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Joint Statement from "The Mag" and "True Faith".

Guest Heneage

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At the very worst this is Mike Ashley's only major mistake since taking over the football club, and I think this is a massive over reaction and is quite frankly out of order, especially as the new owner is new to all of this.


You are all just taking years of frustration with Newcastle out on the current owner, who has hardly had anything to do with it all.


You are allowing a dislike of one individual in the whole setup i.e. Dennis Wise, as well as some weird dislike of Londoners/southerners to convince yourselves that they must all be evil and bad and seeking to destroy Newcastle United.


This is all extremely silly, especially when no one knows exactly what has gone on and has caused the current predicament. It is all rather astonishing.


Keegan resigned as manager. This is the only 100% cast iron fact we have.


What a load of tosh. We have spent less money on transfers than all but 5 clubs, despite claims from the owner there would be money available. 100% cast iron fact. We have failed to buy players in several depleted positions, despite claims from the owner that the squad was thin and needed to be rebuilt. 100% cast iron fact. We have failed to add bodies to the squad, etc.


Problem is, you replace observations with wishful thinking. There is no investment in the team, when it's sorely needed. There was almost no investment in the team last year. None in January. Only blind optimism can make you believe the owner has any ambition for us. Jonas was a shrewd signing, but the rest aren't exactly the work of magicians, are they? Coloccini was well known and wasn't particularly cheap. Guthrie and Bassong are backup players, and Xisco most likely as well. So then we're left with Nacho, the highly ambitious loan deal.


There's absolutely no reason to believe we shall succeed with these people in charge, and with this transfer policy.

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Guest The Libertine
There's absolutely no reason to believe we shall succeed with these people in charge, and with this transfer policy.


the squad is better than last years and we've made a good start to the season. saying that, i long for the days of wasting tens of millions on shit players, pushing us into leeds-esque debt and finishing lower by the season.


brick by brick.

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There's absolutely no reason to believe we shall succeed with these people in charge, and with this transfer policy.


the squad is better than last years and we've made a good start to the season. saying that, i long for the days of wasting tens of millions on shit players, pushing us into leeds-esque debt and finishing lower by the season.


brick by brick.


You have noticed that we have knocked down a ton of bricks this week havent you

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Guest The Libertine

There's absolutely no reason to believe we shall succeed with these people in charge, and with this transfer policy.


the squad is better than last years and we've made a good start to the season. saying that, i long for the days of wasting tens of millions on shit players, pushing us into leeds-esque debt and finishing lower by the season.


brick by brick.


You have noticed that we have knocked down a ton of bricks this week havent you


if by "we" you mean "keegan" then yes, "we" have.

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Yes, but whose squad isn't better than last season? Middlesbrough's? West Ham's? Probably. Certainly not Sunderland, Fulham, Manchester City, Aston Villa, and so on. I don't think we'll be relegated, but unless we get lucky with the next manager, I see no reason to expect much improvement. I would have expected top 10 under Keegan, but not now.

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There's absolutely no reason to believe we shall succeed with these people in charge, and with this transfer policy.


the squad is better than last years and we've made a good start to the season. saying that, i long for the days of wasting tens of millions on shit players, pushing us into leeds-esque debt and finishing lower by the season.


brick by brick.


You have noticed that we have knocked down a ton of bricks this week havent you


if by "we" you mean "keegan" then yes, "we" have.


Not getting into that discussion again but by "we" I mean the club. Who ever is to blame, the club has had a shite week and gone backwards.


But I agree that the brick-by-brick policy is the way forward

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Where was it stated by the club that all transfers were Keegan's choices? I personally was always under the understanding that Wise and co chose the players and KK just gave it his blessing which is what Keegan himself said. So if you're gonna blame people for this false pretense then Keegan is just as guilty as anyone.


Oh, come on, this should be common knowledge by now.


ASHLEY tells how he wants players with heart and passion for the club and that there is money for Keegan to spend.


