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Michael Owen gets injured; rejoice!


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by all accounts (except up here) owen is a very decent person. you'll be hard pressed to find anyone (again, except up here) who dislikes him off the pitch.


as an aside, owen gets a lot of bile about his contract but that isnt his fault at all. blame the prick who gave him it.


Alot of Liverpool fans think he's a little s***.


I know. How dare a player want to leave a club as historic as that to try his hand with Real Madrid.


I think it's the way he did it that pisses them off.


Yup. It's more the manner of his departure than the very fact of it. He basically promised and promised to re-sign until the day he f***ed off to Madrid. You're all familiar with Owen's vapid platitudes.



How dare he, eh? Still has a year left of his contract in which to re-sign, and then the biggest club of them all makes the club and player a very good offer. Terrible.


When I say promised and promised to re-sign, I mean for over a year. Real didn't make the club a good offer: they paid about half of what you paid a year later, which is to say Owen was pushing down his own price to attract offers, and all the while promising Liverpool fans he was this close to signing a new deal. That players want to leave is a fact of life (and they always seem to want to leave if Real Madrid comes calling), but they can be honest about it.


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Word down here  is that Villa and Everton were both after him, but he wanted 100k a week, and wasn't prepared to countenance pay as you play style sensibleness, which quite rightly made O'Neill run a mile.

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Still wants £100k per week? :lol:


Apparently so.


Mental. Unfortunately for us, if that's his mindset he'll probably hang about here for this extra month we apparently have to pay him and then go to whoever's offering the most.

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Never had such hatred for a football player. I don't care if he doesn't beat his wife in public and speaks nicely to reporters, he's the biggest twat i've ever had the misfortune to watch at SJP

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Never had such hatred for a football player. I don't care if he doesn't beat his wife in public and speaks nicely to reporters, he's the biggest twat i've ever had the misfortune to watch at SJP


That's ridiculous tbh.

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Guest northwestmag1892

Never had such hatred for a football player. I don't care if he doesn't beat his wife in public and speaks nicely to reporters, he's the biggest t*** i've ever had the misfortune to watch at SJP



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i was in liverpool the day he signed him, i went straight to a sports shop and bought a toon top with owen on the back.


walking up their main shopping street, one of the fella son the market stalls stopped me and said 'be carefull, he's not what you think'. i laughed at the time, thought it was sour grapes.


how right he was.

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Without trying to sound all 'told you so', and whatnot (cos that's certainly not the case) - i felt a tad uneasy when we signed Owen. I was absolutely over the moon like, he was a world class player at that time. It just never really sunk in properly and felt somewhat 'too good to be true'. I think his forced smiles infront of the Leazes End that afternoon ,and the half-arsed "yeah, i erm, hope to be scoring goals here for four years" kinda did it for me at the time. Like i say, i was more excited than anything but there'd always been a lingering feeling that something wasn't right.


In some respects, i still can't quite believe Michael Owen is (well, was...) our player. ???

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Guest Heneage

Luque actually looked like he cared about the fact he hadn't lived up to the price tag. Owen really didn't seem to give a shit, with that brochure the final straw on an already weak camel.

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I still get angry when I think about the Celtic pre-season game in which Luque scored twice. The fucking bastards on the radio spent all game having a go at him and not one other player despite the fact he'd scored twice.

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I still get angry when I think about the Celtic pre-season game in which Luque scored twice. The f***ing bastards on the radio spent all game having a go at him and not one other player despite the fact he'd scored twice.


The  trouble with Luque he was done for when Roeder took charge and I think that came with Shearers blessing I just got the feeling Shearer and Roeder didn't think much of him.

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Guest Micktoon

Don't want to upset the apple cart as I personally think Owen has hung us out to dry. BUT.


Lets say that playing football is Owens job, he gets paid for that job, He fancys a new job but his new employer will only give him half of what his old one is, however if he stays at his old one for another month he can pocket another 50 grand and his new employer will keep the position open for him.


Same scenario for Viduka, except he just has to delay announcing his retirement for a month.


If you were offered that opportunity what would you do.


*puts tin hat on*

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Don't want to upset the apple cart as I personally think Owen has hung us out to dry. BUT.


Lets say that playing football is Owens job, he gets paid for that job, He fancys a new job but his new employer will only give him half of what his old one is, however if he stays at his old one for another month he can pocket another 50 grand and his new employer will keep the position open for him.


Same scenario for Viduka, except he just has to delay announcing his retirement for a month.


If you were offered that opportunity what would you do.


*puts tin hat on*

No need for a tin hat as you're spot on, and anyone who disagrees, whether it be either an extra £50k or £50 a week is a liar or stupid.
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Guest Stephen927

Don't want to upset the apple cart as I personally think Owen has hung us out to dry. BUT.


Lets say that playing football is Owens job, he gets paid for that job, He fancys a new job but his new employer will only give him half of what his old one is, however if he stays at his old one for another month he can pocket another 50 grand and his new employer will keep the position open for him.


Same scenario for Viduka, except he just has to delay announcing his retirement for a month.


If you were offered that opportunity what would you do.


*puts tin hat on*


Is the right answer. Most would hang on for the extra money.

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