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Those criticising KK for resigning

Guest Howaythetoon

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"clubs should not impose upon any manager any player that he does not want.”


But if they do you're free to leave them to rot in the reserves.


Starting to feel a bit let down by Keegan now.


I'll keep you all posted on my constantly changing moods.


But why should a player who hasn't done anything wrong suffer?

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I think there is way too much sentimentality and sensationalism going on here. of course, it's understandable, and who wouldn't have the time to think of what Kevin Keegan means to this club. But let's face it, I think we can all admit that we werent all that easy with KK's return as manager. We all felt overjoyed at seeing him come back, in those few photos published with Mort the night of the Stoke game. But we all had a gut feeling that this maybe wasn't the best thing for this club.


We must keep the focus on NUFC as a whole, and those who play for the club, and just move on. Thats reality for ya

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Guest Micktoon

Bottom line is. No matter who was wrong or right yet again the country is pissing itself laughing at us again. When the fuck is this club ever going to be run professionally.


I'm gutted he's left and have no clue who in their right mind would take this job on with the current heirachy.


Right now I'm totally disillusioned with the club and the sport, the icing and cherry would be if that horrible little cunt wise takes over.

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I think there is way too much sentimentality and sensationalism going on here. of course, it's understandable, and who wouldn't have the time to think of what Kevin Keegan means to this club. But let's face it, I think we can all admit that we werent all that easy with KK's return as manager. We all felt overjoyed at seeing him come back, in those few photos published with Mort the night of the Stoke game. But we all had a gut feeling that this maybe wasn't the best thing for this club.


We must keep the focus on NUFC as a whole, and those who play for the club, and just move on. Thats reality for ya


Speak for yourself. I was over the moon, as were many. If I'd known the manager wasn't going to be the manager, maybe I'd have thought differently.

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To be frank, it was never going to last. He should never have returned, especially after he had been out of the game for three years. They say you should never go back and more often than not, this saying is correct.


Whilst the entire situation is currently being discussed on emotional highs, the rational points are that no one man is bigger than the club and we need to regroup as quickly as possible because we have a very important game next week against Hull City and 3 points are vital.


Bridges need to be re-built immediately because the last thing we now need is a player revolt, although I do not think this will happen.


However, we need to appoint someone (obviously not Wise or Poyet) who has the capability of regaining confidence in the short term and ther ability of turning this club around in the long term.


Roles of management will need to be specifically designed for all encumbents and personnel adhere to those procedures.


This job is crying out for a mature, experienced manager and I can only feel that Ashley should now look to the future by going for the best around and that is Hiddink.


The fans need to be appeased with quality and if Ashley has to break the bank to get him, go for it.


If not, then I wouldnt be surpised to see them go for some Spanish unknown who will no doubt follow in the footsteps of Allardyce and Keegan by lasing no more than 8 months.

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Hand on heart, how many can honestly say they didn't see this day coming?


Not after the way preseason and the first two weeks of the season went. Thought we'd have Keegan in until the end of the season at least.


Keegan has a lot to answer for, for yet again walking out imo. More pissed off about the whole situation as we lie yet again in tatters. But The King has his share of the blame.

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To be frank, it was never going to last. He should never have returned, especially after he had been out of the game for three years. They say you should never go back and more often than not, this saying is correct.


Whilst the entire situation is currently being discussed on emotional highs, the rational points are that no one man is bigger than the club and we need to regroup as quickly as possible because we have a very important game next week against Hull City and 3 points are vital.


Bridges need to be re-built immediately because the last thing we now need is a player revolt, although I do not think this will happen.


However, we need to appoint someone (obviously not Wise or Poyet) who has the capability of regaining confidence in the short term and ther ability of turning this club around in the long term.


Roles of management will need to be specifically designed for all encumbents and personnel adhere to those procedures.


This job is crying out for a mature, experienced manager and I can only feel that Ashley should now look to the future by going for the best around and that is Hiddink.


The fans need to be appeased with quality and if Ashley has to break the bank to get him, go for it.


If not, then I wouldnt be surpised to see them go for some Spanish unknown who will no doubt follow in the footsteps of Allardyce and Keegan by lasing no more than 8 months.



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Hand on heart, how many can honestly say they didn't see this day coming?


I didn't think it was likely until recently - but I will say that I'd never ruled it out. It was also a possibility. We discredited the media's stories on this time and time again - no doubt sometimes they went overboard with it, but it turns out there was some truth in what they had to say. No smoke without fire and all that jazz.

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Hand on heart, how many can honestly say they didn't see this day coming?


I didn't think it was likely until recently - but I will say that I'd never ruled it out. It was also a possibility. We discredited the media's stories on this time and time again - no doubt sometimes they went overboard with it, but it turns out there was some truth in what they had to say. No smoke without fire and all that jazz.

