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Guest Howaythetoon

I think they will finish above us too. I also think they'll beat us at the weekend. Bruce's sides normally start the season well whereas we don't. Of course I want us to beat them desperately but if we don't I don't think it will mean anything in the long run whereas with them you feel the two games define their entire season, for fans, club, players and especially the manager Bruce. Will be a tight and nervy affair as always. Hate these fucking games like. I can't enjoy them and can't wait for it to be out the way.

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Fuck me. What a depressing place to visit this is becoming/always been.



Don't know why rational thinking people frequent this forum, I always just end up getting depressed and annoyed, yet I'm addicted.



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Fuck me. What a depressing place to visit this is becoming/always been.



Don't know why rational thinking people frequent this forum, I always just end up getting depressed and annoyed, yet I'm addicted.





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Fuck me. What a depressing place to visit this is becoming/always been.



Don't know why rational thinking people frequent this forum, I always just end up getting depressed and annoyed, yet I'm addicted.






Hopefully it will get a little less suicidal after the Tranny W.

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Can't even get statues right. Stokoe must be turning in his grave at the indignity of this, he looks like a paedo coming out the bushes. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/06/03/article-1190602-0532F29D000005DC-619_468x317.jpg


Bravo, Sir. :spit:

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Guest Howaythetoon


Fantastic reading. I was working in South Hylton last Friday and Monday just gone and fuck me what a shit hole full of mongs. People wearing shell suits, what the fuck is that about?!


Mind driving from Durham City Centre into sunderland is nice until you hit pennywell... oh dear.


Mind some of the lads I was working with from that area were sound, rough as fuck but good lads. I'll be back there next week, will be unbearable if we lose!

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"But regardless of the result, we will always have the last laugh because we can always watch our club with genuine pride at knowing that the ideals we share with our club, and the ideals with which our club represent us, are decent and honourable whilst endorsing and supporting violent criminality will seemingly always be intrinsic to loving Newcastle United."


Christ on a fucking Vespa  :lol:




An occasional series of advice on the polite subject of "etiquette" for Steve Bruce.


Ask Kevin Ball what he said to Glenn Roeder on the touchline at an Academy Derby at the Academy of Shite a few years ago. Then lecture Newcastle United on "etiquette".


Ask Kevin Ball about the references he gave to the court regarding alleged football hooligans.


Ask Niall Quinn if he thinks nuggets running in the face of Shay Given and gloating after his team has scored against Newcastle United is an example of his club’s class or just “high spirits”?


Ask Niall Quinn if he thinks banning SAFC supporters from matches who have as yet been found guilty of no offence (Central Station - 2009) is an example of the class of Sunderland AFC.


Ask those in the Fulwell End in the 80s chanting “Jackie Is Dead!” shortly after the sad passing of Newcastle United legend Jackie Milburn if that is an example of Sunderland’s class.


Ask those at the Stadium of Shite during Sir Bobby Robson’s time as NUFC manager if chanting “He’s Nearly Dead” and “he’s pissed himself again” is an example of Sunderland’s class.


Ask Niall Quinn and the Sunderland marketing department if using iconic Newcastle-Tyneside landmarks on the deliberately misleading publicity material for Sunderland 2018 World Cup bid is part of Sunderland’s class.


Ask the grounds-man at the Stadium of Shite who was holding up his fingers in a 1-0 manner at HT of the 4-1 derby if that is part of Sunderland’s class? Ask him if his emotional meltdown at the end of the game when he thought he could fight the entire away end was part of Sunderland’s class.


Ask older Sunderland fans whether the “illegal payments” made in the early 60s is part of Sunderland’s class?


Ask Sunderland’s marketing department whether “Black Cats, Top Dogs” DVDs is part of Sunderland’s class.


Ask Niall Quinn if he thinks his club’s supporters trashing the Ladbrokes stall at SJP last Sunday and terrorising the teenage girls who work in the food booths is an example of his club’s class.


Ask those who have transformed FTM into a de-facto club motto if that is part of Sunderland’s class.


Ask Niall Quinn if he thinks making crank calls to Newcastle United supporters bars is part of Sunderland’s class.


Ask Sunderland supporters if their manager (Peter Reid) having to have security around the dug-out at the SoS to protect him from SAFC fans is part of their club’s class.


Ask Sunderland supporters if daubing KEVIN KILBANE RIP near to the SoS after he’d told a group of SAFC fans to fuck off after abusing him throughout a game is part of their class.


And finally, Steve Bruce ask yourself whether being part of a Man Utd team on the pitch at Wembley in 1996 having just won a League and Cup double whether chanting the exact same Daydream Believer song in the direction of Kevin Keegan (to the one you have got the childish hump with) and Newcastle United is an example of YOUR class.



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Guest Heneage

Kevin Ball is a horrendous c***.


Seriously though the way he's held up by a lot of Sunderland fans as a club Icon just doesn't sit right at all. I mean he said it in an Academy game, not a first team game or Cup final, and he said it to Glenn Roeder one of football's nice guys.

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Guest Howaythetoon

The way they hold the bloke in such high regard would be akin to us holding say Kieth Gillespie in such high regard. Then again they hold Phillips in the kind of regard we hold Shearer in. They have had so few heroes, icons and legends mind whereas we've had f***ing loads.

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The way they hold the bloke in such high regard would be akin to us holding say Kieth Gillespie in such high regard. Then again they hold Phillips in the kind of regard we hold Shearer in. They have had so few heroes, icons and legends mind whereas we've had f***ing loads.


I was thinking recently how stunning the lack of talent they've had in recent years (20 or so) is. Even Middlesbrough have had players like Juninho and Ravanelli, even Downing and Adam Johnson, Viduka, Hasselbaink and Woodgatek, plenty more too, Sunderland have had Kevin Phillips and Kevin Ball ffs. :lol:

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The way they hold the bloke in such high regard would be akin to us holding say Kieth Gillespie in such high regard. Then again they hold Phillips in the kind of regard we hold Shearer in. They have had so few heroes, icons and legends mind whereas we've had f***ing loads.


I was thinking recently how stunning the lack of talent they've had in recent years (20 or so) is. Even Middlesbrough have had players like Juninho and Ravanelli, even Downing and Adam Johnson, Viduka, Hasselbaink and Woodgatek, plenty more too, Sunderland have had Kevin Phillips and Kevin Ball ffs. :lol:


They've had legends man. How can you forget Milton Nunez, all 5ft5" of him.



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Can't even get statues right. Stokoe must be turning in his grave at the indignity of this, he looks like a paedo coming out the bushes. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/06/03/article-1190602-0532F29D000005DC-619_468x317.jpg


Bravo, Sir. :spit:


I've always thought that statue looked like a tribute to this guy to be honest...





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The way they hold the bloke in such high regard would be akin to us holding say Kieth Gillespie in such high regard. Then again they hold Phillips in the kind of regard we hold Shearer in. They have had so few heroes, icons and legends mind whereas we've had f***ing loads.


I was thinking recently how stunning the lack of talent they've had in recent years (20 or so) is. Even Middlesbrough have had players like Juninho and Ravanelli, even Downing and Adam Johnson, Viduka, Hasselbaink and Woodgatek, plenty more too, Sunderland have had Kevin Phillips and Kevin Ball ffs. :lol:


They've had legends man. How can you forget Milton Nunez, all 5ft5" of him.




I remember watching a reserve game at Kingston Park and Nunez got injured. The physio came on and carried him off in his arms like a Dad would with a toddler.

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