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Question for Happy Face.


Do you think Gordon Brown did a good job when he was in charge of the economy?


Spend, Spend, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend (etc etc).


Now the s*** has hit the fan due a lack of foundation to the spending and we have to take a hit in terms of spending for a while. Its not pretty but we will come out of the other end in a better long term position than we went into it.


Ring any bells closer to St James Park?


No, I don't think Brown did a good job.


I don't think Shepherd did either.


Nor do I think frugality is the way to save the economy.


We need to spend our way out of it.


Now you see fundamnetally I agree that in both the economy and for the Toon that spending is needed for the long term good of both.


However my view (again on both points) is that money should be directed at rebuilding infrastructure, be that roads, schools, hospitals, communications or the academy, buying younger players with room to develop and training facilities.


Of course some money needs to be spent on the here and now, money in the pocket of the man on the street (interest rate cuts, VAT cuts (wrong move but its happened so I can include it..), or investment in the first team. If you can balance out the cost of improving the here and now with proceeds from clearing out the dross then its all good.


I've said it before, but with the exception of Given we've replaced every player who has left the club with one of better quality or of a similar standard but at lower cost. That. Is. Good. Business. It could even be argued that we didn't need to replace Given directly anyway.


The summer is pivotal, we're running out of dross with any sort of resale value and desperately need to improve the centre of midfield and in all likelyhood replace Owen. A Left Back would be nice to push Enrique on, unless one of the reserve players is ready to step up to provide this.


the more he leaves it, the longer it costs to get back. It's just more proof in my eyes that he hasn't got a clue, or doesn't have the desire. I don't accept that rebuilding means creating a situation whereby your best and most important players want to leave the club for career reasons and ambition, this tells you pretty much everything.






Re: my signature. And daresay, imo the disharmony exists beyond those who have departed already - ie. Given, N'Zogbia - and another whose departure is imminent  ie. Owen.


I'm not sure it does tbh. I think once Owen leaves we'll have got shot of all the long faced malcontents and I can see the spirit improving considerably in the camp. Geremi, Cacapa and Viduka leaving will also freshen us up considerably, especially if they are replaced by more highly motivated players like Lovenkrands.


highly motivated - for now - but limited.


Ashley's blueprint.


Does it really escape you and others that Owen, zoggy and Given have had "long faces" because they realise that they are now too good for a club going nowhere fast ?


all of them had the lip on well before ashley turned up if you'd care to remember, given less so but he still did it and spoke out about signing players well before NUFC was a gleam in MA's eye


i think you credit footballers with far too much perception, generally they don't give a fuck as long as they're being paid a fortune and they only really kick up fuck when they see a better option or outlet


in zogs case he's been at it for years and saw the opportunity in :kinnear: to crowbar his way out


EDIT:  in owens case i believed from the moment he arrived he knew what a mistake he'd made and had fitness not been an issue he'd have been well gone by now, fuck all to do with ashley again

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Question for Happy Face.


Do you think Gordon Brown did a good job when he was in charge of the economy?


Spend, Spend, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend (etc etc).


Now the s*** has hit the fan due a lack of foundation to the spending and we have to take a hit in terms of spending for a while. Its not pretty but we will come out of the other end in a better long term position than we went into it.


Ring any bells closer to St James Park?


No, I don't think Brown did a good job.


I don't think Shepherd did either.


Nor do I think frugality is the way to save the economy.


We need to spend our way out of it.


Now you see fundamnetally I agree that in both the economy and for the Toon that spending is needed for the long term good of both.


However my view (again on both points) is that money should be directed at rebuilding infrastructure, be that roads, schools, hospitals, communications or the academy, buying younger players with room to develop and training facilities.


Of course some money needs to be spent on the here and now, money in the pocket of the man on the street (interest rate cuts, VAT cuts (wrong move but its happened so I can include it..), or investment in the first team. If you can balance out the cost of improving the here and now with proceeds from clearing out the dross then its all good.


I've said it before, but with the exception of Given we've replaced every player who has left the club with one of better quality or of a similar standard but at lower cost. That. Is. Good. Business. It could even be argued that we didn't need to replace Given directly anyway.


The summer is pivotal, we're running out of dross with any sort of resale value and desperately need to improve the centre of midfield and in all likelyhood replace Owen. A Left Back would be nice to push Enrique on, unless one of the reserve players is ready to step up to provide this.


the more he leaves it, the longer it costs to get back. It's just more proof in my eyes that he hasn't got a clue, or doesn't have the desire. I don't accept that rebuilding means creating a situation whereby your best and most important players want to leave the club for career reasons and ambition, this tells you pretty much everything.






Re: my signature. And daresay, imo the disharmony exists beyond those who have departed already - ie. Given, N'Zogbia - and another whose departure is imminent  ie. Owen.


