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Think it stays 4-4


Yeah think that's fair. If they win the next one or get a respectable draw against City  then a goal to KD.


Was pretty close to giving them a goal as they really had good spells against Chelsea.




Even then, could you really give Dalglish a goal lead over you when they'd still be level/behind Newcastle?

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Think it stays 4-4


Yeah think that's fair. If they win the next one or get a respectable draw against City  then a goal to KD.


Was pretty close to giving them a goal as they really had good spells against Chelsea.




Even then, could you really give Dalglish a goal lead over you when they'd still be level/behind Newcastle?


Good point. :)

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I'm pretty sure that legally, it is how the comment was taken that is the issue.


Thereore if Evra didn't take the comment to be one of endearment (unlikely on a football field lets be honest) then Suarez should face some punishment.


Is it as bad as Terry's appears to be? No. But is it ungentlemany comduct at best? Yes


But that's terribly shaky ground to be basing a ruling upon. The absolute essence of the matter is that what Evra (claims he) heard is not what Suarez (claims he) said, even though both agree on which word was used.


And how can an English body be qualified to fairly and reasonably judge a Frenchman's interpretation of a South American Spanish word?


This comparison of racial abuse to other forms of abuse based on other personal characteristics is one of my pet hates to be honest. As if calling someone 'fatty' is the same as calling them something racist.


The world doesn't have 100s of years of history of oppression of fat people, or ginger people, or people born outside of marriage, or whatever. The comparison is ridiculous.


And how does that make it less bad for those poor overweight/ginger/illegitimate sods who are copping all that stick?


Yeah, I'm biased: I spent the whole of grammar school with the nickname "Northern Bastard" (thanks Hale and Pace). It wasn't used affectionately, and while the teachers didn't use that particular name, they often ribbed me about my origins, too (What did he say? I don't understand him! I think you mean <insert word that southerners pronounce differently>.) Not as bad as "black bastard" by any stretch, to be sure, but I will never understand or accept why this kind of shit is seen as perfectly acceptable, when it would never have crossed the minds of any of those kids or teachers to openly call one of the Asian or black guys in our year "brown/black bastard".


All personal abuse is bad and can cause pain, I'm not arguing against that. And it shouldn't be seen as acceptable at all, obviously.


I'm just saying that abusing someone by suggesting their ethnic origin is inferior to yours is a much more fundamental form of belittling them, and is also supporting with generations and generations of oppression. I cant believe you equate the two so exactly.




Not as bad as "black bastard" by any stretch, to be sure,


Must say 'niglet' had me chuckling.


Look here Evra you niglet of a man. :lol:


Wacko pulling out all the stops like.


Can't help it :(


It really gets my goat that an English "authority" intends to pass judgement on the Spanish language based on a Frenchman's understanding of it.


And the whole of Uruguay is probably buzzing off them.


Juan: Hey my sweet little darling!

Maria: Don't call me that, you filthy racist cur! I'll report you to Bobby Charlton!


FFS, we all know he's a cunt, so give him a slap on the wrist for gamesmanship, make it clear that books will be thrown if he uses the word (or other variations) again, and stop this farce.

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... and how do you feel about John Terry's incident?


I'm afraid I don't know the details, to be honest.


I've seen the video, and I think it's fairly unequivocal what he says. What I don't know is where he's standing in relation to other players, or whether Ferdinand (or anyone else for that matter) heard him (although I'm not sure that matters).


Have any of the other players said anything? Are there any other videos?


In common with the Suarez incident, I wouldn't put it past either of the players to have done it on purpose (though I honestly didn't think Terry would be stupid enough to shout something like that across the pitch). But Terry can't play the lost-in-translation card like Suarez.


Unless there are seriously mitigating circumstances, he's got to cop for some significant punishment. You can't be shouting "fucking black cunt" across a football pitch in the EPL and get away with it.


If the situations are as I have described (Suarez called Evra "negrito", Terry called Ferdinand a "fucking black cunt"), I'd say throw the book at Terry and a slap on the wrist for Suarez, plus the promise to throw the whole fucking library at him if he ever says it again. You can only rule based on the established facts of the case, and what Terry said is as unequivocal as what Suarez said is nuanced (from an English speaker's perspective).

