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England vs Kaz...Ka... Borat's Boys.


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Glad we won but that was boring, relied 4 goals from set pieces. Only got in behind them once, get fuckin Heskey, Walcott and Lampard out the team. In this system Lampard is f***ing crap as teams play men behind the ball and he simply isn't the right sort of player for give and go football required to get in behind s*** teams that play 10 behind the ball. Defoe is should play on Wednesday for me, not a kneejerk due to his goal but they will no doubt try to defend with 10 and he is the type who can recieve it into feet turn and crack a shot off quickly which is what is required.


Lampard and Heskey were the best players tonight to be fair


Serious? Thought they were shit, you need more from neat and tidy play from your number 9, Heskey is not a constant goal threat and is piss easy to mark. Lampard was average, not what's required when trying to break down a wall of players.

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Lampard was responsible for the first two goals and made a hell of a pass to walcott for Rooney's first. He was very good throughout I though


Heskey is a very useful player tbh, thought he was effective tonight


In what way? I thought his hold-up play was average/stop-start, his flick-ons went nowhere and he couldn't finish for shit...

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Lampard was responsible for the first two goals and made a hell of a pass to walcott for Rooney's first. He was very good throughout I though


Heskey is a very useful player tbh, thought he was effective tonight


In what way? I thought his hold-up play was average/stop-start, his flick-ons went nowhere and he couldn't finish for shit...



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Lampard was what Lampard is.  Ineffective at this level, regardless of who we are playing.


All that got England through tonight's game was the extra fitness they possess.


creating 3 goals is ineffective? come on

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To be fair the goalkeeper was responsible for the first & the defender for the second.


As a football player he's ineffective at this level.


and all those goals he's scored for us were just penalties/deflections right?

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To be fair the goalkeeper was responsible for the first & the defender for the second.


As a football player he's ineffective at this level.


and all those goals he's scored for us were just penalties/deflections right?


Not at all, but I'd imagine a reasonable percentage possibly have been. :dontknow:


I'm not arsed about what he did a few years ago.  Fact is he's ineffective at this level and has been for a few seasons.


The fact that we continue to attempt to build the side around him & Gerrard as a partnership is the reason England are so poor.

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To be fair the goalkeeper was responsible for the first & the defender for the second.


As a football player he's ineffective at this level.


and all those goals he's scored for us were just penalties/deflections right?


Not at all, but I'd imagine a reasonable percentage possibly have been. :dontknow:


I'm not arsed about what he did a few years ago.  Fact is he's ineffective at this level and has been for a few seasons.


The fact that we continue to attempt to build the side around him & Gerrard as a partnership is the reason England are so poor.


you're absolutely right, Gerrard has to go

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Glad we won but that was boring, relied 4 goals from set pieces. Only got in behind them once, get fuckin Heskey, Walcott and Lampard out the team. In this system Lampard is f***ing crap as teams play men behind the ball and he simply isn't the right sort of player for give and go football required to get in behind s*** teams that play 10 behind the ball. Defoe is should play on Wednesday for me, not a kneejerk due to his goal but they will no doubt try to defend with 10 and he is the type who can recieve it into feet turn and crack a shot off quickly which is what is required.


Lampard and Heskey were the best players tonight to be fair


Serious? Thought they were shit, you need more from neat and tidy play from your number 9, Heskey is not a constant goal threat and is piss easy to mark. Lampard was average, not what's required when trying to break down a wall of players.


If you don't see anything that Heskey brings to the team then I'm not even going to bother trying to explain because you wouldn't understand.

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Lampard wasn't great today, but he was a damn sight better than Gerrard. Heskey did his job quite well. Ridiculous that Young didn't start. What's the capacity of Wembley? I know it was reported as a sell out but from where I was sitting there were a lot of empty seats knocking around, and they announced an attendance of 89k.

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Lampard has to play, he is probably one of the best players in the world at the moment. He produces at every level, and maybe lack of motivation is the problem considering he played Kazahktstan...

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Lampard has to play, he is probably one of the best players in the world at the moment. He produces at every level, and maybe lack of motivation is the problem considering he played Kazahktstan...


No he doesn't, no he isn't & no he doesn't.


When was the last time he produced for England on a consistent basis?

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Guest Stephen927

We need a dedicated defensive midfielder. Gerrard needs to be told to concentrate on supporting the front man with Lampard, Rooney needs to play central and Walcott needs to learn how to work the flank properly (i.e dropping deep to support the full back)


Was plenty of times Brown had the ball, he passed to Gerrard who was the only option because Walcott was pushed right up onto their full back and not making any real movements.


Rooney simply has to be play centre forward. None of this tracking back bollocks, it just causes central midfield to become bogged down, then when we retain position there's no one really up front to play it to, asides Heskey who usually passed the ball back right where it came from, instead of holding the ball up and passing it forward to the wingers or central midfielders, which is what I assume his role was.


The front three has no balance. Walcott hugs the touch line far right, Rooney drifts central leaving Cole exposed, and Heskey when he has the ball has no real options to play a positive pass to.


Improvements that need to be made;


  • Rooney played centrally
  • Walcott tracking back to support the right back
  • Gerrard and Lampard in an attacking role with a dedicated holding player behind them, instead of Barry swapping with Gerrard
  • Continue with the urgency about our play. They never threatened when we were looking to play with a high tempo
  • Playing with a true left winger in the front three

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up until 2 years ago I was happy to write Lampard off as a decent player who was playing alongside such quality  (and taking so many shots at goal per game) that his reputation as one of the world's best was a sham.


It's bollocks and I was wrong, Lampard is the complete midfield player and should be one on the first names on England's teamsheet

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up until 2 years ago I was happy to write Lampard off as a decent player who was playing alongside such quality  (and taking so many shots at goal per game) that his reputation as one of the world's best was a sham.


It's bollocks and I was wrong, Lampard is the complete midfield player and should be one on the first names on England's teamsheet



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Sensationally flattering scoreline, and as has been mentioned, it was basically our inevitably superior fitness that gave us the gloss on the scoreline.


Otherwise, infuriatingly predictable.


And "wahh, don't boo Cole"? Bollocks - it was a pathetic mistake, one of complete arrogance. This has nothing to do with the fact I think hes a t*** of the highest order, though. Honest.

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Lampard was what Lampard is.  Ineffective at this level, regardless of who we are playing.


All that got England through tonight's game was the extra fitness they possess.


I find the "at international level" argument absolutely ridiculous. Lampard is good enough to score 25 goals a season against the elite of the Premiership and Europe but not good enough against Kazakhstan because they are "internationals"? Lampard and Gerrard together don't work, we know that, but to say Lampard (or anyone) is not good enough "at international level" is just totally devoid of logic for me. Putting a national team's shirt on doesn't somehow make a player better.

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