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BOYCOTT the protest rally !!

Benwell Lad

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i hadn't planned on going to the monument yesterday but ended up having to meet someone there so got there to hear Steve Hastie's speech and thought it was very good and while i didn't agree with all of it i was agreeing with most of it.  I am also a member of NUSC and was disappointed with the ashley-wise out flag, although it was to the back and side and not in full view thankfully.  Also ended up standing to an Everton fan, an oldish bloke, probably in his 60's, he stood there claaping and agreeing with the speech and walked away at the end saying to me and my mate that he can't believe that our supporters are sitting back allowing Ashley to destroy a great football club!


Anyway for anyone not there yesterday, here is the speech in full..... no doubt it will get torn to shreds by NUSC critics.



Can I start by paying tribute to two people today

Firstly Joe Kinnear. We wish Joe well, as he recovers from his heart operation; get well soon and take care Joe, our best wishes to you and your family.

Secondly can i pay tribute to someone who, more than anyone else has shown dignity in adversity and a fighters spirit as he battles once again with cancer. Sir Bobby Robson. Happy birthday for earlier in the week Sir Bobby.

How privileged we are in the north east to have such a person as sir bobby, raising so much money for his foundation. Thank you.

Why did NUSC call this rally together

We did so because NUSC believe that we stand here at a crossroads in the history of Newcastle United

A time when situations on the pitch are being effected more than ever by the total mis-management of the club at boardroom level

Mis-management by people who have no soul in Newcastle United; who are not supporters of Newcastle United and have no handle on what Newcastle United means to the city, its people and all who wear their colours with pride.

People who show no respect to the fans

As we ponder on past performance and wait excitedly for the next game, full of tension, hope and expectation that it will be the turning point; we want to walk proudly around this city full in the knowledge that our football club is doing us proud

We want to go into work on a Monday morning, bouyed by a performance of skill and endeavour and a result to match.

We want to sit in pubs and clubs before a match, full of expectation for what we are about to be served

But sadly, we havent been experiencing that this last few months.

We feel let down by the people running our club; by the performances we have witnessed and the words we have had to listen to.

We are not interested in who earns what;

Our loyalty is to the black and white shirt

We love our club

But we are in despair when decisions are being made that seem to jeopardise that position

Nobody should think that questioning what is happening at Newcastle United is in any way a sign of disloyalty

Disloyalty to whom; certainly not the players who are paid handsomely

And alongside whom, we kick every ball and tread on every blade of grass. People who are privaleged to represent Newcastle United

to the club; certainly not; never

we care we care passionately and we are proud that we care.

but we will not stand back and see newcastle United be devalued and defaced by people who do not understand Newcastle United

Custodians who see their job as selling the pies and chips; people who employ the odious Dennis Wise to do their dirty work;

People with no understanding of the workings of a football club.

People who wait for months for the transfer window to open and then spend the last 12 hours of a 34 day window scrambling around trying to do deals that frankly werent even there to be done.

People who drove the best goalkeeper in the premiership out of our club by failing to deliver the promises made of taking the club forward; of investing and of building a team worthy of the shirt

People who strived to undermine the management structure; to destroy the hopes and dreams of many who saw kevin keegan as the man to put the building blocks back into place at our club and because of whom many thousands of us loyal supporters have paid handsomely in advance to be part of the dream for the next three years

We were told 18 months ago we aspire to be arsenal

Now were told its Aston Villa

Who will it be tomorrow; Wigan, or West Brom ?

Mike Ashley bought Newcastle United to, in his words have some fun

Well mike, I hope you are enjoying it, because at the moment we certainly arent

You thought you were getting a bargain; yet you failed to do your homework and got stiffed by sir john hall, who conveniently failed to mention the mortgage he lumbered you with.

If thats true mike; why is Sir John still life president of the club;

why have you not banished him from the directors box and left him to watch the games on some dodgy foreign satellite channel

Why do your spokespeople and club insiders bleat on about the shepherd and hall era; the debt , the potential financial meltdown yet fail to mention champions league and uefa cup football; the fantastic stadium, the two fa cup finals, and two semi finals the charity shield; the uefa cup semi final ; the world record signings;


the entertainers, asprilla, ferdinand, batty, albert, peacock, pav, shearer, ginola, lee, barton, beresford, clark, watson, sellers, beardsley, cole, solano, - what we had and what we aspire to have again

Why; is it because your so called plan wont warrant such talent; wont bring such entertaining football and will be built on sand if it is being managed by the current bunch of clowns running the club.

