themselves into a difficult position where if the club did become a success now they would have to admit they were wrong which would kill them :lol:


It seems some want and expect instant results on and off the pitch even though we've only done that once and even then we couldn't sustain it.  The daft thing is that our past limited success (we won nothing) has been paid for by Ashley yet others are given the credit. Ashley paid for the stadium expansion plus £30-40 million which was spent on players.  He'll probably now get blamed for buying Luque as he's paid for him.   :lol:


Aye, well obviously the correct thing for Ashley to do is buy loads of players the business can't afford (it doesn't matter if they're crap or not because the spend alone will say "ambition") and then eventually sell off to someone richer who will pay for his profligacy. There aren't many of those, of course. Maybe Bill Gates or the Sultan of Brunei will develop an interest in football.


What 1.8 billion? There's at least 30 billionaires with more money than Ashley in Moscow alone. Many dozens in London as well.


Aye, Abramovich had put £580 million into Chelsea before the summer spending began. He could spend around ten times that much and still have more wealth than Ashley. My point was simply that there are no more orders of magnitude to step upwards, simply gradations among the super-rich.


I take your point. Roman is in a whole other league tbf. £12.8 billion. If you start to look closer at assets you can probably double that.

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I take your point. Roman is in a whole other league tbf. £12.8 billion. If you start to look closer at assets you can probably double that.


People also point to Ashley being worth £1.8 billion which probably isn't true now even if it was when he had his windfall.  I would think that he's got a lot less than that in readies.


He's still loaded but is unlikely to have much stashed under his mattress.

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I honestly believe if Ashley did splash out and we did get back to where we were many years ago at least one person would be a little disappointed.


Thats what happens when you get so wound up about a certain aspect and it starts to take over everything you ever have to say about the club.


I don't remember one person claiming new owners would instantly right all the wrongs at the club although that is often claimed with nothing to back it up, but some people seem to have got themselves into a difficult position where if the club did become a success now they would have to admit they were wrong which would kill them :lol:


It seems some want and expect instant results on and off the pitch even though we've only done that once and even then we couldn't sustain it.  The daft thing is that our past limited success (we won nothing) has been paid for by Ashley yet others are given the credit. Ashley paid for the stadium expansion plus £30-40 million which was spent on players.  He'll probably now get blamed for buying Luque as he's paid for him.   :lol:


Aye, well obviously the correct thing for Ashley to do is buy loads of players the business can't afford (it doesn't matter if they're crap or not because the spend alone will say "ambition") and then eventually sell off to someone richer who will pay for his profligacy. There aren't many of those, of course. Maybe Bill Gates or the Sultan of Brunei will develop an interest in football.


What 1.8 billion? There's at least 30 billionaires with more money than Ashley in Moscow alone. Many dozens in London as well.


Aye, Abramovich had put £580 million into Chelsea before the summer spending began. He could spend around ten times that much and still have more wealth than Ashley. My point was simply that there are no more orders of magnitude to step upwards, simply gradations among the super-rich.


I take your point. Roman is in a whole other league tbf. £12.8 billion. If you start to look closer at assets you can probably double that.


His ability to spend and desire to do so are probably unmatched. There are a handful of other people in the world who are comparably rich, but there's no upgrade from there. He represents the peak of money flowing recklessly into the game, as far as I can see, although he could yet step up his own spending. But in general, football won't get any more inflated that this.


Madness to expect anyone to match his expenditure. Starting from a base at least as strong as ours was at Bobby's peak -- the very best we've been in the last decade was where he began -- and looking at the club as a plaything rather than a business, he's thrown well over half a billion quid at the problem and still hasn't won the Champions League. Someone said upthread that he was now in a position to start earning on that investment. Bollocks, frankly.


As for Thaksin, he's throwing money at Man City in the hope of quick success because he's trying to buy popularity and respect in Thailand. His spend is a fraction of Abramovich's, but he's already impatient at the lack of results. Not a situation anyone here should be envying, as it all completely depends on his caprice.

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I honestly believe if Ashley did splash out and we did get back to where we were many years ago at least one person would be a little disappointed.


Thats what happens when you get so wound up about a certain aspect and it starts to take over everything you ever have to say about the club.


