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Looks like Shay is on his way


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Tbh if i could pick, i'd prefer to see him go to Celtic. Guaranteed success, Champions League football too, and it's the club he supports as far as i know. Means we don't have to play against him n'all, he wouldn't be improving a direct rival.

Celtic don't really need to spend £8m+ on a new keeper when they have Boruc though  :undecided:

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City and Spurs are better prospects because they aren't hanging on by as weary a thread as we are. I don't think we'll go down but we still might, them two though, it's never going to happen. And as someone's said, as disappointing for football as it is, City have stacks of potential given the financial muscle they boast (that said, they'll go fucking nowhere fast spending £15m on the likes of Wayne Bridge). No Given doens't directly say that he sees them as better opportunities of success, but you'd have to be bloody daft if you think Joe Kinnear's Newcastle represents a better career prospect.

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Like it or not, Spurs and Citeh are better prospects than us. Citeh for obvious reasons and Spurs might be in the doldrums at the moment but they have no intention of staying there. Our intentions are to stay exactly where we are - maintain Premiership status on a shoestring and coin it in from Sky and the stupid Geordies.


Happy New Year from Mike and Dennis, xx

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Like it or not, Spurs and Citeh are better prospects than us. Citeh for obvious reasons and Spurs might be in the doldrums at the moment but they have no intention of staying there. Our intentions are to stay exactly where we are - maintain Premiership status on a shoestring and coin it in from Sky and the stupid Geordies.


Happy New Year from Mike, Kevin and Dennis, xx


FYP. Yes i know it's an old, boring argument now - but if the people on that side of the argument are allowed input then the people with balanced views can have a go aswell iyam.

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Our intentions are to stay exactly where we are - maintain Premiership status on a shoestring and coin it in from Sky and the stupid Geordies.


Happy New Year from Mike and Dennis, xx




Fuck off.

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Our intentions are to stay exactly where we are - maintain Premiership status on a shoestring and coin it in from Sky and the stupid Geordies.


Happy New Year from Mike and Dennis, xx




Fuck off.


Well i guess if NE5 is allowed 'mackems.gif', you can have that.

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Well if he goes, he will want to be guaranteed to be the number one as he will not be content to sit on the bench.  Not sure what Spurs plan to do with Gomes as I think he has been playing better of late.


Isn't it awful, when you see everyone outside of NUFC say that he deserves better than us?


I think if he goes, it will depress me more than any other player leaving because I think it makes it apparent that the club is going downhill fast and that he has no confidence that things will improve in the near future.  No amount of spin from the club could disguise that.



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Like it or not, Spurs and Citeh are better prospects than us. Citeh for obvious reasons and Spurs might be in the doldrums at the moment but they have no intention of staying there. Our intentions are to stay exactly where we are - maintain Premiership status on a shoestring and coin it in from Sky and the stupid Geordies.


Happy New Year from Mike, Kevin and Dennis, xx


FYP. Yes i know it's an old, boring argument now - but if the people on that side of the argument are allowed input then the people with balanced views can have a go aswell iyam.


"Balanced views" - don't be such a patronising tosser.


If you think KK's ambition for the club was to survive and nothing more, feel free. You're talking shit though. That's why he's gone and that's why Owen and Shay are as good as gone. Funny how M&D are doing a brilliant job yet the best players are leaving like rats from the sinking ship. They obviously can't see Mike's vision of the future as well as you can.

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How depressing that he clearly feels 16th-placed Tottenham and 13th-placed Manchester City are better prospects than us.

What part of the statement does he clearly state that?

I think it Arsenal that he sees as better prospects.



'Having served the club loyally for over 11 years, Shay feels compelled to consider his position in the light of the interest being expressed in him by Manchester City, Arsenal and Tottenham.'


Why on earth would they be mentioned if he didn't feel all three were interesting him? I'm pretty sure Blyth would have him but he doesn't go on mentioning them.

The are quotes from his lawyer/agent. Not Shay himself


These clubs may be the ones that may have enquired about him.


At no point does he say that he thinks they are better prospects.


The statement could also mean his agent is trying to work things in his favour so Shay ends up been offered a better deal. To stay at the club



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Great this, eh? Mike Ashley keeping the club, JFk, the fat useless fucker, still manager and our best players leaving. It's sickening, This club is an utter joke, and people are willing to accept this bullshit.



