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The Kevin Keegan thread

The Prophet

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Our gutless manager fell out with our wanker of an owner,



How about Our manager went into a job, genuinely and honestly hoping that the owners plan and vision for the future would work. But upon realisation that said owner and his fellow directors didnt actually have a clue what they were doing and had no real desire to make NUFC one of the top clubs in the country, decided that his only course of action was to walk away and turn his back on the people he had made promises to ?


That's still walking away though.  O0


However - and I think this is one of the major issues - if in your scenario he had then gone on to come out and properly explain the reasons he left, then that would have made a crucial difference to the clubs ability to move on, whether that was with him, Ashley, or both.

But as it was, for an age fans were demanding his return without the slightest clue whether he had any intention of returning whatever Ashley did. He never spelled out what the hell happened, so rather than give us issues that the we could call on the club to address and change, our protests were unfocussed and ended up in childish personal attacks, and ultimately in the isolated vicious threats that saw Ashley throw his first wobbly which led to us entering the ridiculous phase we still find ourselves in; an absentee landlord, no further investment, and caretaker managers coming out of our ears.


Don't get me wrong, I don't think any of this was intentional on Keegans part and wish him well (though hopefully without taking us to the cleaners), but his silence and the subsequent silence from the club due to his claim has been a pretty devastating factor in our downfall imho.

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Guest afternoonfix

kick us while we're down Keegan,you're the man alright.



if it wernt for you Kevin wed have never been up in the first place.





Don't kid yourself ,Keegan looks after no.1 each & everytime

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It's nowt to do with apples and oranges.  :idiot2:


Some of you irrational Keegan haters appear to have a problem acknowledging the concept of "constructive dismissal" and that if it is proven in this case there is no difference at all between Keegan resigning and Robson being sacked. None at all.


Constructive dismissal is a real thing. Get used to it.

So there is no difference at all between a personal decision to walk out of a job and getting the sack?



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It's nowt to do with apples and oranges.  :idiot2:


Some of you irrational Keegan haters appear to have a problem acknowledging the concept of "constructive dismissal" and that if it is proven in this case there is no difference at all between Keegan resigning and Robson being sacked. None at all.


Constructive dismissal is a real thing. Get used to it.

So there is no difference at all between a personal decision to walk out of a job and getting the sack?





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It's nowt to do with apples and oranges.  :idiot2:


Some of you irrational Keegan haters appear to have a problem acknowledging the concept of "constructive dismissal" and that if it is proven in this case there is no difference at all between Keegan resigning and Robson being sacked. None at all.


Constructive dismissal is a real thing. Get used to it.

So there is no difference at all between a personal decision to walk out of a job and getting the sack?





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Apologies for not replying to you earlier. After all, I am not a real supporter with a "feel" for the club because I live in Australia and due to the time difference, I am not able to reply. Of course, that is in your eyes.


I will not waste my time replying to your jibe AGAIN about the 12 pioint lead. It is history and in the records. Read it for yourself. Suffice to say, we blew our chances while Man U took theirs. Keegan was our manager and he basically shat himself. Simple as.


If you could get rid of the blinkers regarding your hero, Keegan and use a bit more Peripheral vision, IN MY OPINION, the bloke is a waster, con man, serial quitter and spoilt brat, He has never won anything as a manager nor has he ever stayed long enough to finish a job he started. You are probably one these people who would rather have a Keegan as manager than a WENGER or a Ferguson.


However, if you are happy to be continually let down by this childish, churlish individual who is currently trying to take the club to the cleaners in order to pay off his debts from his "circus", then that is your perogative. You are entitlked to your opinion as I am in mine.


However, just one thing, stio trying to ram your opinion down my throat as the truth. I dont fucking care anymore. End of discussion.

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Don't know if already posted.


Wise defended himself as he spoke for the first time since he left his role as Newcastle's director of football where he was the best-known member of the so-called 'Cockney Mafia'.

"You are paid to do a job and you do the best that you can," Wise said.

"You're always going to get stick for everything you do. There are always going to be circumstances.

"We dealt with it and got on with it. People like to blame me for most things anyway.

"There are plenty of other people to take a bit of the shift. I don't want to go into it to be honest. It's important to keep some dignity and not shout off.

"There are a few other people that need to look at the situation as well."

Wise broke his silence as club owner Mike Ashley was contesting a claim of constructive dismissal by former manager Kevin Keegan after he lost a power struggle with the former Chelsea captain over transfers.

"The system didn't work and it's as simple as that," Wise added. "It could work. It works abroad, it could here." I wish them (Newcastle) the best and hope they get up.

"I have spoken to him (Ashley) about a few weeks ago, there is no malice there. There is nothing bad happening. It's football. I'll get on with it."



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Apologies for not replying to you earlier. After all, I am not a real supporter with a "feel" for the club because I live in Australia and due to the time difference, I am not able to reply. Of course, that is in your eyes.


I will not waste my time replying to your jibe AGAIN about the 12 pioint lead. It is history and in the records. Read it for yourself. Suffice to say, we blew our chances while Man U took theirs. Keegan was our manager and he basically shat himself. Simple as.


