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West Ham agree fee in region of £15m with Liverpool for Andy Carroll

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

He's not going to improve? I forgot most players peak at around 20.  Better get rid of Ranger soon as well because he's not world class yet...


Ranger isn't a c***.


Been to youth offenders institute, hoyed out of last club for theft, late to training all the time?  :idiot2:


past is the past init psshhhhhhhh now e on sttrr88888 an narrow.

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Carroll is among the best young English strikers, he's certainly the best targetman.. and probably the best forward to come up through the Academy in the last 20 years..Those who want him out have unrealistic expectations or simply don't have a clue.

Aye, let's get rid of him cause he's a cunt.. we're all about professionalism and dedication at our club

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My mate said AC told his brother that he's off to Stoke in Jan.


Definitely the right type of club for a big bustling lad like AC, but the story is obviously bollocks.


I thought the goal he scored at Stoke away last season was superb, not many score that type against their defence.

I'm sure it would have left an impression on their management.

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I'd say the reason these storys cropped up is simply because of the nightclub incident, journos free to speculate on "newcastle lose patience with carroll over off field activity's" line and make up transfer storys to fill page space

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Carroll -> 4-6 Million -> Decent replacement.

such as?


Swap deal for Beattie


Edit: With probably a few million on top , didn't realise he was 31.

Even now Beattie is hardly better than Carroll.. Never mind in two years time..


How about we try to keep our talented young players and stop buying overpaid crap with big reputations..

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Toon ace Andy Carroll won’t quit Newcastle


Dec 16 2009 by Lee Ryder, Evening Chronicle


GEORDIE boy Andy Carroll has been told that his Newcastle United future is “in his own hands”.


But the England Under-21 star has no intention of walking away from St James’ Park in January – no matter who bids for him.


Carroll responded to being axed for the game against Coventry due to off-the-field issues last week by putting in a sparkling performance against Barnsley, in which he laid on two assists to help secure another precious Championship point.


It means Carroll has created five goals this season and scored four in his 16 appearances for the Magpies, underlining his importance in the Toon frontline.


The player has attracted interest from West Ham, Bolton and Stoke City in the last 12 months and, with the transfer window about to open, Carroll’s name is likely to be linked with an exit throughout January.


Chris Hughton revealed to the Chronicle on Monday night that Carroll was “going nowhere” and today it has emerged that the striker has made his intentions clear within the walls of St James’.


A close pal of Carroll told the Chronicle today: “Andy has spoken to Chris Hughton and he knows the score – he knows that his future is in his own hands.


“He’s settled at Newcastle United and does not want to leave.


“No disrespect to the clubs that have been linked with Andy, but the hope is that Newcastle will be back playing in the Premier League next season.


“And being a Geordie and former season ticket holder, it should not be difficult for people to see why he wants to be a part of that so much.


“From Newcastle’s point of view, they have one of England’s up-and-coming young stars on their hands.


“They’ve brought him through the Academy as one of their own and are proud he’s gone on to represent his country.


“There is no reason to sell him, especially when he’s one of the reasons why Newcastle are currently at the top of the Championship.


“He’s got a bright future and it’s up to the club to work with him and help him develop.”


Carroll signed a new contract with United back in March, and his current deal does not expire until 2013.


The United young gun has had his problems with both injury and illness, but has made an impact in the Toon side this term.


Carroll made his United bow three years ago in the UEFA Cup against Palermo when he became the youngest player to play in Europe for the club at 17 years and 300 days.


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It is f***ing terrbile the stuff that is flying out of Thommo House regarding AC:


Saturday: Lee Ryder mentions it has been a "tough week" for Carroll & mentions Stoke City were after him for £6 million. Not as tough as the victims ye knacker


Sunday: Two rags that bolt out of Thomson House have some AC transfer stories: The Sunday Mirror: Chelsea checked him out V Watford.The Sunday Sun: Wolves are after him along with Stoke & WHU


Monday: Match reports


Tuesday: Lee Ryder interviews Bob Moncur. The opening paragraph:

BOB MONCUR feels that Andy Carroll can STILL achieve his dream of becoming an iconic No 9 with Newcastle United - providing he can resist the lures of the infamous goldfish bowl in Toon.
Lets hope it is one of those plastic goldfish bowls ay.


