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Can Liverpool mount a genuine title challenge this year?


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Can anyone understand a word Carragher said there?


Top of the league.......few games....psychological.....top of the league.....chelsea.....4 or 5 years.....couple of years....season.


Genuinely all I could make out.



scousers.......bread.......thieving.........joey boswell.......calm down.......calm down.......are you telling me what to do.......



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Guest Stephen927

It's so early on in the season that it's tough to make a call. I think they've started off well. Couple of seasons ago, even last season, those games against Wigan and Man City would have ended up as losses or draws, albeit a bit of luck and jammyness was needed.

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Guest quklaani



Arbeloa Carragher Skrtel Dossena


          Mascherano  Alonso




    Kuyt                    Riera




A great midfield and a wonderful striker, but surely thats not a championship winning team....Surely.


Two things we do know now, the big four won't be broken unless Arsenal fall apart.  As good as Villa are Liverpool have just upped their game too much.  Also, Chelsea aren't nearly as good as people have been saying.  I thought this was obvious, but going a whole season without Essien or Makelele is gonna be a huge struggle for them.  Manchester United have a really absurdly top heavy season difficulty wise, so as long as we stay within six points til the new year and we don't lose any of the big names to major injuries I think we'll probably win the league again.  I say this despite feeling of late that it doesn't seem like a title winning year, but with Chelsea not looking all that great I think we're the favourites again.  Of course, dropping points in a game where you should be four nil up at half time doesn't help...

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Guest Washington_Mag

Couldn't give a flying fuck, in response to the title.


Close the thread then and stop complaining.



I'm not complaining.

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Guest WashyGeordie

They beat Man utd at home and Chelsea and Stamford Bridge.


They couldn't do that previous seasons. So i see why they can't this year, their team has definately improved over the past few years (especially with Torres).

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Guest Howaythetoon

They have as good a chance as any of them as none of them are playing with any real degree of consistency in terms of both results and performances.

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