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Wacko has come out of this saga looking as bad as Suarez, should have just manned up and took it on the chin his player is a little racist cunt.


Then you haven't understood what point I've been trying to make, or you simply don't understand the fact (yes, it's a fact) that your English sensibilities are not appropriate for judging Spanish. By all means, form an opinion for yourself, but it is not an appropriate basis for handing out punishments.


Why do you think the police are charging Terry but not Suarez? Seriously, why do you think that is when Suarez has confirmed he said exactly what Evra accused him of saying? Is that not a confession?


I'd love to hear your answer.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

... and how do you feel about John Terry's incident?


I'm afraid I don't know the details, to be honest.


I've seen the video, and I think it's fairly unequivocal what he says. What I don't know is where he's standing in relation to other players, or whether Ferdinand (or anyone else for that matter) heard him (although I'm not sure that matters).


Have any of the other players said anything? Are there any other videos?


In common with the Suarez incident, I wouldn't put it past either of the players to have done it on purpose (though I honestly didn't think Terry would be stupid enough to shout something like that across the pitch). But Terry can't play the lost-in-translation card like Suarez.


Unless there are seriously mitigating circumstances, he's got to cop for some significant punishment. You can't be shouting "fucking black cunt" across a football pitch in the EPL and get away with it.


If the situations are as I have described (Suarez called Evra "negrito", Terry called Ferdinand a "fucking black cunt"), I'd say throw the book at Terry and a slap on the wrist for Suarez, plus the promise to throw the whole fucking library at him if he ever says it again. You can only rule based on the established facts of the case, and what Terry said is as unequivocal as what Suarez said is nuanced (from an English speaker's perspective).


Fair enough. Still not sure I'm comfortable with the ignorance slant.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I can see Wacko's point and I agree that vernacular, especially foreign vernacular, needs to be taken into context regarding such issues but for me, I reckon Suarez was abusing Evra based on his race or skin color which is racist whatever the context. Mind, you do get the impression that Suarez is a right wind up merchant on the pitch and will say say this kind of stuff even if he's not that type of person away from the pitch. Ian Wright was similar, he would say to rival players what he would do to their mothers, sisters, wives and all kinds, yet away from the pitch he was totally different.

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Wacko has come out of this saga looking as bad as Suarez, should have just manned up and took it on the chin his player is a little racist cunt.


Then you haven't understood what point I've been trying to make, or you simply don't understand the fact (yes, it's a fact) that your English sensibilities are not appropriate for judging Spanish. By all means, form an opinion for yourself, but it is not an appropriate basis for handing out punishments.


Why do you think the police are charging Terry but not Suarez? Seriously, why do you think that is when Suarez has confirmed he said exactly what Evra accused him of saying? Is that not a confession?


I'd love to hear your answer.


Member of the public put acomplaint in against Terry prompting the investigation afaik



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I'm pretty sure that legally, it is how the comment was taken that is the issue.


Thereore if Evra didn't take the comment to be one of endearment (unlikely on a football field lets be honest) then Suarez should face some punishment.


Is it as bad as Terry's appears to be? No. But is it ungentlemany comduct at best? Yes


But that's terribly shaky ground to be basing a ruling upon. The absolute essence of the matter is that what Evra (claims he) heard is not what Suarez (claims he) said, even though both agree on which word was used.


And how can an English body be qualified to fairly and reasonably judge a Frenchman's interpretation of a South American Spanish word?



Thats the way UK law is though in cases of discrimination etc

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I can see Wacko's point and I agree that vernacular, especially foreign vernacular, needs to be taken into context regarding such issues but for me, I reckon Suarez was abusing Evra based on his race or skin color which is racist whatever the context. Mind, you do get the impression that Suarez is a right wind up merchant on the pitch and will say say this kind of stuff even if he's not that type of person away from the pitch. Ian Wright was similar, he would say to rival players what he would do to their mothers, sisters, wives and all kinds, yet away from the pitch he was totally different.


