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I think Brucey might be out on Sunday if they lose at Swansea, if not, then the next fix at home to Chelsea might do it with a 0-4 job.


He's there for the duration mate...Quim hasn't got the baals to sack a manager and Brewcey won't walk, he's too greedy.

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Subs Bench





Join Date: Aug 2007

Location: Flagstaff, AZ

Re: I don't care about tonight...




This is exactly why Bruce needs to go. The death of hope is the worst thing that can happen to a fanbase.



Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=620733#ixzz1VtEe96Oo



No, thats why he needs to stay. :clap2: C'mon Brewcie. :shifty:

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Full strength team too aye?

Not really. Close to, but starting no strikers of any description can't have helped their play.

Yeah, forgetting the 2 non-strikers, the other 9 on the pitch most mackems would be jerking for joy over.


Great tactics by Bruce then :clap: :lol:

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Guest michaelfoster

Bruce's summer signings


Westwood - another keeper

Wickham - unproven Championship kid

Wong Ji - unproven korean

Brown - perma crock

O'Shea - had injury problems too

Vaughan - part of team who got relegated

Larsson - part of team who got relegated

Gardner - part of team who got relegated

Deacon - just a kid



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None of the links are working, are the mods deleting loads of threads?  If they're trying to delete all of the threads where ridiculous expectations were expressed they'll be there all night.


Imagine being a mod over there :lol:

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