We know Shepherd and Hall fleeced the club of millions during their tenure; we also know that you gave them £136m

We know you wanted to sell the club as soon as you bought it; we know your blunder has cost you millions more

And it will continue to do so while you sit back and allow it to be mis-managed.

So where is your plan mike ?

does it exist ?

is it still in the draft stage ?

or is it an aspiration rather than a fact

Is the plan to still sell the club if the opportunity arises; if so tell us and we will help you sell it;

Sell it on the back of the 52,000 who used to come through the door;

And the 52,000 who will come back through the door if the right buyer comes along and manages the club correctly - a proper custodian with the best interests of the city, its people and its supporters at heart.

Dont patronise us; we can sell your club for you; after all its us the fans as much as the club that you are selling.

The club is no good without the supporters; we are the people that breath the life into it

Dont accuse us of being impatient; weve waited 54 years for domestic success and will wait another 54 as long as we see progress, given the respect we deserve ; are entertained and feel part of it.

Mike; we know you cant be all things to all men, but you can talk to the fans; talk directly to us and give us the benefit of your wisdom on Newcastle United. We respect your privacy but by buying the club you have put yourself up for scrutiny and into the public eye as the owner of more than a football club

Youve bought into the Geordie dream, youve bought into the passion. You must understand that and see the responsibility that this brings with it.

If you dont understand that then get out now.


Dialogue mike; explain your plan

And while youre on;

Explain to us how a casino manager has the experience to go up against well served football executives when negotiating transfers, commercial deals and other football matters

Explain how a former player of little real talent and with no ties to the north east can be given the keys to the kingdom when deciding on the playing staff we need, be responsible for transfer dealings yet fail so miserably twice.

Explain why you think that the continental management system will work at Newcastle United when its been a failure at all other British clubs who have tried it.

Explain why Dennis Wise bought players behind Kevin Keegans back

Explain what happened to the £16m that Joe Kinnear said he had to spend in January

Explain why we are only buying players for cash but selling them to clubs who pay in instalments

Explain why a club you aspire to be like Aston Villa have spend over £80m in the last three years yet we have made a profit in transfer dealings in every transfer window since you arrived.

Kevin Keegan is now history; we know that, so why belittle us with a belief that we only aspire to bringing him back and want to talk constantly about him; .... we dont

And if you talked to us and listened to us you would know that

If we are in this together talk to the fans mike; talk

Its not sports direct we want mike .....

Its talk direct

Newcastle United is our club. it doesn't matter who pays the bills or whose name hangs over the door.

Newcastle United is central to the hearts and minds of the Geordie nation. We are the club and in desperate times and times of need its us, the supporters of Newcastle United, who rise up as one when they need us.

And right now they need us. From the first whistle to the last we support the team and we back them 100%.

We leave our differences aside and stand as one, a Newcastle United. United in the common goal, to see a successful team on the pitch and leave the day with 3 more points.

3 precious points that edge us closer to safety. And it is us, the supporters of NUFC who will give our all to help the team achieve that, today and every time the whistle goes.

And it is us, the supporters of NUFC, who are the biggest asset this club has and we can make a difference when we stand as one to achieve the same goals.

Newcastle United will never be defeated!

So what can we do about it ?

We can be united; thats what; we can stand shoulder to shoulder; we can put pressure on the club by sheer weight of numbers; by getting behind the banner of NUSC as an organisation that speaks for the fans, looks out for the fans and who can question the validity of what the club administration and executives are doing.

An organisation who can fight and argue for the return of the 2.5% vat that the club is withholding from those who have paid in advance and who have elected to set up direct debits for the following two seasons. The club is refusing to pass on the vat reduction on the grounds that you decided to join the scheme last June, even though you dont start paying until February 2009.

A club who can take forward issues such as standing at the match; at inadequate and aggressive stewarding

Together we can make a difference.

I urge every member of NUSC to make it their business to go out and find a further 10 members

As our membership grows, so will our strength and so will the need for the club to listen to our united voice.

This is not a fight about personalities or egos. it is about getting together to restore Newcastle United to its position as the entertainers of English football; about being united in our ideals; being everybody elses second club.

In the next 13 games we Newcastle supporters will be doing everything we can to ensure that our premier league status is secured; supporting the team on the pitch

We will also be watching every move that the executives of Newcastle United make to ensure that they are not wriggling out of their commitments;

Mike Ashley; were watching you. mess this up at your peril.