I'm absolutely certain that Suarez is a massive wind-up merchant and utter cunt on the pitch, and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to learn that his comments were meant in the worst possible way. It's just that it's unclear enough that handing down a stiff punishment on that basis would be deeply unjust.


I'm pretty sure that legally, it is how the comment was taken that is the issue.


Thereore if Evra didn't take the comment to be one of endearment (unlikely on a football field lets be honest) then Suarez should face some punishment.


Is it as bad as Terry's appears to be? No. But is it ungentlemany comduct at best? Yes


But that's terribly shaky ground to be basing a ruling upon. The absolute essence of the matter is that what Evra (claims he) heard is not what Suarez (claims he) said, even though both agree on which word was used.


And how can an English body be qualified to fairly and reasonably judge a Frenchman's interpretation of a South American Spanish word?



Thats the way UK law is though in cases of discrimination etc


I understand that it may slightly favour (for want of a better word) the victim, but here we have a victim who is kind of "clueless". Evra speaks French and Italian, so he'll sure understand a shitload of Spanish, including "negrito", but I doubt he'd be aware that it means "mate" or "darling" in some South American countries. That is to say, would he have perceived the word as racist if he were Uruguayan (or had lived in Uruguay) himself? Would Suarez have known this and said "negrito" knowing Evra would hear "little black man" (or worse)?


The only sort of parallel I can think of, drunk as I am, is if I'd called a black person "niggardly", and he were unaware of the word or its etymology (i.e. it has nothing to do with the N-word) and had taken offense. It's more than ill-advised, but would, I think, be very unreasonable to punish.


When is this fucker being punished? Seems to be taking an age!


The sooner the better. This thread is doing my head in, and I CAN'T HELP MYSELF :(



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Guest Chubby Jason

I can see Wacko's point and I agree that vernacular, especially foreign vernacular, needs to be taken into context regarding such issues but for me, I reckon Suarez was abusing Evra based on his race or skin color which is racist whatever the context. Mind, you do get the impression that Suarez is a right wind up merchant on the pitch and will say say this kind of stuff even if he's not that type of person away from the pitch. Ian Wright was similar, he would say to rival players what he would do to their mothers, sisters, wives and all kinds, yet away from the pitch he was totally different.


I'm absolutely certain that Suarez is a massive wind-up merchant and utter c*** on the pitch, and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to learn that his comments were meant in the worst possible way. It's just that it's unclear enough that handing down a stiff punishment on that basis would be deeply unjust.


I'm pretty sure that legally, it is how the comment was taken that is the issue.


Thereore if Evra didn't take the comment to be one of endearment (unlikely on a football field lets be honest) then Suarez should face some punishment.


Is it as bad as Terry's appears to be? No. But is it ungentlemany comduct at best? Yes


But that's terribly shaky ground to be basing a ruling upon. The absolute essence of the matter is that what Evra (claims he) heard is not what Suarez (claims he) said, even though both agree on which word was used.


And how can an English body be qualified to fairly and reasonably judge a Frenchman's interpretation of a South American Spanish word?



Thats the way UK law is though in cases of discrimination etc


I understand that it may slightly favour (for want of a better word) the victim, but here we have a victim who is kind of "clueless". Evra speaks French and Italian, so he'll sure understand a shitload of Spanish, including "negrito", but I doubt he'd be aware that it means "mate" or "darling" in some South American countries. That is to say, would he have perceived the word as racist if he were Uruguayan (or had lived in Uruguay) himself? Would Suarez have known this and said "negrito" knowing Evra would hear "little black man" (or worse)?


The only sort of parallel I can think of, drunk as I am, is if I'd called a black person "niggardly", and he were unaware of the word or its etymology (i.e. it has nothing to do with the N-word) and had taken offense. It's more than ill-advised, but would, I think, be very unreasonable to punish.


When is this f***er being punished? Seems to be taking an age!


The sooner the better. This thread is doing my head in, and I CAN'T HELP MYSELF :(



Why would you actually want to post on here man?
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