“Yes, there is. If the deal is right – and that means it’s the right player who Kevin wants – then we will do that deal.


That's from the interview in that club magazine, hardly a press smear. Two lines, two fraudulent claims to make people buy season tickets.


The way it's worded still suggests that the players are being brought to Keegan and he's just giving his blessing to it rather than it being someone he's picked himself. After all who is deeming someone 'the right player' if it's not Keegan?



erm, Dennis Wise, Tony Jiminez.


Mike Ashley might not hve done that much wrong before hand, but by fuck is he making up for that now. It looks like he's trying to outdo Shepherd in the 'how to make the club look stupid' stakes.


Like the shirt idea.    bluelaugh.gif


incredible statement.


I find it hard to believe that some numpties still don't put some value against a period where only 4 teams qualified for europe more than us


Credibility destroyed.


Shame we didn't even qualify for the intertoto with such a massively, massively better owner.



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If people bought a season ticket just because Keegan was here then unlucky you part time cunts.


They probably thought they were finally going to see something worth spending their hard earned cash on.


Another bottom half finish is ok as long as we don't lose Dennis. :smitten:



and the business is making a profit



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Am I the only one who finds this all far too overly dramatic? You would think people were protesting for workers rights or something. All it is, is one man who quit because he wasn't getting his way. If you want to boycott stuff just do it, but do we really need to hear it as some kind of rallying cry?


exactly. utter stupidity

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I think all the posturing is simply because we're at the head of years and years of frustration and some people are finally getting wound up enough to do something about it. Other people, like me, can't be arsed and are just being made more and more apathetic by the whole thing.

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People have the right to protest if they want to, but at some point everyone needs to calm down and get on with the rest of their lives, I'd prefer it if that's before the club's been torn apart by the people who are supposed to care about it, if possible. Keegan is a man and the club is vastly bigger and more important than one man, whatever you thought about him.


What are people expecting to get out of this protest?


If it's a one off thing to register their dislike of what's happened, then fine, no problem. If it's supposed to get rid of Ashley, then what happens when it doesn't achieve that? Do you carry on doing the same thing every week? What if that doesn't work, what then, do you escalate the protest somehow? All the while the club is being damaged, possibly irreparably, and for what?


Do whatever you want, but please think about the consequences beforehand and do what you decide is right, not just what everyone else is doing.


Also, I hope that we're not going to turn on each other any more than we already are, I have this really bad feeling that we might see fighting between our own fans if things get nasty at the weekend, I really hope that doesn't happen, we're in enough shit as it is.

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Although Colo is no Anton Ferdinand. :lol:


this must  be official.


Baggio is head of the Dennis Wise fan club.


Looking forward to Dennis matching what the club did under the despicable fat bastard.


What do you say ? They have a DOF ? Oh well, thats alright then. That means we are guarenteed to win everything going. SSHHHH........don't tell anybody else our little secret





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People have the right to protest if they want to, but at some point everyone needs to calm down and get on with the rest of their lives, I'd prefer it if that's before the club's been torn apart by the people who are supposed to care about it, if possible. Keegan is a man and the club is vastly bigger and more important than one man, whatever you thought about him.


What are people expecting to get out of this protest?


If it's a one off thing to register their dislike of what's happened, then fine, no problem. If it's supposed to get rid of Ashley, then what happens when it doesn't achieve that? Do you carry on doing the same thing every week? What if that doesn't work, what then, do you escalate the protest somehow? All the while the club is being damaged, possibly irreparably, and for what?


Do whatever you want, but please think about the consequences beforehand and do what you decide is right, not just what everyone else is doing.


Also, I hope that we're not going to turn on each other any more than we already are, I have this really bad feeling that we might see fighting between our own fans if things get nasty at the weekend, I really hope that doesn't happen, we're in enough shit as it is.


I think the way some of the conversations on here have gone could sadly suggest thet there could easily be some fighting amongst ourselves this weekend.