I thank you


Howay the lads



Superb speech, I can't see why anyone would disagree with it.

When we're half way down the championship in a couple of years heading for league one it will be interesting to see which people still post on this forum.

Yes we will probably survive this season but the way I see it we've years ahead of us with no ambition, in front of crowds below 40k! But dont worry lads they have promised to spend £8 million in  the summer, its laughable

For f*** sake please wake up and see whats happening   

The 8M isprobably on top of whatever budget we would normally have.


sadly, thats a hilarious assumption.

I wouldn't say so, but we don't know so we'll leave it it that.  I'm hguessing though they realise the squad will need improving especially up front when we lose Owen and Viduka.


As Ameobi has signed a new contract, I can only assume they don't have high sights. It will cost a lot of money to replace those 2.



It would cost alot of money but I mean we could do with at least one, if we can get a decent target man our Attack will be decent enough.



New Striker/Ameobi




We won't have the money to replace our forward line in the summer let alone strengthen our small squad,  Owen and Viduka will go for free, we'll probably get £10-£12m for Martins.  He's already been in the papers voicing his desire to leave and the extra 3 weeks to get fit doesn't look like a player busting a gut to get back in a black and white,  he was out for about 6 weeks, Shearer, Owen and Shay had similar ops by that german doctor and with back in 2 or 3 weeks!!  Look at the state Boro are in since losing Viduka and Yakubu,  can't score for toffee and heading for relegation.


I think it'll be a major problem for us to attract decent players next season with the current structure,  we've just seen one of the most respected footballers in the country driven out of the club and then savage the management structure of the club in national press, it hardly shows the club as an attractive proposition.


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Owen and Viduka have scored 8 league goals between them this season, that's twice as many as shitty Shola.


Don't make it sound as if these two are world beaters.


The reality is that Owen has averaged under 10 goals per season for us in 3 & a half years at the club.


He was our top goalscorer last season &  he is our current top goalscorer.


Of course I think it would be for the best if the likes of him, Viduka, Cacraper & Edgar were not offered new deals.

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Owen and Viduka have scored 8 league goals between them this season, that's twice as many as shitty Shola.


Don't make it sound as if these two are world beaters.


The reality is that Owen has averaged under 10 goals per season for us in 3 & a half years at the club.


He was our top goalscorer last season &  he is our current top goalscorer.


Of course I think it would be for the best if the likes of him, Viduka, Cacraper & Edgar were not offered new deals.


As good a player as Owen was, I'd hope we'll replace a striker who's contributed roughly 8 goals a season to our cause.

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Owen and Viduka have scored 8 league goals between them this season, that's twice as many as shitty Shola.


Don't make it sound as if these two are world beaters.


The reality is that Owen has averaged under 10 goals per season for us in 3 & a half years at the club.


He was our top goalscorer last season &  he is our current top goalscorer.


Of course I think it would be for the best if the likes of him, Viduka, Cacraper & Edgar were not offered new deals.


As good a player as Owen was, I'd hope we'll replace a striker who's contributed roughly 8 goals a season to our cause.


Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.

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Owen and Viduka have scored 8 league goals between them this season, that's twice as many as shitty Shola.


Don't make it sound as if these two are world beaters.


The reality is that Owen has averaged under 10 goals per season for us in 3 & a half years at the club.


He was our top goalscorer last season &  he is our current top goalscorer.


Of course I think it would be for the best if the likes of him, Viduka, Cacraper & Edgar were not offered new deals.


As good a player as Owen was, I'd hope we'll replace a striker who's contributed roughly 8 goals a season to our cause.


Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.


I can see us finding someone who contributes more than 8 goals per season over 4 years

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Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.


I'm sure Martins and Owen have scored the same number of goals for us, Owen has been here longer.

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Owen and Viduka have scored 8 league goals between them this season, that's twice as many as shitty Shola.


Don't make it sound as if these two are world beaters.


The reality is that Owen has averaged under 10 goals per season for us in 3 & a half years at the club.


He was our top goalscorer last season &  he is our current top goalscorer.


Of course I think it would be for the best if the likes of him, Viduka, Cacraper & Edgar were not offered new deals.


As good a player as Owen was, I'd hope we'll replace a striker who's contributed roughly 8 goals a season to our cause.


Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.


