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The old Chris Hughton discussion thread

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I think that grinding out victories and away points is something that was irritating in the Championship, but if the habits from doing so die hard next season it'll be a huge factor in our survival bid. And Hughton will be vindicated for doing so.

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Guest malandro

Not many teams get promoted then stay up playing attractive football, I know it's not popular but it's the hard truth. If we have realistic expectations next season then survival is the priority and our best hope we be playing the type of football not many like.


If we want to go down in style I am sure we can flog a few players, sign some below par but willing to "play the game how it should be played" players and take our heavy beatings with the pride of knowing at least we tried to play attractive football.

A cliché ridden POV. You’ll be giving it the old rather lose 4.3 line next.


If we are going to stay up we’ll have to win key home games against teams like Blackburn, who will be very happy to arrive at a narrowed SJP and partake in a scrappy game. Trying to turning our home game into lotteries isn’t going to help our cause. And if we don’t win these kind of games after enduring 90 minutes of dross the support will get very angry very quickly.


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I have no doubt at all the support will get very, very angry next season. I just hope that anger is directed at the right person. Michael Schumacher wouldn't have one a single F1 race if he was given a 50cc go kart.

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It doesn't sound like you are waiting malandro. It sounds like you have made your mind up that he isn't good enough but there is a small chance he could change your mind.


Of course. It's a load of nonsense. Whilst my post was slightly tongue-in-cheek, we have got every right to put atleast a bit of faith in him. Rather than typically writing off a particular policy before it's even had a chance to come to fruition. What's important is that Hughton knows our squad intimately - he's been through the shit and orchestrated the recent semi-highs so he's almost one of them. Whilst he may not have the nouse to pull off managerial masterstrokes (yet :coolsmiley: ), he knows when a major tactical switch (such as this) could be a detriment to our side and the way we play.


Hughton knows what's best for our current group of players... if he can implement a method to counter the best sides in the league, without it being an obvious detriment to our side - then just let him get on with it. Who cares if we're not dead pretty this year. Incremental steps.

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Guest malandro

I believe in Hughton. If he says narrow the pitch; narrow the pitch.

Good for you. I think he’s an overly cautious manager who’s obsessed with a safety first approach and could easily be out of his depth this season. Last season was a cakewalk. He had the best squad of players backed by the far and away the biggest support - and he was given more money to spend in January than any manager in the Championship. You can believe in him if you want, I’m waiting to see how he does when the odds aren’t stacked in his favour.


He definitely had the best squad, but I'm sure Billy Davies spent a lot, perhaps not in january. What we must give him credit for is that he spent very well (best aside)

Routledge was a good signing. Best wasn’t and Williamson was available for nowt due to some kind of contractual oddity. I think Hughton’s quite happy signing bargain basement players. It’s safe, if he wastes £1m on a useless centre forward he’s not going to get any stick. Whereas if he brings in a free transfer who does well he gets praised. 

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I have no doubt at all the support will get very, very angry next season. I just hope that anger is directed at the right person. Michael Schumacher wouldn't have one a single F1 race if he was given a 50cc go kart.


Hughton is one player away from having a first Xl that should stay up. The pivotal issue will most likely be his team selection.


I'm behind him, but not optimistic.

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Guest malandro

I have no doubt at all the support will get very, very angry next season. I just hope that anger is directed at the right person. Michael Schumacher wouldn't have one a single F1 race if he was given a 50cc go kart.

I’m sure it will be, but Hughton can’t take credit for last season’s ‘success’ and then point the finger at owner if we struggle this time round. That’s if we struggle, such things are yet to be known.

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Guest malandro

It doesn't sound like you are waiting malandro. It sounds like you have made your mind up that he isn't good enough but there is a small chance he could change your mind.