If you could get rid of the blinkers regarding your hero, Keegan and use a bit more Peripheral vision, IN MY OPINION, the bloke is a waster, con man, serial quitter and spoilt brat, He has never won anything as a manager nor has he ever stayed long enough to finish a job he started. You are probably one these people who would rather have a Keegan as manager than a WENGER or a Ferguson.


However, if you are happy to be continually let down by this childish, churlish individual who is currently trying to take the club to the cleaners in order to pay off his debts from his "circus", then that is your perogative. You are entitlked to your opinion as I am in mine.


However, just one thing, stio trying to ram your opinion down my throat as the truth. I dont fucking care anymore. End of discussion.


I've never said you aren't a genuine supporter either, mate. 


Lying, making stuff up and generally getting personal when faced with facts you can't refute is pathetic from you. But two can play that game. Basically, you are wrong about that 12 point lead but you can't bring yourself to admit it.  Throwing away this 12 point lead is the biggest stick with which you've beaten Keegan for years. To admit you are wrong on this undermines all that nonsense you've been posting about Keegan for ages. This is no attempt to ram any opinion down anyone's throat on this, it's pointing out that some other members have posted the facts that you choose to ignore.


How ironic you complain about ME ramming words down your throat, given the nonsense you posted above about Wenger and Ferguson. Truth is, I'd rather have Wenger or Ferguson as manager ahead Keegan any day, I think they're better managers. There are also lots of others I'd like to see as manager ahead of Keegan who would probably do a better job, though they'd all have to be backed properly to have a hope. The other side of that coin is I'd prefer Keegan as manager ahead of Kinnear, Hughton and also ahead of Wise in whatever wasteful capacity he was being overpaid to fill.


For me, there are no hero's either. It's why I was happy to be rid of Macdonald all those years ago. It's why I'd have been happy to shift Shearer out of the club quite a while before he packed in and I certainly wouldn't name a bar after him. It's why, despite Robson doing a fantastic job for most of his time here I thought he'd lost the players, so I wasn't unhappy when he was sacked. Disappointed that he had appeared to have lost it, but no sentiment from me. The club comes first and always has. No hero's. I don't wear a top with anyone's name on the back.


Here's where I make up that you are probably one of those people who would prefer Westwood, McKeag or Ashley to SJH and Fred.

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Don't know if already posted.


Wise defended himself as he spoke for the first time since he left his role as Newcastle's director of football where he was the best-known member of the so-called 'Cockney Mafia'.

"You are paid to do a job and you do the best that you can," Wise said.

"You're always going to get stick for everything you do. There are always going to be circumstances.

"We dealt with it and got on with it. People like to blame me for most things anyway.

"There are plenty of other people to take a bit of the shift. I don't want to go into it to be honest. It's important to keep some dignity and not shout off.

"There are a few other people that need to look at the situation as well."

Wise broke his silence as club owner Mike Ashley was contesting a claim of constructive dismissal by former manager Kevin Keegan after he lost a power struggle with the former Chelsea captain over transfers.

"The system didn't work and it's as simple as that," Wise added. "It could work. It works abroad, it could here." I wish them (Newcastle) the best and hope they get up.

"I have spoken to him (Ashley) about a few weeks ago, there is no malice there. There is nothing bad happening. It's football. I'll get on with it."




If the system was starting to fail why not stop it dead and revert back to normal, who had the balls no one and now the club is in the championship. 




Teflon shoulders time everyone.

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If you took the time to read my posts on Keegan, you would realise my "beef" with him is a lot more than throwing away a 12 point lead. You conveniently ignore games at Liverpool and Blackburn where we were leading with a few minutes left, only to throw it away due to tactical ignorance. I couldnt see W

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Apologies for the error in sending the last message before finishing.


I meant to say that I could not see Wenger or Ferguson throwing away such a lead. Furthermore, I blame Keegan for wealking out on the club THREE TIMES because he couldnt get his own way. I also blame him for setting unrealisitc signings to the board last year. How do I know this? Lets just say that I know and leave it at that.


I also blame Keegan for running away from a job when the going was starting to get tough. I would imagine Hughton gaining more rspect than Keegan for the effort he has put in under exptremely more difficult circumstances than Keegan had before him.


I also blame Keegan for trying to con 1o million quid out of the supporters of our club for work not completed because he didnt have the balls the manage the club when it was clearly in a financial meltdown.


I could blame Keegan for a lot more as well but these are the major points. Hopefully, I have answered your "12 point itch" as it seems to be annoying you to the extent of being totally irrational.

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If you took the time to read my posts on Keegan, you would realise my "beef" with him is a lot more than throwing away a 12 point lead. You conveniently ignore games at Liverpool and Blackburn where we were leading with a few minutes left, only to throw it away due to tactical ignorance. I couldnt see W



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If you took the time to read my posts on Keegan, you would realise my "beef" with him is a lot more than throwing away a 12 point lead. You conveniently ignore games at Liverpool and Blackburn where we were leading with a few minutes left, only to throw it away due to tactical ignorance. I couldnt see W


A few minutes = 33?