I don't remember one person claiming new owners would instantly right all the wrongs at the club although that is often claimed with nothing to back it up, but some people seem to have got themselves into a difficult position where if the club did become a success now they would have to admit they were wrong which would kill them :lol:


It seems some want and expect instant results on and off the pitch even though we've only done that once and even then we couldn't sustain it.  The daft thing is that our past limited success (we won nothing) has been paid for by Ashley yet others are given the credit. Ashley paid for the stadium expansion plus £30-40 million which was spent on players.  He'll probably now get blamed for buying Luque as he's paid for him.   :lol:


Aye, well obviously the correct thing for Ashley to do is buy loads of players the business can't afford (it doesn't matter if they're crap or not because the spend alone will say "ambition") and then eventually sell off to someone richer who will pay for his profligacy. There aren't many of those, of course. Maybe Bill Gates or the Sultan of Brunei will develop an interest in football.


What 1.8 billion? There's at least 30 billionaires with more money than Ashley in Moscow alone. Many dozens in London as well.


Aye, Abramovich had put £580 million into Chelsea before the summer spending began. He could spend around ten times that much and still have more wealth than Ashley. My point was simply that there are no more orders of magnitude to step upwards, simply gradations among the super-rich.


I take your point. Roman is in a whole other league tbf. £12.8 billion. If you start to look closer at assets you can probably double that.


His ability to spend and desire to do so are probably unmatched. There are a handful of other people in the world who are comparably rich, but there's no upgrade from there. He represents the peak of money flowing recklessly into the game, as far as I can see, although he could yet step up his own spending. But in general, football won't get any more inflated that this.


Madness to expect anyone to match his expenditure. Starting from a base at least as strong as ours was at Bobby's peak -- the very best we've been in the last decade was where he began -- and looking at the club as a plaything rather than a business, he's thrown well over half a billion quid at the problem and still hasn't won the Champions League. Someone said upthread that he was now in a position to start earning on that investment. Bollocks, frankly.


As for Thaksin, he's throwing money at Man City in the hope of quick success because he's trying to buy popularity and respect in Thailand. His spend is a fraction of Abramovich's, but he's already impatient at the lack of results. Not a situation anyone here should be envying, as it all completely depends on his caprice.


I don't imagine Thaksin is in for the long haul, so it might not be a good idea for the health of the club to get in too many players on silly wages -  I agree totally he's aiming for immediate impact and hoping to bathe in some kind of spin/pr light.


Roman is a very interesting study for me as I know a fair bit about him and first and foremost he is a genuine football lover who delights in the re-emergence of Russia as a football force.


Owning Chelsea and getting a U.K passport has been his version of path building as many oligarchs are now doing in the Cote d' Azur, London and the French and Swiss Alps (another emerging fav location for property and citizenship grabs). I agree he is the high watermark of vast capital chunks flowing into the PL and I can't see anyone outspending him, especially not with the force and impact of those first seasons.


The question now however is whether he is in for the long haul and imo he isn't. If he's spent say 500m on Chelsea he is already starting to spend more than that on leisure property around the world (they closed him out of Courchavel for some time till he stumped up Euro 300m for a mount-side location at almost 3 times the going rate). Now he has firmly turned his attention to the art market and building a new fleet of yachts and another private jet. Gallery opening in St Petersburg and voracious buying of art around the world - looks like his new love to me.


MA is by no stretch of the imagination in this league, as is our way we've managed to attract a poor billionaire!  bluerazz.gif

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Yeah, if Abramovich doesn't get where he wants to in the next couple of seasons with Scolari, and having shelled out another £100 million or two for a few more galacticos, I can also see him losing interest. But he's not going to get out of there without writing off hundreds of millions of quid.

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I don't think we've been punching above our weight, no.


The problem for us is though, that Spurs, Everton & Aston Villa are finally starting to punch their own weight in the Premiership, and Man City, Portsmouth & Blackburn are punching well above theirs.


without a shadow of doubt the best analysis so far


with the addendum that we're headed towards taking the place of the aforementioned clubs and punching below our weight, we'd better be careful 'cause look how long it took them to drag themselves back


Spurs, Everton and Villa ? ALL THREE of those clubs have had genuine real trophy winning success in the last 40 years since we did anything at all, and ALL THREE of those clubs were above us for the vast majority of this time. Its only recent history which has seen us get above those clubs for most of the time. I like some of your posts mate, but you have this the wrong way round I'm afraid.


i presume the OP is referring to our time in the EPL NE5, and not the preceding 40 years as during that time we were puching well below our weight obviously


so looking at the EPL time period i tend to agree with Opt Nuts analysis - we were puching our weight when we challenged for the title, got to the FA cup/Champs League etc... but not above it


during that time the clubs you mention were puching well below their weight, all three being involved in relegation battles at some point more than once...now they're puching their weight in the EPL which ONpt Nut even refers to in his post


i'm not sure what you're disagreeing with here mate, under the hall/shepherd tenures we dragged ourselves up to where we should rightfully be and then it started to slip away...it continues to do so under the new owner whilst around us clubs who could claim an equally if not better history than us are finally dragging themselves from the doldrums they were in...


