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New signing in <24 hours? No; 'over the weekend'

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Our coverage of Newcastle United's pre-season tour in Mallorca, in the Mallorca Summer Cup is brought to you in association with Pet-Supermarket.co.uk, the UK's largest online pet shop.




Nearly as bad as that internet ice-cream company that sponsored the ball at Donny. :laugh:


Is that the one in Jarrow where chezgiven gets his gerbils from?  :laugh2:

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Coloccini has just been a smokescreen, in fact, we've been after Bramble all this time :D

Seriously though, I'll believe this story when I see it. Is it definitely not Bassong he's talking about though?

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Guest elbee909

Coloccini has just been a smokescreen, in fact, we've been after Bramble all this time :D

Seriously though, I'll believe this story when I see it. Is it definitely not Bassong he's talking about though?


There's not much I hate more than the 'smokescreen' thing.  The only people it'd smokescreen would be us, so why would they ever do it?

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If Arsenal want him he can't be all that bad..




Igor Spenaovs

Christopher Wreh

Stefan Malz

Paulo Vernazza

Alberto Mendez

Nelson Vivas

Junichi Imanoto

Fabian Caballero

Richard Wright

Pascal Cygan

Rami Shaaban

Jermemie Aliadiere

Kaba Diawara

David Grondin


Tomasz Danilvicius

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Is it possible to display that as as image, or not?



kind of [ img]www.countdownclock.jpg[ /img]


Makes no sense. How could a static image be generated from a moving clock? Unless it was a new image every time it was refreshed, which I doubt.

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Guest elbee909

the following happens between 12 and 1 pm........


We need to speak to the President!



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Is it possible to display that as as image, or not?



kind of [ img]www.countdownclock.jpg[ /img]


Makes no sense. How could a static image be generated from a moving clock? Unless it was a new image every time it was refreshed, which I doubt.


Well the actual clock creator says you should be able to display it on your site, I just don't know the html needed. It's probably too complicated in that case to waste time on.

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the following happens between 12 and 1 pm........


We need to speak to the President!




*Phone rings*: Kevin, this is Freddy Shepherd, I have your daughter.

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