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How many times do we hear that!? Can't even pass a ball 5 yards without it being about 3 yards off target. We have a bunch of fucking morons in the team and that includes the half decent ones.


We can't do anything right, even the one player we have who can run at players injures himself throwing himself on the floor like a twat meaning he has to spend time off the pitch.


Fucking useless, if Nicky Butt has some rare genetic condition which meant he could only run (well at best he can) and intercept a ball but was unable to shoot or pass he would somehow be a better player.


Fucking twats!  :angry:

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There really are no words for it.


In my lifetime we have never been this f***ing hopeless.


I have never hated certain players so much, even in opposition sides.


4 corners in a row against the first man, after 2 youd think someone would try the near post for f*** sake. A f***ing child would work it out.


The level of movement of those in the middle is nothing short of absolutely f***ing appalling. You add in the endless bullshit looped balls over that run out of play or are easily cleared.


But the movement is what gets me more than anything. Pass and move for fuck sakeeeeeee. A child learns it at school...if you want the ball you have to not be standing behind the oppositions player. How retarded do you have to be not to understand this basic fucking idea. I cant swear enough at the level of shit that we are consistantly showing.

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Guest Albert Square

One of the perks if we go down is we might sign some footballers and the word sloppy will rarely be heard as they shock Newcastle fans by getting the basics right.

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Guest Stephen927

It's even the most basic of football that we're getting wrong. Most of the players look like they've never heard of pass and move.

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Second half was much better but the thread title says it all.


Yet another team there to be taken and once we get past two or three passes (if we are lucky) we give the ball away or go backwards.


We can't even start to create anything because we break ourselves down even when we arent under pressure.


Passing, posession, tackles, marking, defending.


You name it when it comes to basic footballing necessities and we manage to add sloppy infront of any of it.

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Our January was a good'un, in a relegation fight you expect to improve the team and invest in it.  Well, according to the guys in charge that doesnt matter anymore and we will be comfortably safe.  NICE WORK!

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Guest neesy111

you can blame the manager for tactics and team selection, but these players are totally dreadful


butt, nolan, duff, r.taylor can't pass or even get the ball pass their first man ffs, i get frustrated when i give the ball away in 5-a-side, but these don't give a shit at all


thankfully they will all be off if we get relegated

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Second half was much better but the thread title says it all.


Yet another team there to be taken and once we get past two or three passes (if we are lucky) we give the ball away or go backwards.


We can't even start to create anything because we break ourselves down even when we arent under pressure.


Passing, posession, tackles, marking, defending.


You name it when it comes to basic footballing necessities and we manage to add sloppy infront of any of it.


Good point, forgot to mention that.


We go back to Harper far too much, there was one incident in the first half where the ball back out from a corner so what do we do? Play it back to Harper, we didn't even get it back to him quickly. I assume the players made the most of having no-one in front of them so had a quick go of "playing football" while the pressure was off.


I can understand going back to the keeper to retain possesion and regroup but we do it all the fucking time!


We are fucking awful.

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you can blame the manager for tactics and team selection, but these players are totally dreadful


butt, nolan, duff, r.taylor can't pass or even get the ball pass their first man ffs, i get frustrated when i give the ball away in 5-a-side, but these don't give a s*** at all


thankfully they will all be off if we get relegated




We will be lucky to offload Duff let alone the other three. Unfortunately we are much more likely to see Butt, Nolan and Taylor as automatic starters next year for JFK, they will also be getting closer to the level of football the represent.

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we do it because they dont fucking move into space. Then the player on the ball gets fucked over and just tries to get rid. Repeat over 90 minutes and you have newcastles game plan.


I agree, we don't move into space and there was a Duff throw in that highlighted that first half but there were soo many incidents that showed we can't pass even when there is someone waiting.


Owen was fairly tidy today, he got a lot of stick but we don't play anything like the sort of football he would do well in.


He may well be finished but you will only know when he is put into a football team. Martins should have been on at the start, as much of a clown as he can be he showed he can create something on his own (even if he does fuck it up at the end).

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agree with you on that. Viduka was actually a plus note for me. When the guy has the ball at his feet, it just sticks like glue. He just rolls it around, back of his heel, side, front.....he has brilliant control. So martins viduka and owen it has to be. Viduka holding it up, the other two trying to run off him. But we need Guthrie & Barton back in this. Without them its not even possible.

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I thought we looked better after Martins and Viduka came on but that's because they are footballers and thus the football improved. If it was a braying contest, Nolan, Butt and Ryan would have won the game hands down.

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Agreed, especially on the corners. I'm sure every person on this board can get a corner past the first man, and these are supposed Premiership footballers. Its beyond belief. The lack of movement is not surprising when you have statutes like Butt and Nolan in midfield. Shearer has to drop them.

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Guest LucaAltieri

What looks like a lacking of basic skills is actually a lack of intelligence, in my opinion.


We have a lot of "experienced" players that we keep turning to... and they're all shit.


They've been drilled time and time again about there role within a certain team. They don't even have to think about passing, control, movement, etc... they've been doing it that long. From being pre-teens they will have been working on the basic elements of the game.


They've all proven that they CAN do it... be that elsewhere or in brief moments while at Newcastle... the problem is we have brought in players who are used to playing different roles within different systems. These basic skills which are now automatic were developed in different teams and when brought all together they don't work. We're completely mis-matched. When Butt looks up where is the Giggs to run on to his Hollywood ball?


Normally this shouldn't be a problem. Good players with a real footballing brain can adapt and play different roles within the team. See Habib Beye for example. He's a player who is switched on and seems solid anywhere along the backline and even pushing up the right flank.


Butt, Nolan, Duff, and (to an extent) Owen just seem to be on auto pilot, trying the same things they've done through their career but in a squad that simply doesn't compliment the way they're used to playing. As they've gotten older, slowed down, and transfered they just haven't been able to adapt their games.


I think that this is the reason we're so disjointed and unable to string two passes together. We play like a team of strangers because half the squad simply aren't thinking about it. They aren't able to vary their play.

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Guest neesy111

you can blame the manager for tactics and team selection, but these players are totally dreadful


butt, nolan, duff, r.taylor can't pass or even get the ball pass their first man ffs, i get frustrated when i give the ball away in 5-a-side, but these don't give a s*** at all


thankfully they will all be off if we get relegated




We will be lucky to offload Duff let alone the other three. Unfortunately we are much more likely to see Butt, Nolan and Taylor as automatic starters next year for JFK, they will also be getting closer to the level of football the represent.


how can they keep jfk if we get relegated, there will be only 10,000 there if he's in charge, so that won't happen


we'll probably have to pay there contract's up, there are much better player's than these available for next to nowt


but this club has always went for the big players with big reputations and high wages that thankfully will not be able to happen from next season

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Guest Heneage

Say what you like about the manager, the tactics, the confidence, the crowd, the pitch, whatever. The fact some of these lot can't do the basics is absolutely criminal.

Smiths shot was embarrassing there's academy players that would have done better.

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Even my wife noticed how shite Nicky Butt was, she actually asked why is that guy passing the ball to the other team. I told her that he was only doing what others in our team was doing.


Unbelieveable, to think alot of these players are internationals yet they can't run or pass. Embarrasing.

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Guest optimistic nit

tbh we've been almost as bad as this since robson left, we were very lucky in a couple of seasons, if it hadn't been for roeder or keegan we may already be in the championship. unfortunately the 7 match unbeaten streak hasn't happened for us this season, although we still have time.


its amazing, absolutely amazing, that after 5 seasons of dross a team with one of the highest incomes in the league still hasn't learned from its mistakes.

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