I can see us finding someone who contributes more than 8 goals per season over 4 years


Playing in most of the games in them 4 seasons is start. Tbf it is a bit of shit stat you keep churning out there cos you not fool & every fucker knows Owen stats over the courses of his time at Newcastle will be dragged down by him not playing. His goals to game ratio is still good (not exceptional) for playing in what in the main has been a poor teams during his time here.

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Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.


I'm sure Martins and Owen have scored the same number of goals for us, Owen has been here longer.


I wonder why that is......if only I could work it out.

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Playing in most of the games in them 4 seasons is start. Tbf it is a bit of s*** stat you keep churning out there cos you not fool & every fucker knows Owen stats over the courses of his time at Newcastle will be dragged down by him not playing. His goals to game ratio is still good (not exceptional) for playing in what in the main has been a poor teams during his time here.


His stat's are shit, the reason is mostly because of his injuries, that's unlikely to change.  Goals per game ratio over 3.5 years doesn't tell too many lies.

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Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.


I'm sure Martins and Owen have scored the same number of goals for us, Owen has been here longer.


I wonder why that is......if only I could work it out.


aye, its a mystery that one isn't it

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Playing in most of the games in them 4 seasons is start. Tbf it is a bit of s*** stat you keep churning out there cos you not fool & every fucker knows Owen stats over the courses of his time at Newcastle will be dragged down by him not playing. His goals to game ratio is still good (not exceptional) for playing in what in the main has been a poor teams during his time here.


His stat's are s***, the reason is mostly because of his injuries, that's unlikely to change.  Goals per game ratio over 3.5 years doesn't tell too many lies.


1st year:His games played (11) was shite his return of 7 goals in them games is not bad.

2nd season syndrome:3 games played 0  (ZERO) goals  - SHITE!!! Not even the late Johnnie Cochran could defend that.

Last seasons top goalscorer.

This year leading the charts.


He needs to go, his time is done here.


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1st year:His games played (11) was s**** his return of 7 goals in them games is not bad.

2nd season syndrome:3 games played 0  (ZERO) goals  - s****!!! Not even the late Johnnie Cochran could defend that.

Last seasons top goalscorer.

This year leading the charts.


He needs to go, his time is done here.



I agree that he needs to go, I hope we go for somebody with a bit of hunger for goals and games.

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Owen and Viduka have scored 8 league goals between them this season, that's twice as many as shitty Shola.


Don't make it sound as if these two are world beaters.


The reality is that Owen has averaged under 10 goals per season for us in 3 & a half years at the club.


He was our top goalscorer last season &  he is our current top goalscorer.


Of course I think it would be for the best if the likes of him, Viduka, Cacraper & Edgar were not offered new deals.


As good a player as Owen was, I'd hope we'll replace a striker who's contributed roughly 8 goals a season to our cause.


Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.


I can see us finding someone who contributes more than 8 goals per season over 4 years


Playing in most of the games in them 4 seasons is start. Tbf it is a bit of shit stat you keep churning out there cos you not fool & every fucker knows Owen stats over the courses of his time at Newcastle will be dragged down by him not playing. His goals to game ratio is still good (not exceptional) for playing in what in the main has been a poor teams during his time here.


It's an accurate stat as Mick says, just like the number of games he's missed through injury. That has a direct impact on his contribution to the team, so it's foolish to ignore it tbh.

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1st year:His games played (11) was shite his return of 7 goals in them games is not bad.

2nd season syndrome:3 games played 0  (ZERO) goals  - SHITE!!! Not even the late Johnnie Cochran could defend that.

Last seasons top goalscorer.

This year leading the charts.


He needs to go, his time is done here.



Another way to look at him is his cost to us.


Conservatively estimating his wage as £100,000 per week, plus the transfer fee, minus the compensation from the FA comes to a total of around £33million for his services.


He's played something like 68 games for us in all competitions (excluding friendlies) & scored 30 goals.  Not a bad return in terms of goals to games.  But...


£33million / 68 games = £485,000 per game

£33million / 30 goals = £1,100,000 per goal


That's just shit.

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Owen and Viduka have scored 8 league goals between them this season, that's twice as many as shitty Shola.


Don't make it sound as if these two are world beaters.


The reality is that Owen has averaged under 10 goals per season for us in 3 & a half years at the club.


He was our top goalscorer last season &  he is our current top goalscorer.


Of course I think it would be for the best if the likes of him, Viduka, Cacraper & Edgar were not offered new deals.


