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Best Fans In The World.... My Arse.


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we are football fans... we do moaning & commenting on players.... that's the beauty of it.... that's the passion... that's the thrill...

we don't watch chess match here... FFS.


every fans in every football clubs do the same like us... so it mean football is fickle games... YAWN!

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every fans in every football clubs do the same like us... so it mean football is fickle games... YAWN!


Are other clubs as bad as us though? It gets stupid sometimes IMO.


Maybe it's the price we pay for having passionate fans, I mean you don't see it happening at Fulham but then they don't have any atmosphere anyway.

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every fans in every football clubs do the same like us... so it mean football is fickle games... YAWN!


Are other clubs as bad as us though? It gets stupid sometimes IMO.


Maybe it's the price we pay for having passionate fans, I mean you don't see it happening at Fulham but then they don't have any atmosphere anyway.


Our fans are like Obafemi Martins...you have to take the good with the bad.

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every fans in every football clubs do the same like us... so it mean football is fickle games... YAWN!


Are other clubs as bad as us though? It gets stupid sometimes IMO.


Maybe it's the price we pay for having passionate fans, I mean you don't see it happening at Fulham but then they don't have any atmosphere anyway.


Our fans are like Obafemi Martins...you have to take the good with the bad.

most fans in most grounds are fickle,have little understanding of the basic rules and are blindly prejudiced. a fair representative of the society from which they've spawned unfortunatly.
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every fans in every football clubs do the same like us... so it mean football is fickle games... YAWN!


Are other clubs as bad as us though? It gets stupid sometimes IMO.


Maybe it's the price we pay for having passionate fans, I mean you don't see it happening at Fulham but then they don't have any atmosphere anyway.


yes they... example. spurs fans when they still at the bottom with ramos in charge... everton fans.. liverpool fans... it's in every club...


to called ourselves fickle is just embarrassing yourself...

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Guest Heneage

So just so i get this straight. You started a thread moaning about people moaning?


Aye well done genius that was said on the first page   :doh:

I'll be honest I read your post and just got bored.


As for booing players, I don't boo them but I will complain if for example Mr Dyer who is a general cunt on 80k a week and treats us like arseholes will stroll around without a care in the fucking world. If I am in part paying there wages and they are damn good wages I expect some effort, notice how Jonas is never boo'd?

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So just so i get this straight. You started a thread moaning about people moaning?


Aye well done genius that was said on the first page   :doh:

I'll be honest I read your post and just got bored.


As for booing players, I don't boo them but I will complain if for example Mr Dyer who is a general c*** on 80k a week and treats us like arseholes will stroll around without a care in the f***ing world. If I am in part paying there wages and they are damn good wages I expect some effort, notice how Jonas is never boo'd?

i also notice how other players are never booed no matter how ineffectual they are.
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So just so i get this straight. You started a thread moaning about people moaning?


Aye well done genius that was said on the first page   :doh:

I'll be honest I read your post and just got bored.


As for booing players, I don't boo them but I will complain if for example Mr Dyer who is a general c*** on 80k a week and treats us like arseholes will stroll around without a care in the f***ing world. If I am in part paying there wages and they are damn good wages I expect some effort, notice how Jonas is never boo'd?


Would you moan about xisco before he's touched the ball? do you moan if someone plays a dodgy pass 5 mins into a game? if so then your one of the moaning fucker I'm on about if not why be sarky & try to make clever pointless comments??

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Guest Heneage

So just so i get this straight. You started a thread moaning about people moaning?


Aye well done genius that was said on the first page   :doh:

I'll be honest I read your post and just got bored.


As for booing players, I don't boo them but I will complain if for example Mr Dyer who is a general cunt on 80k a week and treats us like arseholes will stroll around without a care in the fucking world. If I am in part paying there wages and they are damn good wages I expect some effort, notice how Jonas is never boo'd?

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You shouldn't boo any of your own players.  Regardless.


What if one of them f***ed you grandaughter?


I dont have any grand kids, so f*** away I say.




Leave Rooney out of it, he aint a Toon player.


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Guest Heneage

So just so i get this straight. You started a thread moaning about people moaning?