Wed: Lee Ryder speaks to a "A close pal of Carroll". Did Lee ask himself some questions? Article has

There is no reason to sell him
just f*** off man.






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I stumbled across another Lee Ryder lover article/blog about AC.


The Toon is a goldfish bowl of no mercy

By Lee Ryder on Dec 11, 09 05:52 AM


IF Andy Carroll didn't know how important he was to Newcastle United's future then perhaps he knows now.


In the aftermath of what was supposed to be a night out of winding down after a game and perhaps celebrating three points and his return from illness, there is no doubt Carroll got more than he bargained for.


Not for one minute is this blog condoning any behaviour that involves attacking somebody in a nightclub.


So far it appears that Carroll has made a big mistake, big mistake.


Instead of focusing on football he's now got half the world taking the moral high ground and telling him how to run his life.


And if it's not the media playing the role of judge and jury or message board maniacs who often don't move from their own bedroom it'll be somebody who feels they've been there and got the t-shirt, the hat, the scarf and the badge - that's life, everybody becomes an expert after the event but nobody was clever enough to prevent it happening in the first place.


I know plenty of lads who couldn't stay out of trouble to save their lives in their late teens and early 20s but have calmed down quickly after it and settled down to live their lives.


I'm not just talking about the working class section of society either, it's people who went to public schools, came from wealthy backgrounds and were supposedly raised in the proper way - everybody makes mistakes through naivety and Carroll is no different.


It's all called life and whether it gets publicised or not, it's still happening all around us, probably at the end of your street or at worse on your doorstep.


So what should Newcastle United do now?


Well after setting a precedent with Joey Barton and his consistent bad behaviour, they can hardly sack Carroll now can they?


If they are the club that try to rehabilitate footballers then it will be interesting to see how they do it with Carroll.


You certainly suspect if Alan Shearer was in charge he would have known in no uncertain terms what the score was.


Ironically anybody who has met the Geordie boy will know that he is one of the most polite footballers in the game, often bordering on shy.


He doesn't have an ego problem and unfortunately that looks to have cost him.


If he did have an ego problem then he certainly wouldn't be out in Blu Bambu and he wouldn't be walking round freely in the city centre.


Carroll, in my opinion, until his night out over the weekend had failed to realise that he is not only an important first team player these days but arguably one of the main men.


Therefore he's not invisible on a night out in Toon, he's hardly a packet of peanuts is he?


Is he entitled to a night in Newcastle as a Geordie boy in his hometown?


Too right he is.


And while any Tom, Dick or Harry who aren't famous can't behave how they like with no consequences - they have a better chance of getting away with it.


Yes, ask Kieron Dyer that, wasn't he once booting girls out of his car on Barrack Road to get two more in 10 yards up the road?


Oh, yes Newcastle United have had more than their fair share of egotistical knackers on their books in the past and most of them make Carroll look like a choir boy.


If somebody gets involved in a scuffle in a club, they will generally be thrown out with a physical warning from bouncers - regardless of whether the scrap was their fault or not or who started it.


The full facts will come out via the legal process.


If Carroll goes out in public then his life is being played out on a bigger and more critical stage than St James' Park.


It's amazing that somebody at the football club hasn't made this clear enough for him, certainly a more old school type of manager would have made sure Carroll has a team-mate with him that can act as his "minder" on a night out - until he gets being the remaining adolescence out of his system.


The incident is bad, but there have been a lot worse incidents from footballers who are much more experienced than Carroll.


The question is whether he can learn from it or not because bad boy or not - he's got an awful lot of talent to offer Newcastle United or somebody else.





You can see he learnt his trade from oor Alan as he also cant help himself by typing BOY after Geordie.





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Guest Heneage

3 years back Ryder was doing his work experience and licking Oliver's arsehole out.

He also routinely checks places like this for information.

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