Bad news if that happens

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Although Colo is no Anton Ferdinand. :lol:


this must  be official.


Baggio is head of the Dennis Wise fan club.


Looking forward to Dennis matching what the club did under the despicable fat bastard.


What do you say ? They have a DOF ? Oh well, thats alright then. That means we are guarenteed to win everything going. SSHHHH........don't tell anybody else our little secret









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Guest Heneage

This entire summer, has been 1 step forward and 2 steps back almost.


Yes we have strengthened, to say otherwise would be stupid, as we have better players in the likes of Colo and Jonas and even Guthrie, than those we had previously. But the element of 2 steps back is more the fact that the investment, and number of quality signings has not amounted with;


The clubs we are aiming to match and surpass


The number of players we were promised.

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Apologies mods if this has been posted already but;


The Mag – true faith Newcastle United Fanzines joint statement


Like many Newcastle United supporters we have been sickened by the events of the last week and the departure of Kevin Keegan from his position as manager of our club. We believe Kevin had little alternative but to resign given the gross incompetence and mismanagement of Dennis Wise, Executive Director of Football and Derek Llambias, Managing Director who like Kevin were appointed by Mike Ashley. While Kevin Keegan remained at Newcastle United the fans trusted that the club was moving forward at last, with Keegan’s departure all trust has gone.


Both The Mag and true faith believe there has been a fundamental break in trust between board and the support.


Both true faith and The Mag have been inundated by requests from supporters keen to take action against those within the boardroom of Newcastle United.


Having read many hundreds if not thousands of e-mails sent into both fanzines we are recommending the following action in protest at its appalling treatment of Kevin Keegan and the entirely unworkable structure it has established at the club, namely around the club’s transfer policy.


That initial action includes;


1. An immediate and indefinite boycott of all Newcastle United merchandise to include replica shirts, other club clothing and any items sold at official NUFC outlets. It will also include the non-purchase of all Newcastle United programmes and magazines as well as food, drinks and beverages of any description. This boycott will include raffle tickets, lotteries and any other products associated with Newcastle United Football Club. This to include also a boycott of all club bars including Shearer’s Bar as well as club cafes, official club tours, visits to the NUFC museum and any other activity which generates an income for Newcastle United.


2. This boycott to be extended to any retail outlet or product owned either in full or in part by Mike Ashley e.g. Sports Soccer, Lillywhites etc.

We do not advocate a boycott (this is backed up overwhelmingly in the emails we have received) of the game against Hull City at SJP on Saturday 13/Sep/08. Newcastle United’s players have done nothing wrong and certain individuals have behaved impeccably given the manner in which their manager and team-mates have been treated this last week. They remain deserving of our support.


3. We advocate supporters vocally expressing their disgust against the current regime whether they are at the match or not, which will act as a clear demonstration of the antipathy of supporters towards Ashley, Llambias and Wise. There should be no abuse directed at any Newcastle United player.


4. We insist that Mike Ashley does not attend away games amongst the travelling support. He is not a Newcastle United supporter and as far as true faith and The Mag are concerned he is not welcome amongst our ranks. If any effort is made by Ashley to attend future away games we would recommend the away support to vocally remind him he is not wanted amongst us. We do not advocate violent disorder of any description.


Michael Martin,

Editor, true faith


Mark Jensen,

Editor, The Mag



I think its brilliant.



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Apologies mods if this has been posted already but;


The Mag – true faith Newcastle United Fanzines joint statement


Like many Newcastle United supporters we have been sickened by the events of the last week and the departure of Kevin Keegan from his position as manager of our club. We believe Kevin had little alternative but to resign given the gross incompetence and mismanagement of Dennis Wise, Executive Director of Football and Derek Llambias, Managing Director who like Kevin were appointed by Mike Ashley. While Kevin Keegan remained at Newcastle United the fans trusted that the club was moving forward at last, with Keegan’s departure all trust has gone.


Both The Mag and true faith believe there has been a fundamental break in trust between board and the support.