How disgraceful we couldn't beat Liverpool who only lost once at home that season (and beat Man U 2-0).

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I meant to say that I could not see Wenger or Ferguson throwing away such a lead.


Wenger and Ferguson have never lost after being ahead in a match? Amazing stat if so.


Lets just say that I know and leave it at that.


I'd rather say you haven't a fucking clue and leave it at that.

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I meant to say that I could not see Wenger or Ferguson throwing away such a lead.


Wenger and Ferguson have never lost after being ahead in a match? Amazing stat if so.


I couldn't ever see Wenger throwing away, say, a champions league final once his team were in front.

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I meant to say that I could not see Wenger or Ferguson throwing away such a lead.


Wenger and Ferguson have never lost after being ahead in a match? Amazing stat if so.


I couldn't ever see Wenger throwing away, say, a champions league final once his team were in front.


It just wouldn't happen, he's not so tactically naive as to ever let his players concede a goal.

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I meant to say that I could not see Wenger or Ferguson throwing away such a lead.


a couple of seasons after we "threw away our lead" man utd were over 12 points ahead of arsenal at one stage, (for all at the time they didn't have a 12 point lead over the rest of the league),and still lost out to them for the title.

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There was an element of bottling it in that season, though it had little to do with Keegan, it was more a case of some players suffering from vertigo once we reached the final stages. Rob Lee and Ferdinand were on fire in the first half of the season but the goals dried up in the second.

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Apologies for the error in sending the last message before finishing.


I meant to say that I could not see Wenger or Ferguson throwing away such a lead. Furthermore, I blame Keegan for wealking out on the club THREE TIMES because he couldnt get his own way.

You've been slagging Keegan for a lot longer than when he returned as manager under Fat  Ash, so there's something dodgy about you claiming you're slagging him for walking out 3 times.


I also blame him for setting unrealisitc signings to the board last year. How do I know this? Lets just say that I know and leave it at that.

Been talking to Irv, then. Oh well, no doubt your finger is firmly on the pulse with this information given by a definite bottler when the going got tough. Newcastle United is a big club and due to the efforts of SJH, Fat Fred, Keegan and then Robson we had progressed well past the signing of hopeless tw*ts like Ryan Taylor. All of this has been undone by Fat Ash despite Keegan trying to raise the bar again. There's nothing wrong with having ambition so don't slag it. Your mate didn't show any ambition at all when he ran away to the nappy rippers, clearly not influenced at all by turmoil at boardroom level.


I also blame Keegan for running away from a job when the going was starting to get tough. I would imagine Hughton gaining more rspect than Keegan for the effort he has put in under exptremely more difficult circumstances than Keegan had before him.

Under certain conditions it is reasonable to resign. From what is known it looks like KK was justified when resigning in the 90's and again under Fat Ash. I've forgotten what the other occasion was. Remind me.


I also blame Keegan for trying to con 1o million quid out of the supporters of our club for work not completed because he didnt have the balls the manage the club when it was clearly in a financial meltdown.

Again, dodgy reason because you've been slagging him for a long time, it's nothing to do with the current problem between Keegan and Ashley and this £10m.


I could blame Keegan for a lot more as well but these are the major points. Hopefully, I have answered your "12 point itch" as it seems to be annoying you to the extent of being totally irrational.


Nothing irrational about my posts.


It is a FACT that over a long period of slagging Keegan the main reasons you have cited have been losing a 12 point lead and losing the matches with Liverpool and Blackburn, basically, you slag him for building a team with a supposedly shite defence and his poor tactical awareness. The facts show you are wrong.


I haven't seen where you've answered the facts stated about the myth of the 12 point lead, though I've just logged on so I'll look at some other posts in a moment. Maybe I'll find the admission you got it wrong somewhere in another post...


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There was an element of bottling it in that season, though it had little to do with Keegan, it was more a case of some players suffering from vertigo once we reached the final stages. Rob Lee and Ferdinand were on fire in the first half of the season but the goals dried up in the second.


Which is one reason why the difference may have been Venison, had he not be allowed to leave.


It was also a lot to do with the amazing last 15 or 16 games from manure that is constantly overlooked. Really, the 12 point lead isn't the main thing here anyway. The media like to sensationalise and it's a better story (even if true) that Keegan bottled it on TV and threw away a 12 point lead when compared to Man Utd winning the league again due in huge part to an absolutely amazing run-in. It's played over 38 games and the bottom line is the best team wins the league. We were second best overall despite being ahead for large parts of it. We didn't win, but to suggest a manager is hopeless who takes a club from where Keegan started to where it was at that point is lunacy.

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I meant to say that I could not see Wenger or Ferguson throwing away such a lead.


a couple of seasons after we "threw away our lead" man utd were over 12 points ahead of arsenal at one stage, (for all at the time they didn't have a 12 point lead over the rest of the league),and still lost out to them for the title.




Ferguson the bottler  :frantic:

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