Why the fire tho! ASHLEY

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We'll never know the whole story, but I wonder how much Keegan knows about Ashley's "vision" when he decided to take up the managerial post. Did Keegan know Wise would be brought in as director of football, or that he'll have little (if any) say in what players come in/out of the club? I doubt so, else I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have take up the post.


Keegan has technically become a facilitator rather than a manager, and how is he going to get the most out of players when his authority over them is undermined?


Walking out now is an emotional repsonse. We know Keegan's like that, and as someone mentioned, we like him because of his passion. But if I were him, I'd react the same if I feel my trust has been betrayed. In fact, the same thing happened to me in my work many years back, and it still hurts now.


It's not the best timing, might not even be the best option, but when you lose your trust in your employers, there isn't any point in staying around anymore.



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Principles again. Its like saying to KK you're the boss but we don't quite trust your judgement. Yes 12m was great money but look at the bigger picture, we've lost KK over it (and other things).


My only problem is that he knew that he wasnt in full control almost from the get go. He even gave an interview that he accepted the structure (wise, Jiminez and co). Unless things changed dramatically on the last few days, then KK has a share of the blame (a substantial part actually).


If Colo and Jonas are the yarstick for the players we were buying, then by all means, Wise and Co have been doing exceptionally well. By all accounts we have a good squad and have made a superb start to the season. Being so much apart of us, surely KK can foresee the consequences of his resignation. Even if he didnt fully agree with the transfers (he has suffered the summer transfer window), surely for the sake of the club, he could just continue managing us and resign at a better time (end of season).


Was managing 2/3 players that he didnt buy so painful that it was worth walking out from the club and leaving us in a state of utter disaster? How does the club benefit from this situation, are we in a  better position because we now know that KK is standing for his principles, at best he earns more respect and adulation.


Principles are important but sometimes you also have to look at the bigger picture and one should only stand by his principles if the consequences are immaterial. Had some other managers done this, I would have perhaps understood. But KK is no ordinary manager, given how close Keagen is to us, I expected more from him than to just stand by his principles with scant regards to the consequnces of his action.     

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Couldn't agree more, very well put Alpal.


It's not the best timing, might not even be the best option, but when you lose your trust in your employers, there isn't any point in staying around anymore.


It isn't that simple though, It's not like any other job where you'd be right to walk away.

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Guest saltspringer

Professional sports is a business , its lawyers, agents, owners , players , media et all. A football managers job is to run the team he's given. Its 2008  not 1968 , you dont just hire a Joe Harvey anymore and get him to run the team ,sign players , wheel and deal , liase with the media , hobnob with agents etc.  Keegan  should not have taken the job if he wasn't prepared to do the job thats required in the premiership of the new millenia , either that or he was incredibly naiive .His track record as a manager is that of a quitter and I cant really believe anyone can be overly suprised . Keegan may have been the savior once upon a time but now he's just put NUFC back twenty years . Good riddance.

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Professional sports is a business , its lawyers, agents, owners , players , media et all. A football managers job is to run the team he's given. Its 2008  not 1968 , you dont just hire a Joe Harvey anymore and get him to run the team ,sign players , wheel and deal , liase with the media , hobnob with agents etc.  Keegan  should not have taken the job if he wasn't prepared to do the job thats required in the premiership of the new millenia , either that or he was incredibly naiive .His track record as a manager is that of a quitter and I cant really believe anyone can be overly suprised . Keegan may have been the savior once upon a time but now he's just put NUFC back twenty years . Good riddance.


You might want to locate a tin hat, and fast.

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He even gave an interview that he accepted the structure (wise, Jiminez and co). Unless things changed dramatically on the last few days, then KK has a share of the blame (a substantial part actually).


That he publicly accepted it doesn't necessarily mean he approves of it hands down. Would've been more impulsive if he had made a huge fuss over that and walked out back then. I can only assume that Keegan only realised how badly the structure was undermining him these past few days, with the coming and going of players behind his back.





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Professional sports is a business , its lawyers, agents, owners , players , media et all. A football managers job is to run the team he's given. Its 2008  not 1968 , you dont just hire a Joe Harvey anymore and get him to run the team ,sign players , wheel and deal , liase with the media , hobnob with agents etc.  Keegan  should not have taken the job if he wasn't prepared to do the job thats required in the premiership of the new millenia , either that or he was incredibly naiive .His track record as a manager is that of a quitter and I cant really believe anyone can be overly suprised . Keegan may have been the savior once upon a time but now he's just put NUFC back twenty years . Good riddance.


Aye, why not turn every other thing into a "business" and see what sort of world you live in. But you do have a point. Back in the 60s there was sports and there were real fans; now it's the 2008s--there are only businesses and guilible "consumers" like yourself. :)

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Guest saltspringer

Professional sports is a business , its lawyers, agents, owners , players , media et all. A football managers job is to run the team he's given. Its 2008  not 1968 , you dont just hire a Joe Harvey anymore and get him to run the team ,sign players , wheel and deal , liase with the media , hobnob with agents etc.  Keegan  should not have taken the job if he wasn't prepared to do the job thats required in the premiership of the new millenia , either that or he was incredibly naiive .His track record as a manager is that of a quitter and I cant really believe anyone can be overly suprised . Keegan may have been the savior once upon a time but now he's just put NUFC back twenty years . Good riddance.