Both true faith and The Mag have been inundated by requests from supporters keen to take action against those within the boardroom of Newcastle United.


Having read many hundreds if not thousands of e-mails sent into both fanzines we are recommending the following action in protest at its appalling treatment of Kevin Keegan and the entirely unworkable structure it has established at the club, namely around the club’s transfer policy.


That initial action includes;


1. An immediate and indefinite boycott of all Newcastle United merchandise to include replica shirts, other club clothing and any items sold at official NUFC outlets. It will also include the non-purchase of all Newcastle United programmes and magazines as well as food, drinks and beverages of any description. This boycott will include raffle tickets, lotteries and any other products associated with Newcastle United Football Club. This to include also a boycott of all club bars including Shearer’s Bar as well as club cafes, official club tours, visits to the NUFC museum and any other activity which generates an income for Newcastle United.2. This boycott to be extended to any retail outlet or product owned either in full or in part by Mike Ashley e.g. Sports Soccer, Lillywhites etc.

We do not advocate a boycott (this is backed up overwhelmingly in the emails we have received) of the game against Hull City at SJP on Saturday 13/Sep/08. Newcastle United’s players have done nothing wrong and certain individuals have behaved impeccably given the manner in which their manager and team-mates have been treated this last week. They remain deserving of our support.


3. We advocate supporters vocally expressing their disgust against the current regime whether they are at the match or not, which will act as a clear demonstration of the antipathy of supporters towards Ashley, Llambias and Wise. There should be no abuse directed at any Newcastle United player.


4. We insist that Mike Ashley does not attend away games amongst the travelling support. He is not a Newcastle United supporter and as far as true faith and The Mag are concerned he is not welcome amongst our ranks. If any effort is made by Ashley to attend future away games we would recommend the away support to vocally remind him he is not wanted amongst us. We do not advocate violent disorder of any description.


Michael Martin,

Editor, true faith


Mark Jensen,

Editor, The Mag



I think its brilliant.


That's smart, drain the club of potential income so that we will less money for transfers. Mike is gonna take his cut regardless, it's the club's revenue that will suffer....Accounting 101.  Plus Mike is not gonna sell the club with plumetting profits and share prices....he is not a novice investor who will sell the moment things look bad, buy low sell high....Investment 101


Pathetic recommendations by Super Fan of NUFC no make that Super Fan of Keagen 

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Guest Toon Argy

Apologies mods if this has been posted already but;


The Mag – true faith Newcastle United Fanzines joint statement


Like many Newcastle United supporters we have been sickened by the events of the last week and the departure of Kevin Keegan from his position as manager of our club. We believe Kevin had little alternative but to resign given the gross incompetence and mismanagement of Dennis Wise, Executive Director of Football and Derek Llambias, Managing Director who like Kevin were appointed by Mike Ashley. While Kevin Keegan remained at Newcastle United the fans trusted that the club was moving forward at last, with Keegan’s departure all trust has gone.


Both The Mag and true faith believe there has been a fundamental break in trust between board and the support.


Both true faith and The Mag have been inundated by requests from supporters keen to take action against those within the boardroom of Newcastle United.


Having read many hundreds if not thousands of e-mails sent into both fanzines we are recommending the following action in protest at its appalling treatment of Kevin Keegan and the entirely unworkable structure it has established at the club, namely around the club’s transfer policy.


That initial action includes;


1. An immediate and indefinite boycott of all Newcastle United merchandise to include replica shirts, other club clothing and any items sold at official NUFC outlets. It will also include the non-purchase of all Newcastle United programmes and magazines as well as food, drinks and beverages of any description. This boycott will include raffle tickets, lotteries and any other products associated with Newcastle United Football Club. This to include also a boycott of all club bars including Shearer’s Bar as well as club cafes, official club tours, visits to the NUFC museum and any other activity which generates an income for Newcastle United.2. This boycott to be extended to any retail outlet or product owned either in full or in part by Mike Ashley e.g. Sports Soccer, Lillywhites etc.

