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Even Owen has price

Guest toonlass

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The mirrors printed 2 versions of the paper today. Each has one or the other of those 2 storys on the back page- the u-turn one obviously being the later.


Wonder what we actually done/said to warrent them going to that much effort?  Assume there's a fair degree of truth to it anyway.

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Or we could sign a decent striker before the deadline, and play hardball with owen and his agent? How many other clubs will pay what we are for owen, and would realistically want him? Not many, if any in my opinion given his track record with injurys


Define "decent" striker though? David Healy for 1.5m? Owen and his agent aren't going to be impressed by that tactic unless it is another genuine world class striker...


I'm with toonlass - get this sorted. Ashley's determination to gain the best terms for the club is admirable, but hardball only gets you so far - and if he is offered any sort of pay cut, he would be bonkers not to say "I'll wait until January and see what I can get elsewhere thanks"


Owen will find it very, very hard to find a club who'll pay him what we are.


No he won't. He'll find it very easy actually. This time next year he'll be free. All those millions that a club will save on transfer fees will be available to stick straight on his wages, and that's exactly what they'll do to tempt him. The top four won't be in for him but there'll still be plenty of interest from other clubs. The advantage they have over us is that they can sit back for a season and see what he does in order to judge his worth.


This also applies in reverse - if we lose Owen over a million or two, and then have to spend 20m replacing him and matching the 4-6m per annum wages Owen is supposedly on...


EDIT: That is a very significant advantage other clubs have, and the crux of our problems - exactly how to value Owen's future worth

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Honestly this whole thing just pisses me right off.


I am sick of hearing supposed Newcastle fans in the workplace and elsewhere dismiss him as 'shite' and saying we should sell him asap.


I realise his injury record is terrible but he is absolutely top drawer, and any player who comes in to replace him in our current situation WILL be worse than him.


Owen adds a bit of that special something to our club, he sets us apart for the Evertons, and the Man City's of this world, just that little touch of class we otherwise wouldnt have.


So, to conclude; give him the contract he is after for 3 or 4 years and be done with this whole thing for christ's sake.

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I think Owen will move on at the end of the season. I'd hope he feels that he owes the club (and more importantly) us fans something, given all the time he's missed through being injured. Would love him to commit to more time here, but I don't think he will.

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Guest neesy111

michael owen is a little shit only here for the money


some fan's are making him out to be bigger than the club


his transfer still goes down as the worst in the clubs history over transfer fee and wages


get rid of the little shit

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:lol: They will not be spending time offering Owen a new deal until the window closes, they have much more important things to sort, do not believe the shite you read in the press, signing new players is what they will be putting all their energy onto.
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3 year contract, £125,000 a week.


Total joke tbh


So would you prefer to lose him for less than £10m now at this late stage in the transfer window or possibly lose him for nowt next summer?


It's a lot of money in wages, but we desperately need a player like Michael Owen in the squad.


Pay it and keep him.

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3 year contract, £125,000 a week.


Total joke tbh


So would you prefer to lose him for less than £10m now at this late stage in the transfer window or possibly lose him for nowt next summer?


It's a lot of money in wages, but we desperately need a player like Michael Owen in the squad.


Pay it and keep him.



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Guest sid1984

It was on Skysports news David Craig just had a phone call from a highly ranked club official as Sky were trying to big up Owen leaving.

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3 year contract, £125,000 a week.


Total joke tbh


So would you prefer to lose him for less than £10m now at this late stage in the transfer window or possibly lose him for nowt next summer?


It's a lot of money in wages, but we desperately need a player like Michael Owen in the squad.


Pay it and keep him.


We don't have to sell for another year and we'll never get more than a couple of million for him anyway with his wages. Offering a player who only plays half our games twice as much as anyone else in the squad is something Freddy Shepherd would do. e

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Guest Geordiesned

3 year contract, £125,000 a week.


Is that official?


SSN yellow ticker


So no it's not official.


Find it very strange that Newcastle would be telling Sky this though.

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one of the papers said we'd sell for 2mill. if thats the case i'd rather we kept him for a year and lose him for nowt. losing out on 2mill will be worth it if his goals win us a trophy, get us into europe or even just get us more prize money from the league. but we need to get him signed up asap to be honest

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