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The Weekend's Other Matches

Guest quklaani

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Winger David Bentley, the pick of the summer signings, sought showdown talks with Ramos after Monday's defeat by Aston Villa because he is unhappy that he had not yet been allowed to play in his favoured position and had instead been used in a central role


News papers making stuff up again tomake the Spurs situation look and sound even worse????

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Is it me or should we not be empathising with the Spurs fans. Heard some on Talksport and they are just as fucked off with their set up as we are. The whole gang of them (Kelmsley/ Ashley etc) are screwing over both our clubs.


One Spurs fan on there reminded me of the night when the story broke that Jol was being given the boot (mid-match) and Levy was sitting in the directors box smirking and grinning away. Fucking scandalous way to treat your manager that.


They have their issues with the way their club is run as much as we do.



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Is it me or should we not be empathising with the Spurs fans. Heard some on Talksport and they are just as fucked off with their set up as we are. The whole gang of them (Kelmsley/ Ashley etc) are screwing over both our clubs.


Well, of course. It's basically the same set-up, and the same business plan.

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Imagine us signing building a squad like they have, starting the season well and on the last day signing Robinho for £32m and yet still having nearly 7,500 empty seats to see a 6-0 thrashing of a direct rival.


The hypocrisy in the media when referring to us is staggering.

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I have nothing but admiration for Aston Villa and the way they've gone about things. It's the model for how we should be run, not scrimping and saving and pretending to be like Arsenal.


O'Neill shouldnt be trusted with funds cos he spent £12m on Milner. better to force out a good manager than let them waste money.

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I have nothing but admiration for Aston Villa and the way they've gone about things. It's the model for how we should be run, not scrimping and saving and pretending to be like Arsenal.


Feel sorry for Villa because Man U are going to hunt O'Neill down as soon as Ferguson calls it a day

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I have nothing but admiration for Aston Villa and the way they've gone about things. It's the model for how we should be run, not scrimping and saving and pretending to be like Arsenal.


O'Neill shouldnt be trusted with funds cos he spent £12m on Milner. better to force out a good manager than let them waste money.


He bought Marlon Harewood, he bought Zat Knight, there was even tabloid talk of a bid for our very own Alan Smith. Half this forum would have had the useless fucker sacked off for that.

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