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Alan Pardew


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Honestly I´m very surprised by the lack of playing time perch has had in the pre-season. After last season I definitely though he was our best wing back behind Santon. Both surprised and a bit disappointed actually.

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Didn't Simpson start every game of our season last season? I remember Perch helping out just behind CM a few times and LB, can't remember him at RB but I'm probably talking s**** as my memory is shocking

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Didn't Simpson start every game of our season last season? I remember Perch helping out just behind CM a few times and LB, can't remember him at RB but I'm probably talking s**** as my memory is shocking


No, Simpson got injured with around 4 or 5 games to go. Perch filled in at right back and put in some very good performances against Chelsea and even Man City.

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Ah cool, cheers. It's all a blur to me now. In spite of my memory on this one, I'd prefer Perch playing RB to Simpson as he is technically a much better player


Id agree, Perch is a very good tackler and comfortable on the ball. The only problem is his inability to attack, but I think that balances the defence out quite well with Santon bombing forward from the left.

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He certainly won't go beating his man or any of that but I think he's really underrated as a passer of the ball. Looking forward to seeing him develop more this season


Simpson never beats a man either.


He overlaps (slowly) then puts the worst crosses known to man into the Keepers hands.

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Guest salmon

Just on SSN interviewed after the match... Hoping focus returns to the transfer market...


Seems like a little dig at Dekka and Co. to get them to make some fucking moves.

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Guest magpie99

I see the panic starting to set in for some on here without the additions of any senior [players as yet. However, there are some positive points to be taken from transfer inactivity and squad numbers.


1.  Ashley has a strict financial plan in place and will not over pay for players. His emphasis is on youth and getting a decent return on his investments (Andy Carroll) etc. This season, the club has bought three outstanding young prospects for little or nothing and I fully expect all of them to get a fair amount of game time throughout the season.


2.  The squad is stronger than last season from the point of view that (a) the new senior players purchased last year like Cabaye, Santon, Ba, Cisse, Obertan have a full season under their belts in the league and at the club and appear to be more settled (b) the younger players prmoted to the senior squad such as Vuckic, Abeid, Sameobi, Taverier have had an extra year with the senior squad plus loans to lesser clubs which hopefully see them grow in confidence to display their talents at senior level.


3.  Judging by the omissions from the team that played Hartlepool with the likes of Krul, Colo, Tiote, Jonas, Cabaye, Cisse, Ba plkus cameos from Simpson, Santon and HBA, I think it is fairly evident that Pardew already knows his starting 11 for Spurs and I fully expect that line up to start against Cardiff. Looking at the team, the make up is virtuallyidentical to last seasons team so allied to a settled team, a great spirit and confidence from a 5th place spot last season, Pardew will probably know having a more settled team is more advantageous to a good start to the season than not.


4.  The club can also point to the fact that whilst we have lost squad members like Best, Guthrie, Lovenkrands and Smith, the rerturn of Taylor and Marveux afgter missing the majority of last season plus a fit and motivated HBA for the season start is like having new players anyway. They might also point out that the quality of the young lads coming through this season possibly improves the squad over the liokes of tnhe 4 players who have left mentioned above.


5.  We seem to have had the best pre season we have had in years with all players getting decent runs and fitness levels rewady for a tough season start.


I also feel that some people are very harsh on the likes of Simpson, Raylor and Williamson. Whilst not blue chip stars, they have given nothing but 100% to the team that surprised everyone on here last season. Simpson has his faults but he is a determined player and saved us many points last season. He is committed to the team and I feel he deserves a decent pay rise and a new contract. It wasnt long ago some people were disappointed when he wasnt selected in the England squad.


Raylor played most of the season out of position but he was part and parcel of a settled back line in those first unbeaten 11 games last year even chipping in with a couple of winning goals against Everton and Sunderland to win 6 points as well as the equaliser in the cup at Scunthorpe. Whilst probably not a first x1 pick, as a squad player, he is invaluable.


Big Mike wouildnt be most peoples first choice but last year, he contributed a great deal to the team after Taylors injury. Dont forget, he was part of that defence that went 6 unbeaten with 1 goal conceded and played in some pf our better wins against Man Utd, Chelsea and Liverpool. He has his faults but he is a decent proven 3rd choice centre half.


The club policy of bringing through the kids should never be more evident than this season, if Pardew works it properly. I would have at least 3 of them each week on the bench, especially against lower standard teams and give them plenty of game time. I have confidence in these kids to show the ability and determination to impress and allied to the specialist senior coaching plus game time in europe and the cups especially, I can see them forcing their way in to starting line upsd, possibly even by the end of the season.


I like the club policy on youth. If you look at our entire squad, I think only Shola, Harper and Colo are 30 or over with the majority of the rest around 27 or under. We would certainly have one of the youngest squads in the league and when you try to compare us against that lot 12 miles down the road, there is no comparison really.