We do not advocate a boycott (this is backed up overwhelmingly in the emails we have received) of the game against Hull City at SJP on Saturday 13/Sep/08. Newcastle United’s players have done nothing wrong and certain individuals have behaved impeccably given the manner in which their manager and team-mates have been treated this last week. They remain deserving of our support.


3. We advocate supporters vocally expressing their disgust against the current regime whether they are at the match or not, which will act as a clear demonstration of the antipathy of supporters towards Ashley, Llambias and Wise. There should be no abuse directed at any Newcastle United player.


4. We insist that Mike Ashley does not attend away games amongst the travelling support. He is not a Newcastle United supporter and as far as true faith and The Mag are concerned he is not welcome amongst our ranks. If any effort is made by Ashley to attend future away games we would recommend the away support to vocally remind him he is not wanted amongst us. We do not advocate violent disorder of any description.


Michael Martin,

Editor, true faith


Mark Jensen,

Editor, The Mag



I think its brilliant.


That's smart, drain the club of potential income so that we will less money for transfers. Mike is gonna take his cut regardless, it's the club's revenue that will suffer....Accounting 101.  Plus Mike is not gonna sell the club with plumetting profits and share prices....he is not a novice investor who will sell the moment things look bad, buy low sell high....Investment 101


Pathetic recommendations by Super Fan of NUFC no make that Super Fan of Keagen 


So if people want Ashley out they should just do nothing and carry on like nothings happened?

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Guest Toon Argy

If people bought a season ticket just because Keegan was here then unlucky you part time c***s.


If someone struggles to afford a season ticket and has been having to watch season after season of shit football you can't blame them for not renewing their season ticket, especially with the price rises after another poor season. With Keegan as manager people are more likely to try and get the money to be able to afford the season ticket as they are guarenteed to be entertained and will be watching a team that will try to play football and not an anti-football team.



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The club have brought this on themselves, and as for saying ' I support NUFC not Keegan, Ashley etc' and using that as an excuse to keep backing the owners, that is just burying heads in sand..


Like saying you would still go to Germany during WW2 because you liked the country but didn't back Hitler.. !

Those in charge of NUFC ARE the club now, whether you like it or not, and if you disagree with a company's policies(or a Country's come to that), you shouldn't back it.

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That's smart, drain the club of potential income so that we will less money for transfers. Mike is gonna take his cut regardless, it's the club's revenue that will suffer....Accounting 101.  Plus Mike is not gonna sell the club with plumetting profits and share prices....he is not a novice investor who will sell the moment things look bad, buy low sell high....Investment 101


Pathetic recommendations by Super Fan of NUFC no make that Super Fan of Keagen 


Investors usually set two selling points, one to make a profit, the other to protect them from taking too much of a loss.  And before we get carried away, he's not exactly Warren Buffett.

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Guest Toon Argy

The club have brought this on themselves, and as for saying ' I support NUFC not Keegan, Ashley etc' and using that as an excuse to keep backing the owners, that is just burying heads in sand..


Like saying you would still go to Germany during WW2 because you liked the country but didn't back Hitler.. !

Those in charge of NUFC ARE the club now, whether you like it or not, and if you disagree with a company's policies(or a Country's come to that), you shouldn't back it.


So people that dont support Ashley should stop supporting the club? Maybe go and pick a new team to support like Man Utd?


What you said is aload of rubbish. You can't just stop supporting your team. The supporters are the club, we will be here long after the fat bastard has gone.

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So people that dont support Ashley should stop supporting the club? Maybe go and pick a new team to support like Man Utd?


What you said is aload of rubbish. You can't just stop supporting your team. The supporters are the club, we will be here long after the fat b****** has gone.


You can support the club without supporting the owner, I didn't see merlin trying to advocate not supporting the club and to be honest, I can't remember anybody anywhere saying that we shouldn't support the club.

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