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Jonás Gutiérrez (now managing Club Almagro)

Crumpy Gunt

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The club have obviously let him go to be with his family and keep himself to himself whilst he battles this, which is absolutely fair. some of our supporters seem to misinterpret things to the extreme at times, instead of actually thinking it through.


We're all fed up with Pardew and Ashley but this about thinking about one of ours, and crossing everything he pulls through.

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From January: http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/norwichs-jonas-gutierrez-newcastle-exit-3029641


“The manager told me in December I was not going to play any more and told me to find myself another club.


“I don’t know why it happened and I still don’t understand what I did wrong.


“There were no rows with Alan Pardew or anything like that. He just said I needed to leave and that was that.


“I honestly don’t know why I wasn’t playing, you will have to ask the manager that. He just made his decision and that was it. Something must have happened – but I don’t know what.”Gutierrez knew the writing was on the wall when he was left out of the FA Cup third round tie against Cardiff.


He admitted: “I was hoping I would get an opportunity in the cup. But instead I was left sitting in the stand. I was not even named in the squad for the game. So after that I knew it was all over for me. For five years before that I had always been in the starting XI. Then suddenly I wasn’t even in the squad.


“I still don’t know why and I don’t think I will ever understand it. It’s how football is and you just have to get on with it.”


This tallies up with the new interview. Regardless of whether you think the club are in the wrong, what's very clear is that Jonas is unhappy with how he's been treated.

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Jesus. :(


Good luck Jonas.

A round of applause in the 18th minute would be great.




Why not?


Already do the 17th minute, nobody would notice it was for Jonas if it continued, most would give up as well


Why not just applaud all through every match?....that would cover just about every possibility....what next....banner....wristbands...?

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Strange how the club haven't said anything today. Even just a tweet or short statement to say we are thinking of him.


Read on Twitter people saying they're obviously waiting for a bigger gesture etc....that's bollocks

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From January: http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/norwichs-jonas-gutierrez-newcastle-exit-3029641


“The manager told me in December I was not going to play any more and told me to find myself another club.


“I don’t know why it happened and I still don’t understand what I did wrong.


“There were no rows with Alan Pardew or anything like that. He just said I needed to leave and that was that.


“I honestly don’t know why I wasn’t playing, you will have to ask the manager that. He just made his decision and that was it. Something must have happened – but I don’t know what.”Gutierrez knew the writing was on the wall when he was left out of the FA Cup third round tie against Cardiff.


He admitted: “I was hoping I would get an opportunity in the cup. But instead I was left sitting in the stand. I was not even named in the squad for the game. So after that I knew it was all over for me. For five years before that I had always been in the starting XI. Then suddenly I wasn’t even in the squad.


“I still don’t know why and I don’t think I will ever understand it. It’s how football is and you just have to get on with it.”


This tallies up with the new interview. Regardless of whether you think the club are in the wrong, what's very clear is that Jonas is unhappy with how he's been treated.


I'm not 100% on the timelines but it's quite possible he's come back after surgery and Pardew's said 'find another club mate as you'll not be getting another game'. Who knows?


If that was the case and then he had found the cancer had spread later, then the club haven't done much wrong as regards his illness/treatment from what I can make out. How they've treated him as regards his career is another matter entirely.


Again though, this is just one interpretation of events. I'm happy to wait for more info before blaming the club.

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He said he was hoping to play football in the cup so he must have felt right in himself to play.


He'd only played twice all season for us so it was obvious even before he went away that he wasn't in the first team picture for footballing reasons. The only way he was going to get his wish was a loan move or transfer, which he got.

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Guest firetotheworks

I'll wait for everything to come out in the wash. At this stage it's a real shame and I hope he gets better soon like. Cancer's a cunt, it goes without saying.

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Gutted to hear this last night, and the pics of him on twitter having lost his 'famous' flowing hair, were heartbreaking. :(


Hopefully though, he has caught it, and the treatment will be successful, and he'll make a full and quick recovery.


As far as the clubs lack of reaction to this, I wouldn't be surprised to hear Pardew mention this in tomorrows press conference, and try and deflect away from the planned protests with this news.

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