Anyway, sorry for the long winded post but as I am normally a bloke whose glass is half full, I consider the way the club is progressing at present as outstanding. Yes, a couple of senior players coming in wouldnt go amiss but the club policy of emphasis on youth and not being tasken to the cleaners on transfer fees appeals to me. If we didnt sign anyone else, I wouldnt be worried.

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I'm with you mate... while I'd love to see a new signing or two (defenders, please) I think just keeping the squad we have is a huge achievement. With Demba and Cisse able to spend a full preseason learning how to play together, and Barfa not coming off that horrific injury, we are only going to be meaner than last year. If we don't get it done over the summer there's always a chance we can bring someone in at the transfer window to provide cover for our African Nations Cup casualties as well.


I guess the bottom line for me is I'd rather see us keep the players we have, than lose some of them but bring in new faces. Of course if I could have both.... then I'd have to look harder for something to complain about.


I'd be interested to see a 4-3-1-2 with HBA playing a free role behind Demba and Cisse as a front two... I think it'd be a nightmare to defend against those two working together in the area, and HBA could swing out to either side to provide us width as needed.

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People need to remember that it wasn't that long ago we were in the championship. We're going into a season more settled than I can remember for quite a while. We performed brilliantly last season and we've only lost one minor component of that squad (Best) but we're starting the season with Cisse which offsets that loss in the positive IMO.


Our manager has proved himself to be tactically handy. While I do get frustrated with his reliance on 4-4-2, especially with these players, he's proved without a doubt that he can get the best out of pretty much all of them.


Yeah it would've been great to bring in more players, I still think we'll get 1 or 2 first teamers but even if we don't, things are much better than they've been in ages man. Enjoy it.

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Guest BooBoo

So just because we are not in the Championship any more, we should be thankful for our lot and rest on our laurels?


Horseplop. It's that attitude that will stop the club progressing and was a mantra oft repeated in the disappointing summer of 2003.

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It's much harder for us to progress significantly this year than it was last year or the year before.


Finding players that would strengthen a promoted or bottom-half side was easy. But now that we're looking at 5th~7th, players that would improve us simply don't come cheap, which makes deals a lot harder to strike without spending foolish money.


The way finances in football work, the amount of money required to make progress starts increasing exponentially beyond a certain point, while the probability that investing that much money will actually deliver returns starts decreasing at a geometric rate as well.


It's a very tough spot we're in right now and I understand if the board wants to stick to their guns as much as possible rather than throw away money out of a misguided need to "make progress" every window. I'm not saying we should not sign players, but I don't want us to abandon the principles that have served us well just because we feel obligated to sign somebody.



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It's much harder for us to progress significantly this year than it was last year or the year before.


Finding players that would strengthen a promoted or bottom-half side was easy. But now that we're looking at 5th~7th, players that would improve us simply don't come cheap, which makes deals a lot harder to strike without spending foolish money.


The way finances in football work, the amount of money required to make progress starts increasing exponentially beyond a certain point, while the probably that investing that much money will actually deliver returns starts decreasing at a geometric rate as well.


It's a very tough spot we're in right now and I understand if the board wants to stick to their guns as much as possible rather than throw away money out of a misguided need to "make progress" every window. I'm not saying we should not sign players, but I don't want us to abandon the principles that have served us well just because we feel obligated to sign somebody.


A fair point, well made.

I kind of flip flop between being a fan and being a fan of the business model but unfortunately the two can be like oil and water at times.

I just feel like we are close to have a really amazing squad with a couple of well placed additions.

If we had Debuchy replacing Simpson (and I'm not really that down on him actually but I accept his going forward limitations) added a Remy up front and a ready to go CB, we'd be there imo.

Squad could grow and evolve with no more purchases for a good few years (providing nobody left).


I think that's why I'm a little bit frustrated, I can see it in my head and I want it now.

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Good post oldtype. Mostly agree, although I would prefer us not to take the gambles of going without squad players in certain positions just because we cannot get a deal done for our preferred targets on our terms. It scares the shit out of me going into the season with 3 recognised centre backs and 3 recognised forwards.

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It's much harder for us to progress significantly this year than it was last year or the year before.


Finding players that would strengthen a promoted or bottom-half side was easy. But now that we're looking at 5th~7th, players that would improve us simply don't come cheap, which makes deals a lot harder to strike without spending foolish money.


The way finances in football work, the amount of money required to make progress starts increasing exponentially beyond a certain point, while the probably that investing that much money will actually deliver returns starts decreasing at a geometric rate as well.


It's a very tough spot we're in right now and I understand if the board wants to stick to their guns as much as possible rather than throw away money out of a misguided need to "make progress" every window. I'm not saying we should not sign players, but I don't want us to abandon the principles that have served us well just because we feel obligated to sign somebody.




Broadly agree. But also we'll see to some extent if MA has ambition for the next level. [/ne5].

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