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Like it or not, Spurs and Citeh are better prospects than us. Citeh for obvious reasons and Spurs might be in the doldrums at the moment but they have no intention of staying there. Our intentions are to stay exactly where we are - maintain Premiership status on a shoestring and coin it in from Sky and the stupid Geordies.


Happy New Year from Mike, Kevin and Dennis, xx


FYP. Yes i know it's an old, boring argument now - but if the people on that side of the argument are allowed input then the people with balanced views can have a go aswell iyam.


"Balanced views" - don't be such a patronising tosser.


If you think KK's ambition for the club was to survive and nothing more, feel free. You're talking s*** though. That's why he's gone and that's why Owen and Shay are as good as gone. Funny how M&D are doing a brilliant job yet the best players are leaving like rats from the sinking ship. They obviously can't see Mike's vision of the future as well as you can.


At the end of the day, no matter who people blame for the whole Ashley/KK saga, noone can deny the poisitivity there was under Keegan at the start of the season. People were happy, the players were happy, everyone was enjoying themselves and football again and things were looking up.


Shay and Owen would both stay if nothing had happened and KK was still in charge. FACT.


Ashley has well and truly fucked up here.

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Like it or not, Spurs and Citeh are better prospects than us. Citeh for obvious reasons and Spurs might be in the doldrums at the moment but they have no intention of staying there. Our intentions are to stay exactly where we are - maintain Premiership status on a shoestring and coin it in from Sky and the stupid Geordies.


Happy New Year from Mike, Kevin and Dennis, xx


FYP. Yes i know it's an old, boring argument now - but if the people on that side of the argument are allowed input then the people with balanced views can have a go aswell iyam.


"Balanced views" - don't be such a patronising tosser.


If you think KK's ambition for the club was to survive and nothing more, feel free. You're talking shit though. That's why he's gone and that's why Owen and Shay are as good as gone. Funny how M&D are doing a brilliant job yet the best players are leaving like rats from the sinking ship. They obviously can't see Mike's vision of the future as well as you can.


Oh get a grip man, get stuffed calling me a tosser n'all, you tell me off for being patronising yet you go on like a little kid. I wasn't being patronising in the slightest btw, not at all - my view is balanced cos i think the mess we are in is a joint effort from all those involved. I wish i agreed with you because i love Kevin Keegan, but it's a bunch of power-hungry blokes who couldn't - wait, wouldn't - work together which is why we're in this shit. I bet Keegan had a pretty rough idea of the shite we'd fall into if he left - he left for himself, not for the good of anyone else.

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Great this, eh? Mike Ashley keeping the club, JFk, the fat useless fucker, still manager and our best players leaving. It's sickening, This club is an utter joke, and people are willing to accept this bullshit.


In a nutshell.

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Great this, eh? Mike Ashley keeping the club, JFk, the fat useless fucker, still manager and our best players leaving. It's sickening, This club is an utter joke, and people are willing to accept this bullshit.


Hear hear.


Far too many people on here have spent months shoving themselves up Mike Ashley's backside. The likes of Shay Given are wanting out because of the state we're in and still the fat cunt gets brown-nosed. It's absolutely pathetic.

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Like it or not, Spurs and Citeh are better prospects than us. Citeh for obvious reasons and Spurs might be in the doldrums at the moment but they have no intention of staying there. Our intentions are to stay exactly where we are - maintain Premiership status on a shoestring and coin it in from Sky and the stupid Geordies.


Happy New Year from Mike, Kevin and Dennis, xx


FYP. Yes i know it's an old, boring argument now - but if the people on that side of the argument are allowed input then the people with balanced views can have a go aswell iyam.


"Balanced views" - don't be such a patronising tosser.


If you think KK's ambition for the club was to survive and nothing more, feel free. You're talking s*** though. That's why he's gone and that's why Owen and Shay are as good as gone. Funny how M&D are doing a brilliant job yet the best players are leaving like rats from the sinking ship. They obviously can't see Mike's vision of the future as well as you can.


At the end of the day, no matter who people blame for the whole Ashley/KK saga, noone can deny the poisitivity there was under Keegan at the start of the season. People were happy, the players were happy, everyone was enjoying themselves and football again and things were looking up.


Shay and Owen would both stay if  nothing had happened and KK was still in charge. FACT.


