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S.Taylor/Harewood injuries?


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Dunno how true this is but it's come from Crumpy who's normally pretty reliable.


Reckons Steven Taylor is out for four weeks (dunno why) and Harewood has gone back to Villa with a broken foot.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Dissapointing if true, but...I'm confident enough with Khizanishvili...


Harewood's still a big blow because  then who do we have up front? Carroll and Ranger. Lovenkrands won't be used as a striker under Hughton any more

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If that's true then we're fucked.


Nahhh don't worry babes. We're a team nowadays. Taylor will be a loss but i've got confidence in Coloccini and Khizanishvili back there. Harewood, meh - we did alright in the first 8 or 9 games without him. He simply bettered what we had, cos him/Carroll (who's better than him imo) would have been like a goalscoring version of Ranger/Carroll.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

R.Taylor Smpson Zurab Enrique  :no:


Didn't realise Colo was injured. I agree with you then if it's Simpson at CB

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Colocinni is still supposed to be doubtful for Saturday, is he not?


The loss of Taylor would be a blow - Harewood, am not too fussed. Could still do with some backup in that dept if it is indeed true.


Makes you wonder when this injury curse will lift? It's hung around this club like a bad smell for years now. :(

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Colocinni is still supposed to be doubtful for Saturday, is he not?


The loss of Taylor would be a blow - Harewood, am not too fussed. Could still do with some backup in that dept if it is indeed true.


Makes you wonder when this injury curse will lift? It's hung around this club like a bad smell for years now. :(


I was thinking that; it's ridiculous isn't it. Surely there's more to it than a mythical 'curse', is there not? It's not a coincidence that the best teams are generally the fittest.

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Gezza is an option at right back if we're desperate, surely?

id prefer him at rm than rb where a winger with pace might expose his lack of such

my thoughts if this is true and colo remains out

raylor Simpson Khizi Enrique

with jonas and geremi on left and right respectively

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