I'm not sure it does tbh. I think once Owen leaves we'll have got shot of all the long faced malcontents and I can see the spirit improving considerably in the camp. Geremi, Cacapa and Viduka leaving will also freshen us up considerably, especially if they are replaced by more highly motivated players like Lovenkrands.


highly motivated - for now - but limited.


Ashley's blueprint.


Does it really escape you and others that Owen, zoggy and Given have had "long faces" because they realise that they are now too good for a club going nowhere fast ?


The same N'Zogbia who has tried to engineer a move away several times over the past few seasons?


And I suppose Owen also left Liverpool and Real Madrid because he was "too good for a club going nowhere fast"  :lol:


I'm a big Owen fan, but lets not pretend he's anything other than a mercenary and regardless of how things were going on the pitch, unless we offered him crazy wages he'd still be seeing out his contract and looking for a better deal in the summer.

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I love how Owen's described as a mercenary even though he's only had 2 moves in his career, one which was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and the other the chance to play in another country.

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I love how Owen's described as a mercenary even though he's only had 2 moves in his career, one which was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and the other the chance to play in another country.


I like how you've worded that. :pow:

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Question for Happy Face.


Do you think Gordon Brown did a good job when he was in charge of the economy?


Spend, Spend, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend (etc etc).


Now the s*** has hit the fan due a lack of foundation to the spending and we have to take a hit in terms of spending for a while. Its not pretty but we will come out of the other end in a better long term position than we went into it.


Ring any bells closer to St James Park?


No, I don't think Brown did a good job.


I don't think Shepherd did either.


Nor do I think frugality is the way to save the economy.


We need to spend our way out of it.


Now you see fundamnetally I agree that in both the economy and for the Toon that spending is needed for the long term good of both.


However my view (again on both points) is that money should be directed at rebuilding infrastructure, be that roads, schools, hospitals, communications or the academy, buying younger players with room to develop and training facilities.


Of course some money needs to be spent on the here and now, money in the pocket of the man on the street (interest rate cuts, VAT cuts (wrong move but its happened so I can include it..), or investment in the first team. If you can balance out the cost of improving the here and now with proceeds from clearing out the dross then its all good.


I've said it before, but with the exception of Given we've replaced every player who has left the club with one of better quality or of a similar standard but at lower cost. That. Is. Good. Business. It could even be argued that we didn't need to replace Given directly anyway.


The summer is pivotal, we're running out of dross with any sort of resale value and desperately need to improve the centre of midfield and in all likelyhood replace Owen. A Left Back would be nice to push Enrique on, unless one of the reserve players is ready to step up to provide this.


the more he leaves it, the longer it costs to get back. It's just more proof in my eyes that he hasn't got a clue, or doesn't have the desire. I don't accept that rebuilding means creating a situation whereby your best and most important players want to leave the club for career reasons and ambition, this tells you pretty much everything.






Re: my signature. And daresay, imo the disharmony exists beyond those who have departed already - ie. Given, N'Zogbia - and another whose departure is imminent  ie. Owen.


I'm not sure it does tbh. I think once Owen leaves we'll have got shot of all the long faced malcontents and I can see the spirit improving considerably in the camp. Geremi, Cacapa and Viduka leaving will also freshen us up considerably, especially if they are replaced by more highly motivated players like Lovenkrands.


highly motivated - for now - but limited.


Ashley's blueprint.


Does it really escape you and others that Owen, zoggy and Given have had "long faces" because they realise that they are now too good for a club going nowhere fast ?


The same N'Zogbia who has tried to engineer a move away several times over the past few seasons?


And I suppose Owen also left Liverpool and Real Madrid because he was "too good for a club going nowhere fast"   :lol:


I'm a big Owen fan, but lets not pretend he's anything other than a mercenary and regardless of how things were going on the pitch, unless we offered him crazy wages he'd still be seeing out his contract and looking for a better deal in the summer.


lets be honest about this, Benitez didn't want him at Liverpool and Real Madrid [arguably the worlds biggest club - and shitloads in debt ] was a challenge, and then he became surplus to Real Madrid too.


N'Zogbia may have tried to engineer a move, but not too much if he was still here and signed a new contract 18 months ago or whatever.



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Question for Happy Face.


Do you think Gordon Brown did a good job when he was in charge of the economy?


Spend, Spend, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend (etc etc).


Now the s*** has hit the fan due a lack of foundation to the spending and we have to take a hit in terms of spending for a while. Its not pretty but we will come out of the other end in a better long term position than we went into it.


Ring any bells closer to St James Park?


No, I don't think Brown did a good job.


I don't think Shepherd did either.


Nor do I think frugality is the way to save the economy.


We need to spend our way out of it.


Now you see fundamnetally I agree that in both the economy and for the Toon that spending is needed for the long term good of both.


However my view (again on both points) is that money should be directed at rebuilding infrastructure, be that roads, schools, hospitals, communications or the academy, buying younger players with room to develop and training facilities.


