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Alan Pardew


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Guest Deadmau5

Norwich really is a Pivitol game not only for us, but for him. If we dont get the 3 points he will probably be under the most pressure sine he got here imo.


According to the table he is doing fantastic, I don`t think he would be under any pressure unless we went on a slide below what would consistute a a decent season. That means 15th`ish Imo.


Pressure from fans, yes. Pressure from Mike an Derek, no.


15th ish is a decent season :lol:



Nono mate, read what i Wrote. Llambas has said 10th every year is the goal. So as long as Alan hovers around that, they wont fire him Imo. Now, for Mike Ashley and Derek Llambas to start having doubts about pardew,  we would have to slide significantly below what would consistute a decent season. In their eyes, thats 10th. ( Not our eyes). So if we were to slide down towards 14/15th, thats the point at which I think he would be under bonafide pressure from the owners.

10th-12th? Thats the plan,  so this year has been fantastic even if we lose most of our remaining games.


We are still having a fantastic season according to pardew ( after the arsenal match), it was just that poor old Danny Simpson had no legs left  :)

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I agree with some of that Jayson,some players just don't respond to coaching,obertan being one but when we have played this style of football most of the season against all types of opposition,Brighton included,it makes me conclude that Pardew is setting them up that way,with Keegan we'd be playing dominant,possession based football and pushing the other team about not lumping it and hoping Ba would save our asses because that's what happened a lot early season.watch back some of those early performances and we played like this a lot of the time.the difference was,we could say the team was gelling,we're getting points.thugs have changed andog term success is bred on good football,simple as that


TBH. we have been playing Hoofing and crossing as the primary tactic all season, its just whether you see it or you don't. Recently when the percentage football isnt working as much, more has came to see the type of football we play and can clearly see its demerits. I am sure many will hop back on the Pardew's Wagon when we start winning and finish high up the table irregardless of how we play. Well in reality the world has too many Muppets, so its not surprising.


Just for the sake of analyzing Pardews Tactics and why its not working as well as earlier in the season. He is missing Leon best, his formation and tactics works better with two strong,aggressive,robust and hardworking outlets looking for a cross or a hoof to shield the ball to play it back to midfield so it could push up. I dont rate Best as a long term striker in this team, but the honest answer is he suits this play much better than most of the players we have. Forcefully fitting the players into this set up probably would not work too well.

some see what isn't there though. 'primary tactic all season', what crap!


What is our primary tactic as you see it then Madras? If in fact there is one.

there hasn't been one. we've mixed it up. we have gone long more than i'd like but it's been no way the primary tactic. work your way back game by game and ask if hoofing it was our main tactic, you'll be surprised

Posted "Hoof and Cross Pardew" Many times, but somehow only the hoof is registered. Crossing is also a primary tactic of ours which yield the most goals for us this season. However we have very little goals coming from the middle or through balls hence we either got goals hoofing to the strikers for knock downs or cross and tried to put one on them. Why the displeasure in stating the truth astonishes me.

cross meaning aimless high ball into the middle, or pass from wide ?


have a look through a fixture list and remember the goals, see how many actually came from the way you describe.

Crossing come from the wide areas, Simpson,Obertan,jonas,Ba,Best rings bell, crossing means from one end of a intersection to another therefore it must come from wide areas. Hoof is long ball to strikers or medium high balls that bypass midfield. My complain is we have very very little short passes that led to goals or innovation to create more space. We often go long or put in crosses rather than try short passes to create, very once side mix passing imo. We only go short in our own half most pf the time.

all clubs cross it in (anyone got stats to hand on who crosses the most ?) and we do short pass it quite a bit possibly too much in their half where it often gets aimless and the buck gets passed.. what has lead recently to going long more than i'd like is getting to 30yds out and then tiote to cabaye to jonas to cabaye to tiote. no movement from the middle allowing the forwards to get wrapped up and limiting the options rather than a game plan of lumping it.

Well, i stated short passes to create or score, i believe we are terribly weak in that particular department. If you have a further look at it, you realize we play very little one two's as well , it being a decreasing basic tactic in our game....therefore the only type of forwarding play that are getting us dangerous or putting us on the score sheets are either long or crosses.

We concur our short passes gets us no where ..

ooh clever, trying to make i said something i didn't. thats been the case of late whereas for you it's been all season. have you been through the fixture lisyt yet and spotted out the games we went long as a primary tactic. my OP in the hooof ball done that for the recent games till that time, feel free to comment.
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Every non-Newcastle fan I speak to is amazed that we're anything other than ecstatic TBH.


Yeah, and if i just looking on the table, i am ecstatic.

Problem is that i have watched every match this year.


I am very happy with our position, but have doubts where we are heading with our football.



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Every non-Newcastle fan I speak to is amazed that we're anything other than ecstatic TBH.

that could be down to a few things though as many non nufc fans i know still think colo is crap based on it being highlighted the season we got relegated, cabaye is a french league journeyman (ie they know nothing about him), ba was viewed similarly till recently. people believe what they are told to believe by the pundits and we know how wrong they often are.
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What if Pards has more of a longer-term plan for the team?