The point I'm making, is that we got above those clubs by our own efforts, and we are now below them - again - for the same reason, this is relative to the title "punching our weight".  If that explains it differently, I think this is better phrased.


I don't accept those 3 clubs are bigger than us, because they are not.



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I don't think we've been punching above our weight, no.


The problem for us is though, that Spurs, Everton & Aston Villa are finally starting to punch their own weight in the Premiership, and Man City, Portsmouth & Blackburn are punching well above theirs.


without a shadow of doubt the best analysis so far


with the addendum that we're headed towards taking the place of the aforementioned clubs and punching below our weight, we'd better be careful 'cause look how long it took them to drag themselves back


Spurs, Everton and Villa ? ALL THREE of those clubs have had genuine real trophy winning success in the last 40 years since we did anything at all, and ALL THREE of those clubs were above us for the vast majority of this time. Its only recent history which has seen us get above those clubs for most of the time. I like some of your posts mate, but you have this the wrong way round I'm afraid.


i presume the OP is referring to our time in the EPL NE5, and not the preceding 40 years as during that time we were puching well below our weight obviously


so looking at the EPL time period i tend to agree with Opt Nuts analysis - we were puching our weight when we challenged for the title, got to the FA cup/Champs League etc... but not above it


during that time the clubs you mention were puching well below their weight, all three being involved in relegation battles at some point more than once...now they're puching their weight in the EPL which ONpt Nut even refers to in his post


i'm not sure what you're disagreeing with here mate, under the hall/shepherd tenures we dragged ourselves up to where we should rightfully be and then it started to slip away...it continues to do so under the new owner whilst around us clubs who could claim an equally if not better history than us are finally dragging themselves from the doldrums they were in...


The point I'm making, is that we got above those clubs by our own efforts, and we are now below them - again - for the same reason, this is relative to the title "punching our weight".  If that explains it differently, I think this is better phrased.


I don't accept those 3 clubs are bigger than us, because they are not.



A combination of our own efforts, and those clubs not being much to write home about up until the last few seasons.

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I don't think we've been punching above our weight, no.


The problem for us is though, that Spurs, Everton & Aston Villa are finally starting to punch their own weight in the Premiership, and Man City, Portsmouth & Blackburn are punching well above theirs.


without a shadow of doubt the best analysis so far


with the addendum that we're headed towards taking the place of the aforementioned clubs and punching below our weight, we'd better be careful 'cause look how long it took them to drag themselves back


Spurs, Everton and Villa ? ALL THREE of those clubs have had genuine real trophy winning success in the last 40 years since we did anything at all, and ALL THREE of those clubs were above us for the vast majority of this time. Its only recent history which has seen us get above those clubs for most of the time. I like some of your posts mate, but you have this the wrong way round I'm afraid.


i presume the OP is referring to our time in the EPL NE5, and not the preceding 40 years as during that time we were puching well below our weight obviously


so looking at the EPL time period i tend to agree with Opt Nuts analysis - we were puching our weight when we challenged for the title, got to the FA cup/Champs League etc... but not above it


during that time the clubs you mention were puching well below their weight, all three being involved in relegation battles at some point more than once...now they're puching their weight in the EPL which ONpt Nut even refers to in his post


i'm not sure what you're disagreeing with here mate, under the hall/shepherd tenures we dragged ourselves up to where we should rightfully be and then it started to slip away...it continues to do so under the new owner whilst around us clubs who could claim an equally if not better history than us are finally dragging themselves from the doldrums they were in...


The point I'm making, is that we got above those clubs by our own efforts, and we are now below them - again - for the same reason, this is relative to the title "punching our weight".  If that explains it differently, I think this is better phrased.


I don't accept those 3 clubs are bigger than us, because they are not.



A combination of our own efforts, and those clubs not being much to write home about up until the last few seasons.


Well, if you want to accept that football is all about having ups and downs, I wouldn't disagree.


But we overtook lots of clubs, over the span of the 15 years, only 4 clubs did better than we did. So I would look on the positive side and say we got our act together quite well, rather than belittle it.



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I don't think we've been punching above our weight, no.


