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Suprised there isn't a thread on vuvuzelas. Am I the only one who thought it was outrageous?


The noise really doesn't annoy me anymore tbh, I just tune them out completely for the most part.


What is bad and what somebody else mentioned in this thread is the way they destroy a proper atmosphere developing. Instead of chanting and the roar when a chance happens all you get is the constant droaning of the horns - it's boring if anything.

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Suprised there isn't a thread on vuvuzelas. Am I the only one who thought it was outrageous?


The noise really doesn't annoy me anymore tbh, I just tune them out completely for the most part.


What is bad and what somebody else mentioned in this thread is the way they destroy a proper atmosphere developing. Instead of chanting and the roar when a chance happens all you get is the constant droaning of the horns - it's boring if anything.


Exactly, which is why I hate it. I love the World Cup for the passion shown by the huge crowds, not just the football. When a shot goes close all that happens now is an increase of volume of these mindless pricks blowing them constantly.

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South Korea v. Greece will probably come across as spectacular all-out attacking carnage compared to that dross.


The highlight was Domenech plunging to new tactically incompetent lows, mind. :lol:

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I'm actually looking forward to Nigeria vs. Argentina. Got a feeling it will be a veeerrryyyy attacking game...


Aye, should be canny. Will be interesting to see if, and how quickly, Argentina click.

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