End of last season: try and find out what he's inherited, start to make the team difficult to beat

First full season: work on getting the team working in the right way off the ball and install the defensive ethos that he wants the team to adapt (built around Krul and Colo). Make sure that the team is difficult to beat and are capable of providing a solid platform for season two/three. League position is a bonus if it's above mid-table. Bring the 'flair' players to the fore towards the end of the season.

Second season: start to build upon the defensive platform, expand upon the passing, possession-retaining game and make the flair players a key part of the game plan.

Third season: by this stage, the core players (Krul - Colo - Cabaye) understand the philosophy and instructions and this is constantly repeated in the dressing room and on the pitch. This is where we win the league :bluestar:

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Every non-Newcastle fan I speak to is amazed that we're anything other than ecstatic TBH.


Yeah, and if i just looking on the table, i am ecstatic.

Problem is that i have watched every match this year.


I am very happy with our position, but have doubts where we are heading with our football.



i'd agree with that of late. throughout the season there has been a case of "is he getting the best from his squad" but you can understand him sticking with what works while it's getting results. while the results haven't went for us you could understand him thinking that it's not the tactics but the team (be ok when tiote/cabaye return) etc which will be why i'd expect ben arfa to now be a regular starter to address some of the creativity problems that haven't been remedied with the return of tiote/cabaye.
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Guest neesy111

People are happy where we are, but it's right that people are looking to what will happen in the next 10 games, next season etc now.  Performances are inspiring little confidence that we can get back to form and that we will be equally as successful next season.


As Dave has said we are going backwards from where we were from November in terms of results and the direction of the football we are playing.  We have only won comfortably on around 3-4 occasions this season (when we weren't hanging on for dear life) as well so when we do win it's not like we are winning comfortably.



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People are happy where we are, but it's right that people are looking to what will happen in the next 10 games, next season etc now.  Performances are inspiring little confidence that we can get back to form and that we will be equally as successful next season.


As Dave has said we are going backwards from where we were from November in terms of results and the direction of the football we are playing.  We have only won comfortably on around 3-4 occasions this season (when we weren't hanging on for dear life) as well so when we do win it's not like we are winning comfortably.




I've just counted about 8-9 matches where we won relatively comfortably.

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Guest neesy111

People are happy where we are, but it's right that people are looking to what will happen in the next 10 games, next season etc now.  Performances are inspiring little confidence that we can get back to form and that we will be equally as successful next season.


As Dave has said we are going backwards from where we were from November in terms of results and the direction of the football we are playing.  We have only won comfortably on around 3-4 occasions this season (when we weren't hanging on for dear life) as well so when we do win it's not like we are winning comfortably.




I've just counted about 8-9 matches where we won relatively comfortably.


Name them.....


I can count Blackburn, Stoke, Bolton and Man Utd as games we won comfortably by more than 1 goal margin.

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People are happy where we are, but it's right that people are looking to what will happen in the next 10 games, next season etc now.  Performances are inspiring little confidence that we can get back to form and that we will be equally as successful next season.


As Dave has said we are going backwards from where we were from November in terms of results and the direction of the football we are playing.  We have only won comfortably on around 3-4 occasions this season (when we weren't hanging on for dear life) as well so when we do win it's not like we are winning comfortably.




I've just counted about 8-9 matches where we won relatively comfortably.


Name them.....


I can count Blackburn, Stoke, Bolton and Man Utd as games we won comfortably by more than 1 goal margin.


Not sure that you have to win by more than 1 goal to make it a comfortable victory.  For comfortable victories, I would list:


Sunderland, Blackburn, Stoke, Everton, Bolton, Man Utd, Blackburn.  Apologies - I had forgotten how close the Fulham game was at home which is why I came up with 8-9.

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Guest neesy111

I was at Bolton as well and we were absolute dross until we scored, crowd were very restless about the amount of long balls being pumped at a permanently offside Best.


I seem to remember we only got better when HBA came on.  Could had went either way before that.

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Hadn't expected quite such a flurry of replies..


I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding about we are defining 'comfortable' here.  I am not suggesting that 'comfortable' means we played well or blitzed the opposition.  I am suggesting that 'comfortable' means we looked likely to get three points without too much danger of dropping points.


Everton was certainly comfortable - I think we controlled that game quite well and I don't recall many clearcut chances that Everton had to equalise.


Sunderland away - I can't remember them creating much all game to be honest.


Bolton - I think this is a game where people are confusing scintillating football with comfortable.


Blackburn away - yeah, I'll take that one back..

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An injury-hit Newcastle scrapped their way to their third successive league win


some sloppy defending from a corner produced a goal that Everton scarcely deserved but which changed the pattern of the game. Rather than the hoped-for second half goal avalanche kicking into the Leazes End, that set up a second period in which United were forced to battle and scrap for everything


we were grateful to another old boy for again misfiring against his former club - Louis Saha striking a post in the first half before lamping one into the crowd. Substitute Dan Gosling meanwhile - appearing to a background of jeers from the away support - escaped a decent-looking second half penalty claim for handball as Saha's goalbound shot hit his arm


the Gosling/Guthrie combination seeing United getting overrun in midfield, pressure mounted on the back four and Krul


proved to be a rare upfield excursion, with Best and Ba lending a hand (and heads) to clear from Leighton Baines and Seamus Coleman at the other end. Krul meanwhile also saved from Tim Cahill (making a rare appearance against us) as we dug out three more precious points
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