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Owen and Viduka


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Rivetting stuff ...  :rolleyes:


Whose dream lineup was this again? Optimisitc nNut right?


Pathetic stuff really.


Why pick a fight with a specific poster? Grow up, man. We all know you love being right but Christ. Pathetic being the word.

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Guest neesy111

Without Oba we're nothing up front man. Our most important player by a mile and has been for a long time




carry's a goal threat inside and outside the box and his pace creates problems for defences


viduka and owen hasn't worked for 1 1/2 seasons

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Guest neesy111

when the club get's rid of the like's of viduka, owen, butt and duff all together costing a 1/4 of our wage budget and producing very little for their wages, is when this club can move forward

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Anyone know what injury Viduka was supposed to have picked up?


I don't think he's got any chance of getting a new contract now.

Was he injured or just tired? dont think he is match fit to play more than 30+ min tbh. It might be the achilles injury, he did have his fair share of kicks by the wigan players.

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Really speaks volumes that despite having 10 men on the pitch and only one up front, we looked our most dangerous with Owen and Viduka down the tunnel


both should be ashamed of that pitiful performance tbh. Owen's lack of pace is quite incredible when he look at him 7 years ago

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Guest firetotheworks

Xisco has a decent turn of pace, but clearly he's not fit to lace Carroll's boots.


Kinnear seems to think so. He also seems to think Riise is a better option than Enrique at left back though.

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