The problem for us is though, that Spurs, Everton & Aston Villa are finally starting to punch their own weight in the Premiership, and Man City, Portsmouth & Blackburn are punching well above theirs.


without a shadow of doubt the best analysis so far


with the addendum that we're headed towards taking the place of the aforementioned clubs and punching below our weight, we'd better be careful 'cause look how long it took them to drag themselves back


Spurs, Everton and Villa ? ALL THREE of those clubs have had genuine real trophy winning success in the last 40 years since we did anything at all, and ALL THREE of those clubs were above us for the vast majority of this time. Its only recent history which has seen us get above those clubs for most of the time. I like some of your posts mate, but you have this the wrong way round I'm afraid.


i presume the OP is referring to our time in the EPL NE5, and not the preceding 40 years as during that time we were puching well below our weight obviously


so looking at the EPL time period i tend to agree with Opt Nuts analysis - we were puching our weight when we challenged for the title, got to the FA cup/Champs League etc... but not above it


during that time the clubs you mention were puching well below their weight, all three being involved in relegation battles at some point more than once...now they're puching their weight in the EPL which ONpt Nut even refers to in his post


i'm not sure what you're disagreeing with here mate, under the hall/shepherd tenures we dragged ourselves up to where we should rightfully be and then it started to slip away...it continues to do so under the new owner whilst around us clubs who could claim an equally if not better history than us are finally dragging themselves from the doldrums they were in...


The point I'm making, is that we got above those clubs by our own efforts, and we are now below them - again - for the same reason, this is relative to the title "punching our weight".  If that explains it differently, I think this is better phrased.


I don't accept those 3 clubs are bigger than us, because they are not.



A combination of our own efforts, and those clubs not being much to write home about up until the last few seasons.


Well, if you want to accept that football is all about having ups and downs, I wouldn't disagree.


But we overtook lots of clubs, over the span of the 15 years, only 4 clubs did better than we did. So I would look on the positive side and say we got our act together quite well, rather than belittle it.



I'm not belittling it at all. What we achieved under Hall mid-90s, and then Shepherd early 2000s was excellent. They got us to the standard we belong, ie, top 6 club. However, it's a bit naive to think that the likes of Aston Villa, Everton & Spurs would struggle in the Premiership forever. They were inevitably going to get it together.

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I don't think we've been punching above our weight, no.


The problem for us is though, that Spurs, Everton & Aston Villa are finally starting to punch their own weight in the Premiership, and Man City, Portsmouth & Blackburn are punching well above theirs.


without a shadow of doubt the best analysis so far


with the addendum that we're headed towards taking the place of the aforementioned clubs and punching below our weight, we'd better be careful 'cause look how long it took them to drag themselves back


Spurs, Everton and Villa ? ALL THREE of those clubs have had genuine real trophy winning success in the last 40 years since we did anything at all, and ALL THREE of those clubs were above us for the vast majority of this time. Its only recent history which has seen us get above those clubs for most of the time. I like some of your posts mate, but you have this the wrong way round I'm afraid.


i presume the OP is referring to our time in the EPL NE5, and not the preceding 40 years as during that time we were puching well below our weight obviously


so looking at the EPL time period i tend to agree with Opt Nuts analysis - we were puching our weight when we challenged for the title, got to the FA cup/Champs League etc... but not above it


during that time the clubs you mention were puching well below their weight, all three being involved in relegation battles at some point more than once...now they're puching their weight in the EPL which ONpt Nut even refers to in his post


i'm not sure what you're disagreeing with here mate, under the hall/shepherd tenures we dragged ourselves up to where we should rightfully be and then it started to slip away...it continues to do so under the new owner whilst around us clubs who could claim an equally if not better history than us are finally dragging themselves from the doldrums they were in...


The point I'm making, is that we got above those clubs by our own efforts, and we are now below them - again - for the same reason, this is relative to the title "punching our weight".  If that explains it differently, I think this is better phrased.


I don't accept those 3 clubs are bigger than us, because they are not.



A combination of our own efforts, and those clubs not being much to write home about up until the last few seasons.


Well, if you want to accept that football is all about having ups and downs, I wouldn't disagree.


But we overtook lots of clubs, over the span of the 15 years, only 4 clubs did better than we did. So I would look on the positive side and say we got our act together quite well, rather than belittle it.



I'm not belittling it at all. What we achieved under Hall mid-90s, and then Shepherd early 2000s was excellent. They got us to the standard we belong, ie, top 6 club. However, it's a bit naive to think that the likes of Aston Villa, Everton & Spurs would struggle in the Premiership forever. They were inevitably going to get it together.


of course, so its up to us to move forward again.



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Guest optimistic nit

...and will this window be the start of the comedown?


Furthermore are people ready to accept that the club will now go through a 2/3 season rationalising process?


I understand the point you are making, but its hard to hear the "be patient" line after 40 years of failing to win a trophy.  



dont you mean 1 year?