Of course some money needs to be spent on the here and now, money in the pocket of the man on the street (interest rate cuts, VAT cuts (wrong move but its happened so I can include it..), or investment in the first team. If you can balance out the cost of improving the here and now with proceeds from clearing out the dross then its all good.


I've said it before, but with the exception of Given we've replaced every player who has left the club with one of better quality or of a similar standard but at lower cost. That. Is. Good. Business. It could even be argued that we didn't need to replace Given directly anyway.


The summer is pivotal, we're running out of dross with any sort of resale value and desperately need to improve the centre of midfield and in all likelyhood replace Owen. A Left Back would be nice to push Enrique on, unless one of the reserve players is ready to step up to provide this.


the more he leaves it, the longer it costs to get back. It's just more proof in my eyes that he hasn't got a clue, or doesn't have the desire. I don't accept that rebuilding means creating a situation whereby your best and most important players want to leave the club for career reasons and ambition, this tells you pretty much everything.






Re: my signature. And daresay, imo the disharmony exists beyond those who have departed already - ie. Given, N'Zogbia - and another whose departure is imminent  ie. Owen.


I'm not sure it does tbh. I think once Owen leaves we'll have got shot of all the long faced malcontents and I can see the spirit improving considerably in the camp. Geremi, Cacapa and Viduka leaving will also freshen us up considerably, especially if they are replaced by more highly motivated players like Lovenkrands.


highly motivated - for now - but limited.


Ashley's blueprint.


Does it really escape you and others that Owen, zoggy and Given have had "long faces" because they realise that they are now too good for a club going nowhere fast ?




Of those three only Zog had any real cause for complaint. He wasn't a first team regular whereas Owen and Given were treated as Royalty at Newcastle. In any case whatever their grievances if they would rather be somewhere else then we are better off with them gone. Not like any of them were real star quality like a Beardsley or a Gascoigne in any case.



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Question for Happy Face.


Do you think Gordon Brown did a good job when he was in charge of the economy?


Spend, Spend, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend, Borrow, Spend (etc etc).


Now the s*** has hit the fan due a lack of foundation to the spending and we have to take a hit in terms of spending for a while. Its not pretty but we will come out of the other end in a better long term position than we went into it.


Ring any bells closer to St James Park?


No, I don't think Brown did a good job.


I don't think Shepherd did either.


Nor do I think frugality is the way to save the economy.


We need to spend our way out of it.


Now you see fundamnetally I agree that in both the economy and for the Toon that spending is needed for the long term good of both.


However my view (again on both points) is that money should be directed at rebuilding infrastructure, be that roads, schools, hospitals, communications or the academy, buying younger players with room to develop and training facilities.


Of course some money needs to be spent on the here and now, money in the pocket of the man on the street (interest rate cuts, VAT cuts (wrong move but its happened so I can include it..), or investment in the first team. If you can balance out the cost of improving the here and now with proceeds from clearing out the dross then its all good.


I've said it before, but with the exception of Given we've replaced every player who has left the club with one of better quality or of a similar standard but at lower cost. That. Is. Good. Business. It could even be argued that we didn't need to replace Given directly anyway.


The summer is pivotal, we're running out of dross with any sort of resale value and desperately need to improve the centre of midfield and in all likelyhood replace Owen. A Left Back would be nice to push Enrique on, unless one of the reserve players is ready to step up to provide this.


the more he leaves it, the longer it costs to get back. It's just more proof in my eyes that he hasn't got a clue, or doesn't have the desire. I don't accept that rebuilding means creating a situation whereby your best and most important players want to leave the club for career reasons and ambition, this tells you pretty much everything.






Re: my signature. And daresay, imo the disharmony exists beyond those who have departed already - ie. Given, N'Zogbia - and another whose departure is imminent  ie. Owen.


I'm not sure it does tbh. I think once Owen leaves we'll have got shot of all the long faced malcontents and I can see the spirit improving considerably in the camp. Geremi, Cacapa and Viduka leaving will also freshen us up considerably, especially if they are replaced by more highly motivated players like Lovenkrands.


highly motivated - for now - but limited.


Ashley's blueprint.


Does it really escape you and others that Owen, zoggy and Given have had "long faces" because they realise that they are now too good for a club going nowhere fast ?




Of those three only Zog had any real cause for complaint. He wasn't a first team regular whereas Owen and Given were treated as Royalty at Newcastle. In any case whatever their grievances if they would rather be somewhere else then we are better off with them gone. Not like any of them were real star quality like a Beardsley or a Gascoigne in any case.




Or Shearer ? Or Beardsley who was attracted back ?


You've got it all wrong mate, honestly you have. You should be asking why players such as these players should be seeing their future elsewhere rather than with a club who they perceive is going nowhere. Ask yourself WHY they want to go, if they say it is because they have no confidence in the club and the direction of the club, then you can't blame them or if you do then its the people who run the club that we would be better off without.


We certainly aren't better off for losing Shay Given, Micheal Owen and Charles N'Zogbia



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