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The Weekend's Other Matches

Guest quklaani

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Guest Phil K

I'm less interested in the makems winning than I am in NEWCASTLE winning.

Something they are finding impossible, due to far too much self-sympathy

As for the makems - they are showing the bottle than our overpaid "stars" lack in abundance.



Wouldn't bother me if the makems were 2nd in the prem - as long as we were above them.

Not that THAT's gonna happen.....



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I see Arsenal as the most likeable of "The Big Incredible 4" so I generally root for them to do well.


Better than Man U or Chelsea winning the league.


Can't say I know any Mackems either, but it's sort of your duty to hate them if you're a Newcastle fan surely. Plus, Roy Keane is a wanker.

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Nah I just don't get the whole caring about Sunderland thing, think its a bit sad when I see people celebratiing a Sunderland loss with the same kind of passion as they would a Newcastle win.  To me they're mostly insignificant unless they effect us directly.  In other words when we play them its imperative to beat them and its also essential to finish above them, but when the results got nowt to do with us I don't really care that much.


Though you do have a point about Keane, who is an utter tosser.

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I'm less interested in the makems winning than I am in NEWCASTLE winning.

Something they are finding impossible, due to far too much self-sympathy

As for the makems - they are showing the bottle than our overpaid "stars" lack in abundance.



Wouldn't bother me if the makems were 2nd in the prem - as long as we were above them.

Not that THAT's gonna happen.....




I can't be bothered to check it, but I bet they've spent near-enough as much as us on their squad and the wage bill will be comparable.

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Guest Heneage

Unlucky for the Mackems Arsenal just have no consistency, i'd love Bendtner up here.


Doesn't seem like a typical Arsenal player, lacks something.

True but his close control and hold up are immense, with an OWen scoring regular he'd have less pressure

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