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The other games today - 2009/10


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Steve Bruce taking a hammering over on the SMB.

Why? A draw against Fulham is a good one for them

Made some fairly uninspiring tactical subs by the sounds of it. Not going for the win etc. Same sort shit we give the manager.

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It's sickening that theirs no celebrations from Man Utd, the players or the fans, not even a smile.

Aye, i know there is the 'it's only the Carling Cup' mentality but i go mad when my 5 a side team win. They should be delighted.

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Guest Heneage

Maurice Edu has just scored a late winner for Rangers to effectively end Celtics title challenge.

Erm....'Just' is a bit mis leading. Unless you are playing FIFA/FM?

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Guest firetotheworks

Surely that offside was because Dunne was offside when Friedel took the free-kick.


When the kick is from behind the half way line it's when the ball goes past the half way line non? I dont think Dunne was anywhere near being offside even when the kick was taken.





Look at Man U fans man, taking photos, clapping. They're fucking shit.

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Don't think Villa did themselves justice, tbh.


Like Everton last year. Can't complain about the same clubs winning everything when somebody else does get a chance they waste it.

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