Aye well done genius that was said on the first page   :doh:

I'll be honest I read your post and just got bored.


As for booing players, I don't boo them but I will complain if for example Mr Dyer who is a general c*** on 80k a week and treats us like arseholes will stroll around without a care in the f***ing world. If I am in part paying there wages and they are damn good wages I expect some effort, notice how Jonas is never boo'd?


Would you moan about xisco before he's touched the ball? do you moan if someone plays a dodgy pass 5 mins into a game? if so then your one of the moaning fucker I'm on about if not why be sarky & try to make clever pointless comments??


No. I don't.


I will start by going the approach "Ok its alright well get the next one just calm keep it relaxed" but if like Shola the shite persists I will start to get frustrated.

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So just so i get this straight. You started a thread moaning about people moaning?


Aye well done genius that was said on the first page   :doh:

I'll be honest I read your post and just got bored.


As for booing players, I don't boo them but I will complain if for example Mr Dyer who is a general c*** on 80k a week and treats us like arseholes will stroll around without a care in the f***ing world. If I am in part paying there wages and they are damn good wages I expect some effort, notice how Jonas is never boo'd?


Would you moan about xisco before he's touched the ball? do you moan if someone plays a dodgy pass 5 mins into a game? if so then your one of the moaning fucker I'm on about if not why be sarky & try to make clever pointless comments??


No. I don't.


I will start by going the approach "Ok its alright well get the next one just calm keep it relaxed" but if like Shola the s**** persists I will start to get frustrated.


Fair enough..

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Guest Heneage

I mean to be honest Mofo. I see your point and there are a lot of idiots round the place. But I give the men upstairs as much blame our outspend summer gone has caused our pooor league position and loss to the unwashed.

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I mean to be honest Mofo. I see your point and there are a lot of idiots round the place. But I give the men upstairs as much blame our outspend summer gone has caused our pooor league position and loss to the unwashed.


I agree mate, bloody hell I've supported newcastle like most for all of my life.

I'm gutted at the way things are, I dont blame people for having a go when it's due  but like I said some people just go off on one for no reason. Not just this season either I would say for about the last 5 years the negativity around the ground has been there.


Has the negativity been justified... Maybe but I don't understand the booing/moaning about players, before they kick a ball or make a dodgy pass.

After the game fair enough, but why pay all the money to moan?

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Even in the West Brom game, yes we were diabolical in the second half, but we were still in the lead and had done well in the first half to be in that situation, but the atmosphere got so edgy when we were struggling, it couldn't have made things any easier for the players.

Because we've seen them throw games away so many times over the years. Personally, that's why i was nervous. NUFC have brought me up to expect the worst unfortunately.

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Guest cfhpantera27

Newcastle united the best fans in the world, They live & breath football.. Bullshit!!

I'm not a season ticket holder now (I was for the last 9 years but just got a new house etc etc), But I've been to all home games this year & tbh I wouldn't renew again next year because I think the newcastle fans are so fickle!!


I honestly think about 30% of people at the match go to have a moan,. It's not just at the match it's on here as well, Look at some of the topics on here shola , xisco ,The jfk thread... all people do is jump on the players because that's all they know or it's what the papers say!!


Now I'm not saying people can't have their say, But five minutes into a match if a player misplaces a pass

Don't crucify him!!


Get some balls you bunch of cunts support your team, stop moaning about nothing!


I agree we should all be behind the team man, and if i lived over there id be at as many games as possible to get behind the lads..

altho i dont need the papers to tell me Shola's a joke at times  :razz:

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Oh great, seems like having a go at NUFC fans is all the latest craze.  :rolleyes:


Sure there are some nob heads that go to every match but then show me a club that doesnt have these?


NUFC players who get slagged off and/or booed do so for good reason.  We pay good money and all we ask is that our players dedicate their entire lives to performing well on the pitch and act as professional, respectful and decent people when off it for the EXTREMELY short time most of them are here.


What we dont want is players picking up in a week what alot of us will take 10 years to earn and then tossing it off on the pitch and then going out picking up some local slag and shagging her rotten whilst making her wear an NUFC top with said players name and number on the back.


Dont give us a reason to boo you and you wont get booed.  Its as simple as that.



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