As good a player as Owen was, I'd hope we'll replace a striker who's contributed roughly 8 goals a season to our cause.


Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.


I can see us finding someone who contributes more than 8 goals per season over 4 years


Playing in most of the games in them 4 seasons is start. Tbf it is a bit of s*** stat you keep churning out there cos you not fool & every fucker knows Owen stats over the courses of his time at Newcastle will be dragged down by him not playing. His goals to game ratio is still good (not exceptional) for playing in what in the main has been a poor teams during his time here.


It's an accurate stat as Mick says, just like the number of games he's missed through injury. That has a direct impact on his contribution to the team, so it's foolish to ignore it tbh.


Yes & shit one as I said.


direct impact on his contribution to the team - His 2nd season at NUFC 0 goals. His average goals 8.  His average goals had no bearing on the team that year.

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1st year:His games played (11) was s**** his return of 7 goals in them games is not bad.

2nd season syndrome:3 games played 0  (ZERO) goals  - s****!!! Not even the late Johnnie Cochran could defend that.

Last seasons top goalscorer.

This year leading the charts.


He needs to go, his time is done here.



Another way to look at him is his cost to us.


Conservatively estimating his wage as £100,000 per week, plus the transfer fee, minus the compensation from the FA comes to a total of around £33million for his services.


He's played something like 68 games for us in all competitions (excluding friendlies) & scored 30 goals.  Not a bad return in terms of goals to games.  But...


£33million / 68 games = £485,000 per game

£33million / 30 goals = £1,100,000 per goal


That's just s***.


Well spotted it has not worked out & has been expensive if only I had of known that. I like your He's played something like I was expecting a ball park figure but you nailed it with 68.








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Owen and Viduka have scored 8 league goals between them this season, that's twice as many as shitty Shola.


Don't make it sound as if these two are world beaters.


The reality is that Owen has averaged under 10 goals per season for us in 3 & a half years at the club.


He was our top goalscorer last season &  he is our current top goalscorer.


Of course I think it would be for the best if the likes of him, Viduka, Cacraper & Edgar were not offered new deals.


As good a player as Owen was, I'd hope we'll replace a striker who's contributed roughly 8 goals a season to our cause.


Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.


I can see us finding someone who contributes more than 8 goals per season over 4 years


Playing in most of the games in them 4 seasons is start. Tbf it is a bit of s*** stat you keep churning out there cos you not fool & every fucker knows Owen stats over the courses of his time at Newcastle will be dragged down by him not playing. His goals to game ratio is still good (not exceptional) for playing in what in the main has been a poor teams during his time here.


It's an accurate stat as Mick says, just like the number of games he's missed through injury. That has a direct impact on his contribution to the team, so it's foolish to ignore it tbh.


Yes & shit one as I said.


direct impact on his contribution to the team - His 2nd season at NUFC 0 goals. His average goals 8.  His average goals had no bearing on the team that year.


Exactly my point.  Too often in the three and a half years he's been here he's had no impact.

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Owen and Viduka have scored 8 league goals between them this season, that's twice as many as shitty Shola.


Don't make it sound as if these two are world beaters.


The reality is that Owen has averaged under 10 goals per season for us in 3 & a half years at the club.


He was our top goalscorer last season &  he is our current top goalscorer.


Of course I think it would be for the best if the likes of him, Viduka, Cacraper & Edgar were not offered new deals.


As good a player as Owen was, I'd hope we'll replace a striker who's contributed roughly 8 goals a season to our cause.


Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.


I can see us finding someone who contributes more than 8 goals per season over 4 years


Playing in most of the games in them 4 seasons is start. Tbf it is a bit of s*** stat you keep churning out there cos you not fool & every fucker knows Owen stats over the courses of his time at Newcastle will be dragged down by him not playing. His goals to game ratio is still good (not exceptional) for playing in what in the main has been a poor teams during his time here.


It's an accurate stat as Mick says, just like the number of games he's missed through injury. That has a direct impact on his contribution to the team, so it's foolish to ignore it tbh.


Yes & s*** one as I said.


direct impact on his contribution to the team - His 2nd season at NUFC 0 goals. His average goals 8.  His average goals had no bearing on the team that year.


Exactly my point.  Too often in the three and a half years he's been here he's had no impact.


I posted a few posts ago he had scored 0 goals in his 2nd season, your average is telling he was knocking 8 in per season. I know its a AVERAGE.


