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Sir Bobby Robson Day

Guest Geordiesned

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Guest Geordiesned

From the supporters club site:


Its official! Sunday 28th December 2008 will be Sir Bobby Robson day, a day to honour this great Geordie figure and promote the work of his charity. A day to celebrate his life and love of Newcastle United. This is our chance to show Sir Bobby what we really think of him, sing your hearts out and get behind the team, bring a banner and scarf and lets get the stadium bouncing. What do you need to do? simply pass the message on to everyone you know.







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Guest Geordiesned

Sir Bobby Robson 'should have own tribute day'


TOON fans are calling for a day of celebrations to pay tribute to Sir Bobby Robson.


The Newcastle United Supporters Club wants to organise a city-wide event in the run-up to the Magpies clash with Liverpool on December 28.


The group also wants to use the day to raise cash for the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, set up by the ex-United manager earlier this year.


An NUSC spokesman said: “He is one of the most recognisable and popular figures in English football history, a knight of the realm, a tireless worker for charity and an inspirational figure as a player and manager for Fulham, West Bromwich Albion, Ipswich Town, England and of course Newcastle United.


“We are, of course, talking about the one and only Sir Bobby Robson. Since 2005, the almost universal love and affection felt by the people of England for this true living legend of the game has been confirmed three times as he was awarded the freedom of Newcastle, Ipswich and Durham following on from the knighthood he received in 2002 for his outstanding services to football.


“In the last year alone, and despite battling cancer for the fifth time, he has helped raise more than £500,000 for the charitable trust he set up and he continues to be a beloved and popular figure.


“With Christmas approaching we can think of no better time for the club, the fans and the city of Newcastle, if not the whole of England to come together in one united voice and say ‘Merry Christmas Sir Bobby Robson.’ Newcastle United Supporters Club is calling on everyone who loves the man and the manager to turn out on the weekend of December 27 and 28 and pay tribute to the Black and White Knight.”


NUSC is proposing three elements to the celebrations. The spokesman said: “Outside the match we would like to see the city transformed into a black and white haven, akin to the Black and White day held for Alan Shearer’s testimonial with pubs and bars all proudly displaying the message ‘Merry Christmas Sir Bobby.’


“We would also like a day of fundraising for the Sir Bobby Robson foundation with collection buckets and fancy dress to add to the carnival atmosphere.


“We want a flat bed truck with musicians, driving around the Toon, with further musicians performing outside the Gallowgate and Leazes end of St James’s Park. Inside the ground on Sunday we are proposing St James’s Park be turned into a sea of banners and flags with messages of support for Sir Bobby, undoubtedly one of our most popular managers and a man many fans never really got to say thank you to.”


There are also calls for a commemorative internet blog, where people can leave their personal messages and well wishes to Sir Bobby.


United is also being urged to make a presentation to the ex-England chief on the pitch. The spokesman said: “If we all do a little, together we can achieve a lot and show Sir Bobby Robson what he means to the people of Newcastle and England.”


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Guest Geordiesned

Actually, this should really have it's own thread. As many people need to know about this as possible so we can all show the great man what we think of him.

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Guest Darth Toon

Really pleased they've chosen the Liverpool game - going to be the first match I've been to in quite a while, glad to get the chance to join in the tribute to the great man.  :clap:

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Guest Geordiesned

Has the club commented on any of this btw?




From nufc.com;


Robson Wonderland


The Newcastle United Supporters Club (NUSC) have suggested that our next home game against Liverpool be a "Sir Bobby Robson day", in honour of the Knight.


Fans are encouraged to turn up for this sellout fixture complete with their flags and banners (the club have consented to this) and especially to bring their scarves to reproduce memorable scenes as pictured above.


As well as honouring Sir Bobby, there's also a tangible way of showing support - by contributing to the charitable trust set up his name that has raised over £500K to date for research into cancer detection and treatment.


So wear your black & white with pride on Sunday - and please contribute to the collection buckets that will be available towards the Gallowgate End of SJP.


In the words of NUSC:


"Let's make this a Christmas to remember and show Sir Bobby Robson, if he didn't know it already, that he really has led 'a Wonderful Life".


Volunteers are always welcome - email here if you can offer your support to help make this day a success.


PS: Plans for Sunday have now received the official blessing of Sir Bobby and his Foundation:


"May we take this opportunity to wish you every success with the ‘Celebration for Sir Bobby Day’ and thank you most sincerely for your support and interest in the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation ."

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