Ashley has well and truly f***ed up here.

i you know that

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Great this, eh? Mike Ashley keeping the club, JFk, the fat useless fucker, still manager and our best players leaving. It's sickening, This club is an utter joke, and people are willing to accept this bullshit.


Hear hear.


Far too many people on here have spent months shoving themselves up Mike Ashley's backside. The likes of Shay Given are wanting out because of the state we're in and still the fat cunt gets brown-nosed. It's absolutely pathetic.


I hope you're not referring to me there, like.

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Great this, eh? Mike Ashley keeping the club, JFk, the fat useless fucker, still manager and our best players leaving. It's sickening, This club is an utter joke, and people are willing to accept this bullshit.




No-one is willingly accepting it, what do you expect people to do? Protests can only go so far.


I think most of us want things, however bad they may seem, to just return to some form of normality and stability. Once we're relatively stable it will be easier to plan things and move forward.

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Great this, eh? Mike Ashley keeping the club, JFk, the fat useless fucker, still manager and our best players leaving. It's sickening, This club is an utter joke, and people are willing to accept this bullshit.




No-one is willingly accepting it, what do you expect people to do? Protests can only go so far.


I think most of us want things, however bad they may seem, to just return to some form of normality and stability. Once we're relatively stable it will be easier to plan things and move forward.


This is moving forward as far as Ashley's concerned. Selling players at a profit is number one priority. There isn't a number two.

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Kinnear showing in classic style that he's not got the fucking foggiest about what his players want btw. That or he's proven himself a liar yet again of course. :rolleyes:


Just dances to Ashley's tune - "tell them Keegan and Shearer are in next week, Joe, that'll shut them up for a bit".


At least Shepherd's propaganda man was a writer on the local rag and not the bloke picking the fucking team.

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We're sh*t - and Shay's sick of it


Potentially explosive quotes from the agent of Newcastle goalkeeper Shay Given have emerged, which prove that it's not just the fans who look at the state of this club in 2009 with dismay. 


And the statement from John Kennedy also confirms recent media reports that three other named Premier League clubs are looking to sign him this month:


"Shay is very despondent following the very poor performance of the team against Liverpool last weekend. It was the lowest point of his football career and a performance that he would not wish to be repeated.


"When he signed a new five-year contract in 2006 it was on the basis that the club would challenge for major honours, but on the present evidence all that he can see ahead, with the turmoil on and off the pitch, is a battle for survival.


"Having served the club loyally for over eleven years, Shay feels compelled to consider his position in the light of the interest being expressed in him by Manchester City, Arsenal and Tottenham."


We've run a feature before transfer windows since 2006, highlighting Given's regular pleas for action to combat

the recurring issues of squad size and quality.


Now it seems as if he's grown tired of repeating himself and seeing no action to back up the promises made to

him by the previous administration.


And the events of the previous transfer window are also significant, ending as it did with some inexplicable signings, equally mystifying failures to bolster in key areas, a claim that offers had been invited for the whole squad - and of course the still-to-be-explained demise of Kevin Keegan. 


Comparing Kennedy's statement with Joe Kinnear's latest Given-related quotes below also looks to show a massive difference between the manager's perception of the situation and the reality of the SJP dressing room.


JFK on Shay:


"There is no problem there.. He's very happy here, he's very comfortable at Newcastle United.


"He won't be leaving - he has no interest in that whatsoever. He loves the football club - he's part of the city and that suits us because he's a world-class goalkeeper.


"Shay's performance against Liverpool was brilliant and that got picked up on. But ask the Geordie fans and I think they already knew how good he is.


They know their football, so to be one of their favourites says it all about how good he is. He's the best goalkeeper in the Premier League by a mile."


Depending on your viewpoint, the statement can be seen either as an attempt to flush out bids for his services without submitting a transfer request - or an expression of exasperation from someone as mystified as the rest of us as to exactly what the **** is going on @ SJP.


Like the departure of Peter Beardsley to Liverpool in 1987, we would struggle to blame Given if he left. It certainly wouldn't be for the money and any anger felt would be aimed at the club, rather than the individual.


Putting the sentiment of a player within sight of the all-time appearance record leaving aside though, Shay's

position is one of the few where we have genuine cover.


The unpalatable reality of our current position may be that he has to be sacrificed in order to generate funds to plug the gaps in the side he's so regularly highlighted.


Knowing our past record though, we're far more likely to spunk the lolly away on another exotic import from the Spanish League that little Dennis thinks is a top geezer.

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