I think we both know it has not worked out anyone can see that but he was our top goalscorer last season & leads the charts this year.

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Owen and Viduka have scored 8 league goals between them this season, that's twice as many as shitty Shola.


Don't make it sound as if these two are world beaters.


The reality is that Owen has averaged under 10 goals per season for us in 3 & a half years at the club.


He was our top goalscorer last season &  he is our current top goalscorer.


Of course I think it would be for the best if the likes of him, Viduka, Cacraper & Edgar were not offered new deals.


As good a player as Owen was, I'd hope we'll replace a striker who's contributed roughly 8 goals a season to our cause.


Oba did not score more than him last term & is trailing him this season & atm I cant see us finding a better striker than Oba or Owen.


I can see us finding someone who contributes more than 8 goals per season over 4 years


Playing in most of the games in them 4 seasons is start. Tbf it is a bit of s*** stat you keep churning out there cos you not fool & every fucker knows Owen stats over the courses of his time at Newcastle will be dragged down by him not playing. His goals to game ratio is still good (not exceptional) for playing in what in the main has been a poor teams during his time here.


It's an accurate stat as Mick says, just like the number of games he's missed through injury. That has a direct impact on his contribution to the team, so it's foolish to ignore it tbh.


Yes & s*** one as I said.


direct impact on his contribution to the team - His 2nd season at NUFC 0 goals. His average goals 8.  His average goals had no bearing on the team that year.


Exactly my point.  Too often in the three and a half years he's been here he's had no impact.


I posted a few posts ago he had scored 0 goals in his 2nd season, your average is telling he was knocking 8 in per season. I know its a AVERAGE.


I think we both know it has not worked out anyone can see that but he was our top goalscorer last season & leads the charts this year.


I know, but what I'm saying is over 4 years his overall contribution particularly including the amount of time he's missed isn't particularly impressive.  Someone is always going to be a top scorer & it's always likely to be your centre forward.  Amazed you can't see that tbh.


I'd back us to find someone who'll get more than 30 goals in over 3 and a half years should he decide to leave.

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1st year:His games played (11) was s**** his return of 7 goals in them games is not bad.

2nd season syndrome:3 games played 0  (ZERO) goals  - s****!!! Not even the late Johnnie Cochran could defend that.

Last seasons top goalscorer.

This year leading the charts.


He needs to go, his time is done here.



I agree that he needs to go, I hope we go for somebody with a bit of hunger for goals and games.


Ameobi and Xisco should do the job. Cheap and good business. Just like Rob McDonald and Bobby Shinton.





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1st year:His games played (11) was s**** his return of 7 goals in them games is not bad.

2nd season syndrome:3 games played 0  (ZERO) goals  - s****!!! Not even the late Johnnie Cochran could defend that.

Last seasons top goalscorer.

This year leading the charts.


He needs to go, his time is done here.



I agree that he needs to go, I hope we go for somebody with a bit of hunger for goals and games.


Ameobi and Xisco should do the job. Cheap and good business. Just like Rob McDonald and Bobby Shinton.






Yes, the Good Old Days are coming back once again..!!

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1st year:His games played (11) was s**** his return of 7 goals in them games is not bad.

2nd season syndrome:3 games played 0  (ZERO) goals  - s****!!! Not even the late Johnnie Cochran could defend that.

Last seasons top goalscorer.

This year leading the charts.


He needs to go, his time is done here.



Another way to look at him is his cost to us.


Conservatively estimating his wage as £100,000 per week, plus the transfer fee, minus the compensation from the FA comes to a total of around £33million for his services.


He's played something like 68 games for us in all competitions (excluding friendlies) & scored 30 goals.  Not a bad return in terms of goals to games.  But...


£33million / 68 games = £485,000 per game

£33million / 30 goals = £1,100,000 per goal


That's just s***.


Well spotted it has not worked out & has been expensive if only I had of known that. I like your He's played something like I was expecting a ball park figure but you nailed it with 68.


Stats can be twisted to whichever way you like though.


But if we are going by your logic, lets have a look at the current set up attempt in Xisco


Conservatively estimating his wage as £25,000 per week for roughly 7 months, plus the transfer fee (4.8 million?), comes to a total of around £5.5million for his services.


£5.5million / 4 games = £1,375,000 per game

£5.5million / 1 goals = £5,500,000 per goal


Go Team Ashley... :celb:





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