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Guest optimistic nit

I honestly believe if Ashley did splash out and we did get back to where we were many years ago at least one person would be a little disappointed.


Thats what happens when you get so wound up about a certain aspect and it starts to take over everything you ever have to say about the club.


I don't remember one person claiming new owners would instantly right all the wrongs at the club although that is often claimed with nothing to back it up, but some people seem to have got themselves into a difficult position where if the club did become a success now they would have to admit they were wrong which would kill them :lol:


It seems some want and expect instant results on and off the pitch even though we've only done that once and even then we couldn't sustain it.  The daft thing is that our past limited success (we won nothing) has been paid for by Ashley yet others are given the credit. Ashley paid for the stadium expansion plus £30-40 million which was spent on players.  He'll probably now get blamed for buying Luque as he's paid for him.   :lol:


Aye, well obviously the correct thing for Ashley to do is buy loads of players the business can't afford (it doesn't matter if they're crap or not because the spend alone will say "ambition") and then eventually sell off to someone richer who will pay for his profligacy. There aren't many of those, of course. Maybe Bill Gates or the Sultan of Brunei will develop an interest in football.


What 1.8 billion? There's at least 30 billionaires with more money than Ashley in Moscow alone. Many dozens in London as well.



you used to be alright, what happened?

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I honestly believe if Ashley did splash out and we did get back to where we were many years ago at least one person would be a little disappointed.


Thats what happens when you get so wound up about a certain aspect and it starts to take over everything you ever have to say about the club.


I don't remember one person claiming new owners would instantly right all the wrongs at the club although that is often claimed with nothing to back it up, but some people seem to have got themselves into a difficult position where if the club did become a success now they would have to admit they were wrong which would kill them :lol:


It seems some want and expect instant results on and off the pitch even though we've only done that once and even then we couldn't sustain it.  The daft thing is that our past limited success (we won nothing) has been paid for by Ashley yet others are given the credit. Ashley paid for the stadium expansion plus £30-40 million which was spent on players.  He'll probably now get blamed for buying Luque as he's paid for him.   :lol:


Aye, well obviously the correct thing for Ashley to do is buy loads of players the business can't afford (it doesn't matter if they're crap or not because the spend alone will say "ambition") and then eventually sell off to someone richer who will pay for his profligacy. There aren't many of those, of course. Maybe Bill Gates or the Sultan of Brunei will develop an interest in football


If he is to buy us i'll be over the moon and probably eat my left nut.

Maybe as a welcome gift he will give to every player one Ferrari each from his collection of cars which i know is around 300-400 or something :yikes:



His brother owns the cars.

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I don't think we've been punching above our weight, no.


The problem for us is though, that Spurs, Everton & Aston Villa are finally starting to punch their own weight in the Premiership, and Man City, Portsmouth & Blackburn are punching well above theirs.


without a shadow of doubt the best analysis so far


with the addendum that we're headed towards taking the place of the aforementioned clubs and punching below our weight, we'd better be careful 'cause look how long it took them to drag themselves back


Spurs, Everton and Villa ? ALL THREE of those clubs have had genuine real trophy winning success in the last 40 years since we did anything at all, and ALL THREE of those clubs were above us for the vast majority of this time. Its only recent history which has seen us get above those clubs for most of the time. I like some of your posts mate, but you have this the wrong way round I'm afraid.


i presume the OP is referring to our time in the EPL NE5, and not the preceding 40 years as during that time we were puching well below our weight obviously


so looking at the EPL time period i tend to agree with Opt Nuts analysis - we were puching our weight when we challenged for the title, got to the FA cup/Champs League etc... but not above it


during that time the clubs you mention were puching well below their weight, all three being involved in relegation battles at some point more than once...now they're puching their weight in the EPL which ONpt Nut even refers to in his post


i'm not sure what you're disagreeing with here mate, under the hall/shepherd tenures we dragged ourselves up to where we should rightfully be and then it started to slip away...it continues to do so under the new owner whilst around us clubs who could claim an equally if not better history than us are finally dragging themselves from the doldrums they were in...


The point I'm making, is that we got above those clubs by our own efforts, and we are now below them - again - for the same reason, this is relative to the title "punching our weight".  If that explains it differently, I think this is better phrased.


I don't accept those 3 clubs are bigger than us, because they are not.




still not really sure what you're trying to say dude, of course they're not bigger than us nor did i say they were...they all are, however, bigger clubs than their performance during the EPL period suggests when they were indeed puching below their weight


the title was about puching ABOVE our weight not just puching our weight, which i said we haven't been


think this is a case of two people saying the same thing different ways

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