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Fantasy Premier League 2011-12 (see OP)

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Not had time to create a league and txt the code to my whole phone book!!!  Can you create a league say next week but include everyone's points from the start of the season?

Not sure. I seem to remember you couldn't before though.


You could just start the scoring from week 2?

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Guest Rey Mysterio

Can't believe I asked a question which had been asked all of 1 post above.


Oh well, never mind.


Its clear were both getting off to absoloute flyers this week and all will be wasted when the leagues start from next week  :dave:

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Can't believe I asked a question which had been asked all of 1 post above.


Oh well, never mind.


Its clear were both getting off to absoloute flyers this week and all will be wasted when the leagues start from next week  :dave:

Count me in too was waiting till the last minute then ran out of time yesterday before i went to work  :weep:
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Guest Roger Kint

Got rid of my Arsenal players. Not worth winning if Newcastle lose.


Thats one of the saddest things i ever heard tbh

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Guest Roger Kint

Can't believe I asked a question which had been asked all of 1 post above.


Oh well, never mind.


Its clear were both getting off to absoloute flyers this week and all will be wasted when the leagues start from next week  :dave:

Count me in too was waiting till the last minute then ran out of time yesterday before i went to work  :weep:


All 3 of you will finish well above me anyway ha

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Guest Roger Kint

Whats up with the fantasy prem website anyway? I've been trying to sign up since yesterday and it keeps giving me sql errors


Strange, nobody else has had a problem  :troll:

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Whats up with the fantasy prem website anyway? I've been trying to sign up since yesterday and it keeps giving me sql errors


Dunno, most people are experiencing it. I'm no technician but my diagnosis is FF couldn't handle the stress. Which is poor foresight on their behalf.

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Got rid of my Arsenal players. Not worth winning if Newcastle lose.


Thats one of the saddest things i ever heard tbh

It's only sad if van persi scores a hattrick and rooney gets a red card and pisses a pen.
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Guest Roger Kint

Apart from Roger Kunt, Tachikoma.


Have fun changing your strip you b******!


Absolutely no need for either bit of personal abuse, sadly if you could read you would know i cant log in either so quite what my strip has to do with anything.......pathetic tbh

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Guest Roger Kint

Meant Bluestar. Easy typo to make.


Apology Backtracking not accepted  :thdn:


Bladdy hell, bit touchy today aren't we?


It was as much in jest as my original post which caused the abuse.

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Can't get on, can we have a whip round and get these boys some servers.


Sames. Wanted to see Suarez craic.


p.s. you need to change your avatar, otherwise I will always tar you with the Colocho brush.

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