Of course. It's a load of nonsense. Whilst my post was slightly tongue-in-cheek, we have got every right to put atleast a bit of faith in him. Rather than typically writing off a particular policy before it's even had a chance to come to fruition. What's important is that Hughton knows our squad intimately - he's been through the s*** and orchestrated the recent semi-highs so he's almost one of them. Whilst he may not have the nouse to pull off managerial masterstrokes (yet :coolsmiley: ), he knows when a major tactical switch (such as this) could be a detriment to our side and the way we play.


Hughton knows what's best for our current group of players... if he can implement a method to counter the best sides in the league, without it being an obvious detriment to our side - then just let him get on with it. Who cares if we're not dead pretty this year. Incremental steps.

Large numbers of paying customers. The idea that the support will accept incremental steps of dire football is fine in theory, but unlikely to stand up to reality unless we win a lot of home games – which we might struggle to do if we make it easier for the weakest teams in the division to come to SJP and shut up shop.

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Guest malandro

Actually, narrowing the pitch gives Rory Delap a longer run-up. OMFG  :frantic:

And shortens the distance to the penalty area.  :frantic: :frantic:

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I have no doubt at all the support will get very, very angry next season. I just hope that anger is directed at the right person. Michael Schumacher wouldn't have one a single F1 race if he was given a 50cc go kart.


Hughton is one player away from having a first Xl that should stay up. The pivotal issue will most likely be his team selection.


I'm behind him, but not optimistic.


Again, I'm not too sure I fully agree with that. I have hope for next season but it's entirely based on pretty much an entire squad that has either never played, previously failed or not looked up to scratch due to their age in the premiership getting their confidence back or having made the necessary progress.


I would say only Jose is a dead cert to do well this season the rest are all gambles.


Given your comments on here about our forwards, midfielders, half our defence and goalkeeper I am surprised you are confident that just the one signing is enough to have us staying up.

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I have no doubt at all the support will get very, very angry next season. I just hope that anger is directed at the right person. Michael Schumacher wouldn't have one a single F1 race if he was given a 50cc go kart.

I’m sure it will be, but Hughton can’t take credit for last season’s ‘success’ and then point the finger at owner if we struggle this time round. That’s if we struggle, such things are yet to be known.


Why? Hughton won the league with a squad that should have been capable of winning it (although many thought very differently at the start of the season), however you still need to manage those players correctly. The smogs should have been a lot closer to competing with their squad and were until they changed their manager who also must have spent a fair bit himself but failed to make any progress.


As you know the premiership is quite a large step up in quality so I don't understand why hughton can't take credit for getting the best out of a good squad last season but then point fingers for not being given the necessary resource to compete this time around.


The example made before still stands, if someone won a lot of karting races in a 50cc kart why would you expect them to do as well putting them in F1 but making them use the same kart?

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Guest Antigalican

He's earned the right to be manager of a Premiership club by taking them from the league below into the Premiership. He therefore deserves wholehearted support IMO.

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Guest Brummiemag

Really sad to hear that Houghton has decided to narrow the width of the pitch - can look forward to some particularly dire football next season. He wasnt joking when he said Stoke City were role models. May as well have kept Big Sam if thats the attitude


I follow Newcastle with the hope of seeing some decent attacking entertaining football, not just to see us win at all costs. Newcastle United are about more than survival at all costs.


Sums up the complete lack of ambition at the club



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He also says spains tactics will change football; I think hughton wants us to play football; however he must cut his cloth accordingly and if there is no money there to get the type of players we need to go out and create the chances / score goals in an attractive manner then other tactics must come into play. If we are still in the league at the end of the season I for one will be over the moon

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Really sad to hear that Houghton has decided to narrow the width of the pitch - can look forward to some particularly dire football next season. He wasnt joking when he said Stoke City were role models. May as well have kept Big Sam if thats the attitude


I follow Newcastle with the hope of seeing some decent attacking entertaining football, not just to see us win at all costs. Newcastle United are about more than survival at all costs.


Sums up the complete lack of ambition at the club




If we go down, I can't imagine that you're going to be saying, 'Well we may have lost, but it's been great entertainment'.


