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The other games today - 2009/10


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Guest geordienorway

Zlatan benched.


Probably to tired after the Inter-game. He was after all just 400 metres away from running more than Valdes.

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How on earth did I get 8/13 for Barca? Fantastic stuff!


After a shambolic Saturday afternoon betting, I've gone with your Sunday betting Ron.


I've also put a £30 on Barca winning at those ridiculous odds too :thup:

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Guest kingdawson



You lot are playing some lovely stuff again today. Villareal should have been ahead at the beginning but since then you've murdered them. Xavi has been immense again.

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1-4, that's one matchball sorted and in decent fashion. We needed to get spirits up.


Tenerife and Valladolid at home should be easy, although they will be both fighting against relegation. But we still have Sevilla away in between, who are still chasing CL football.


Madrid plays Osasuna at home tomorrow and then it's Mallorca away, Bilbao at home and Málaga away.

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