Aye, why not turn every other thing into a "business" and see what sort of world you live in. But you do have a point. Back in the 60s there was sports and there were real fans; now it's the 2008s--there are only businesses and guilible "consumers" like yourself. :)



Gullible  consumer ???  Hardly ... cynical consumer most definitely , everything is a business  these days and I don't think KK realised that . Regardless , he made a commitment to the team,  the city and the supporters then bailed  out under the guise of being principled ... ?  go figure ...

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To be honest, a lot of what Saltspringer has said is true. Football is no longer a sport but a business and most top clubs are running their clubs like a busness. Up until the Ashley era, we were run by a second rate business man whose business acumen almost took the club to the very brink of closure. If it were not for Ashley, we might not be supporting NUFC now.


His ideas of management teams working together in order to stablize what was a sinking ship, has virtually put the club back on an even keel in a short time.


Yes, we still are paying off debt from the previous administration and probably will be for 2 or 3 more years yet. I dont think Keegan could handle the fact that established players like Hnry, Lampard, Ronaldinho etc were well out of our reach at present and the fact that there would be no sale on money coming in would just put the club back to where it started pre Ashley.


In essence, Keegan wanted instant success, megapounds to spend just like last time and when he was denied this, that is when he came out with the comment after the Chelsea game that he couldnt get the club into the top 4. That was when the rot set in because it is clear proof to the current administration that Keegan could not build a team from young players over a number of years, into a challenging top 4 team.


Patience is a virtue, so they say, but Keegan had very little of this and his niavety at the current business world of football was there for all to see. He wanted instant success but we are not owned by arab billionaires who can afford the best players in the world. Unfortunately, Keegan couldnt see this and wasnt willing to work within the framework the club admionistration had established.


We now have to look ahead fior a manager who clearly understands the current mode of football management and can blend into the administration as a member of a team and not spout off like a spoilt brat when he doesnt get his own way.

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To be frank, it was never going to last. He should never have returned, especially after he had been out of the game for three years. They say you should never go back and more often than not, this saying is correct.


Whilst the entire situation is currently being discussed on emotional highs, the rational points are that no one man is bigger than the club and we need to regroup as quickly as possible because we have a very important game next week against Hull City and 3 points are vital.


Bridges need to be re-built immediately because the last thing we now need is a player revolt, although I do not think this will happen.


However, we need to appoint someone (obviously not Wise or Poyet) who has the capability of regaining confidence in the short term and ther ability of turning this club around in the long term.


Roles of management will need to be specifically designed for all encumbents and personnel adhere to those procedures.


This job is crying out for a mature, experienced manager and I can only feel that Ashley should now look to the future by going for the best around and that is Hiddink.


The fans need to be appeased with quality and if Ashley has to break the bank to get him, go for it.


If not, then I wouldnt be surpised to see them go for some Spanish unknown who will no doubt follow in the footsteps of Allardyce and Keegan by lasing no more than 8 months.




aye canny post that macca; i've intentionally stayed away from this board for the last few days 'cause i knew it'd all be overreactions and shooting down anyone with dissenting voices as happened all summer by the fucking "wait and see" brigade (no i've not forgotten you lot, we waited, we saw, worked a treat eh?)


anyways that aside seems to me KK must have rapped due to the rumoured player sales rather than the ones that were being brought in...he's said too much in support of the structure for it to be a massive problem - in fact the only thing he's talked more about since the season started is supporting barton & shouting about getting owen to sign...if the club attempted to sell both of those players against his will then imo this will be the reason


keegan ain't no idiot, he'll see the players we've got in are good, better than what we had, so why would he leave just 'cause he didn't sign them?  he knows the club is bigger than the man & for me it doesn't wash...


on the other hand if he agreed to sell milner on the proviso he'd be replaced with "player x" and that didn't happen plus the mooted sales of owen & barton then it makes the most sense


imo the club will be sold in the not too distant future and he'll be back as manager but until then macca is right, the next managerial appointment will show the direction the club is gonna go under ashleys ownership as well - if it's a wise crony forget it, if he goes for an established guy such as hiddink (although he's out of our league imo) then it'll send a message

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thing i question though, is why walk now? i don't blame him, but why not earlier?


is this to say that guthrie, collo and jonas were kk signings and the board suddenly changed it? i doubt it.


i suspect it has always been this way, and he knew how it was going, so why walk now?





you fool, he gave them the transfer,Window, to fullfil thier promises, and they didnt. so he gave them the choice of doing things his way, they didnt accept it, therefore, he has qit now....simple to understand.

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