Hughton's first job is to keep us up, and his first priority is to make us hard to beat.

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Guest Brummiemag

But Cronky, Ashleys lack of ambition for the club means that it will be no better the season after or the season after that - I don't want to watch shit, survival, Alladyce type football for the next 5 years.


Would rather  see us try and play football, as Keegan no doubt would have done, and then see what happens. Put it like this I would be a WBA than a Blackburn 

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Really sad to hear that Houghton has decided to narrow the width of the pitch - can look forward to some particularly dire football next season. He wasnt joking when he said Stoke City were role models. May as well have kept Big Sam if thats the attitude


I follow Newcastle with the hope of seeing some decent attacking entertaining football, not just to see us win at all costs. Newcastle United are about more than survival at all costs.


Sums up the complete lack of ambition at the club




Are you really still harping on about playing atttractive football?


A season in the Championship should have shown everyone just how much survival is key - I want to be in the Premier League over EVERYTHING else. The style of football, style of players and team etc. is all for next season - this season is purely about staying up.


Hughton's one and only objective is to keep us up - if he does that by narrowing the pitch, playing sluggish and dire football but gets the results, I'll be the first to pat him on the back and say 'well done'.


If we stay up because we beat Bolton 1-0 on the last day with the ball going in off their goalkeeper's arse, I'll be fucking delighted.

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Guest malandro

I have no doubt at all the support will get very, very angry next season. I just hope that anger is directed at the right person. Michael Schumacher wouldn't have one a single F1 race if he was given a 50cc go kart.

I’m sure it will be, but Hughton can’t take credit for last season’s ‘success’ and then point the finger at owner if we struggle this time round. That’s if we struggle, such things are yet to be known.


Why? Hughton won the league with a squad that should have been capable of winning it (although many thought very differently at the start of the season), however you still need to manage those players correctly. The smogs should have been a lot closer to competing with their squad and were until they changed their manager who also must have spent a fair bit himself but failed to make any progress.


As you know the premiership is quite a large step up in quality so I don't understand why hughton can't take credit for getting the best out of a good squad last season but then point fingers for not being given the necessary resource to compete this time around.


The example made before still stands, if someone won a lot of karting races in a 50cc kart why would you expect them to do as well putting them in F1 but making them use the same kart?

I’d expect them to move to a team who’s ambition matched their ability, not ask for the track to be narrowed so no overtaking was possible.


I do understand your view, but if he believes the squad isn’t good enough to stay up he should be demanding more funds from the mega rich owner. Instead what he’s doing (if this stuff about the pitch width is true) is asking 40,000 supporters to fork out £500 to watch a season of boring, ugly football matches.


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Guest Brummiemag

Yes I will always 'harp' on about playing attractive football.


Will you be happy to see shit negative football from Newcastle the season after and for the next 5 years or more as long as we stay up. Because that is whats going to happen because of Ashleys lack of investment. If we stay up this season we will be in exactly the same boat the following season.


A lot of people expect more than that from Newcastle and the increasing numbers of empty seats in the future will be evidence of that

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Yes I will always 'harp' on about playing attractive football.


Will you be happy to see s*** negative football from Newcastle the season after and for the next 5 years or more as long as we stay up. Because that is whats going to happen because of Ashleys lack of investment. If we stay up this season we will be in exactly the same boat the following season.


A lot of people expect more than that from Newcastle and the increasing numbers of empty seats in the future will be evidence of that


There's absolutely nothing to back up that statement.


And for the record, nobody is talking about the seasons to come - they're talking about this season and this season only. That's all that matters. If we can get through this season still in the PL, then we can reevaluate next summer. Just because we play sluggish football this season, doesn't mean we will for the next 5 years.

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Guest malandro

The views of some of our fans really f***ing embarassing me sometimes :facepalm:

I agree, your views about football are cringeworthy.

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