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Cheick Tioté (1986-2017)


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Sure, let's all get really excited about a key player, arguably our best signing a long-term contract. He's going to be here until he is 30!!!


Andy Carroll signed a 5 year contract in October 2010. He was sold in January 2011. Contracts mean f*** all in the modern game.


If they mean f*** all, then why does it matter whether he gets offered one now or in the summer?


By the time summer comes, the likes of Man City and Chelsea won't give a f*** that he signed a contract in February, as we saw with Carroll/Liverpool. At least if it was offered May/June it would have signalled that he was not available under any circumstances during that window.

and how would that have changed anything, he could sign on tuesday and agree to go to chelsea the following day. we've drove the price up if anyone wants him and made him feel appreciated for what he's done so far which is the most we can do. for fucks sake if barce bid 80mill for berbatov and wanted to treble his wages and he wanted to go he would be off.  all we can hope is that we improve so that we move up the pecking order.
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Great news.  He will feel wanted and rewarded and for the negative people on here, it pushes his value right up as well!


Comments coming from a number of players seriously need to be taken on board by Ashley.  With investment he can keep these players together and we move on to a new level.  This summer really is crucial.

does that mean investing the carroll money or the club oweing ashley more than one hundred odd million that it already does ?


I think he will get his money back from a total sale of the club.  Its better for Ashley to get the club qualifying for europe on a regular basis would make us even more attractive to potential buyers.


This 35 million could be a spring board for the club wilst also resigning players like Barton, Nolan, Enrique, Jonas and Colo.


We have a good core that could be added to.


A club with 52 k fans, well run finances and playing in europe on a regular basis is far more attarctive then the s*** Ashley picked up from the Halls and shepherds.


Well pointed out! MA has no interest in selling his stars. That reduces the value of the club accordingly. And it makes it harder for him to achieve success on the pitch. Which again will hurt the club's profit chances.  MA knows that NUFC could be a milking machine if he manages to establish the club in the upper tier. Then he could increase the stadium capacity too, which will result in more money.

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Great news.  He will feel wanted and rewarded and for the negative people on here, it pushes his value right up as well!


Comments coming from a number of players seriously need to be taken on board by Ashley.  With investment he can keep these players together and we move on to a new level.  This summer really is crucial.

does that mean investing the carroll money or the club oweing ashley more than one hundred odd million that it already does ?


I think he will get his money back from a total sale of the club.  Its better for Ashley to get the club qualifying for europe on a regular basis would make us even more attractive to potential buyers.


This 35 million could be a spring board for the club wilst also resigning players like Barton, Nolan, Enrique, Jonas and Colo.


We have a good core that could be added to.


A club with 52 k fans, well run finances and playing in europe on a regular basis is far more attarctive then the s*** Ashley picked up from the Halls and shepherds.


Well pointed out! MA has no interest in selling his stars. That reduces the value of the club accordingly. And it makes it harder for him to achieve success on the pitch. Which again will hurt the club's profit chances.  MA knows that NUFC could be a milking machine if he manages to establish the club in the upper tier. Then he could increase the stadium capacity too, which will result in more money.

wrongish, he'll sell his better players if he thinks it's the best thing to do in the circumstances but i don't think the plan is to sell everyone regardless like some are making out.
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Dont see how anyone can see this as anything but positive news.


Ive been as suspicious as anyone about quotes coming out. But at the very least this is a great sign of valuing our club from Tiote himself, which should have a beneficial effect on other players thoughts of our clubs ambition...in the same way Carrolls sale could have effect those thoughts negatively.


I dont see any of the top 4 going for Tiote yet, its still just his first season & everyone else is far less likely to after this.

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Tiote seems pretty grounded to me and I always thought that unless the club decided to sell him that he would be content to stay for another year or two because he would think there was still a lot to learn before stepping up to one of the big 4.  He is a fixture in this team where he might not be at a club with a big squad.


However I would be amazed if he was still here in 7 years time but I am fairly confident now that he will be here next season and thereafter it will depend on how the club progresses.

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I hope this means he is staying long term, but given Carroll was sold less than 4 months in to a new 5 year contract I am not entirely optimistic.


Aye but that 5 year deal he signed gained us 35 million to reinvesnt.


Dont get me wrong here, i' rather have tiote then money but we all know what could happen in the summer.


This deal that tiote has signed may put potential bidders off or will force them to spend top wedge.


As i think they thought they would pick up the lad on the cheap.


personally i hope we keep him.

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Great news.  He will feel wanted and rewarded and for the negative people on here, it pushes his value right up as well!


Comments coming from a number of players seriously need to be taken on board by Ashley.  With investment he can keep these players together and we move on to a new level.  This summer really is crucial.

does that mean investing the carroll money or the club oweing ashley more than one hundred odd million that it already does ?


I think he will get his money back from a total sale of the club.  Its better for Ashley to get the club qualifying for europe on a regular basis would make us even more attractive to potential buyers.


This 35 million could be a spring board for the club wilst also resigning players like Barton, Nolan, Enrique, Jonas and Colo.


We have a good core that could be added to.


A club with 52 k fans, well run finances and playing in europe on a regular basis is far more attarctive then the s*** Ashley picked up from the Halls and shepherds.

i'm not so sure, say he puts in another 50mill to reach that point, i doubt he'd get 250-300million for us.
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Same as Carroll's situation: if the player is adding value to the club, he won;t be sold unless it's a ridiculous amount of money. 


So if a club again offers 35m for Tiote, Ashley will do it. 

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Great news.  He will feel wanted and rewarded and for the negative people on here, it pushes his value right up as well!


Comments coming from a number of players seriously need to be taken on board by Ashley.  With investment he can keep these players together and we move on to a new level.  This summer really is crucial.

does that mean investing the carroll money or the club oweing ashley more than one hundred odd million that it already does ?


I think he will get his money back from a total sale of the club.  Its better for Ashley to get the club qualifying for europe on a regular basis would make us even more attractive to potential buyers.


This 35 million could be a spring board for the club wilst also resigning players like Barton, Nolan, Enrique, Jonas and Colo.


We have a good core that could be added to.


A club with 52 k fans, well run finances and playing in europe on a regular basis is far more attarctive then the s*** Ashley picked up from the Halls and shepherds.

i'm not so sure, say he puts in another 50mill to reach that point, i doubt he'd get 250-300million for us.


Sorry, i mean the club achieving european football through its own finances and not through his hand outs to the club.


Anyway dont the new rules kick in soon?

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Very pleased with the news, however i thought we were dead set against giving players new contrats when they were just a few months into one?


at the very least it means we will get a large sum for him if he is sold.

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Carrolls situation was different anyway. You had a club desperate to fill the position of their star striker & potentially attempting to negotiate with clubs & go for a player + give out wages they wouldnt have tried to had they had far more time to work things out.

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Very pleased with the news, however i thought we were dead set against giving players new contrats when they were just a few months into one?


at the very least it means we will get a large sum for him if he is sold.


Nah, I think we're just dead against bowing to player demands when they've just had a pay rise.


I get the feeling this was driven by the club in order to make Tiote's position more secure, and to reward him for a brilliant season. Bit different to the Carroll situation IMO.

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Very pleased with the news, however i thought we were dead set against giving players new contrats when they were just a few months into one?


at the very least it means we will get a large sum for him if he is sold.


Nah, I think we're just dead against bowing to player demands when they've just had a pay rise.


I get the feeling this was driven by the club in order to make Tiote's position more secure, and to reward him for a brilliant season. Bit different to the Carroll situation IMO.

also, i'm guessing tiote didn't want to be the highest paid player at the club or he'd spit his dummy out.
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Guest NobbyOhNobby

Using the logic employed thus far in this thread, I bet Villa won't offer Ashley Young a new contract because he's just going to leave anyway if somebody bids a STUPID amount of money for him. Pointless trying to keep him if Man U etc are contemplating maybe perhaps bidding for him one day maybe in the future perhaps maybe maybe maybe. Just like when Spurs renewed Gareth Bale's contract earlier this season in light of performances, does this mean that they won't sell him if someone bids £60million or something for him? Course they will, but they've shown their commitment to the player by improving his wage and illustrating that he has a long-term role at the club, which is just what we've done with Tiote. If someone bids something daft for him in the Summer, so be it, but I'm not going to lose sleep worrying about it, I'm just going to enjoy watching him play for as long as he plays for us because he is amazing.


Somebody earlier in the thread said it best I think, "I might get knocked over a by a bus tomorrow, doesn't mean I'm going to spend all day worrying about it"

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Very pleased with the news, however i thought we were dead set against giving players new contrats when they were just a few months into one?


at the very least it means we will get a large sum for him if he is sold.


Nah, I think we're just dead against bowing to player demands when they've just had a pay rise.


I get the feeling this was driven by the club in order to make Tiote's position more secure, and to reward him for a brilliant season. Bit different to the Carroll situation IMO.


yeah id guess this was given rather than asked for, how long was his original contract onl;y 3 and a half years?

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Using the logic employed thus far in this thread, I bet Villa won't offer Ashley Young a new contract because he's just going to leave anyway if somebody bids a STUPID amount of money for him. Pointless trying to keep him if Man U etc are contemplating maybe perhaps bidding for him one day maybe in the future perhaps maybe maybe maybe.


How do you define 'stupid' money in modern football?

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