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The Sir Alex Ferguson Appreciation Thread

Optimistic Nut

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Tbh I don't think it'd be that much of a difference whether he'd be in the dugout or not against us.



remember him sitting in SBRs office while they hit us for 6 here.




Top manager- i like the bloke , dont like getting beaten off him tho.

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Fantastic manager, but he's a fucking cunt off the pitch. Constantly harassing referees, completely forgetting the infamous "fergie-time." Managed to complain about Carra's tackle, but at the same time defended Shrek's elbow. Hypocrite motherfucker.

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Fantastic manager, but he's a f***ing c*** off the pitch. Constantly harassing referees, completely forgetting the infamous "fergie-time." Managed to complain about Carra's tackle, but at the same time defended Shrek's elbow. Hypocrite motherfucker.


My sentiments are exactly, I know all managers are guilty of some hypocrisy and complaining bout refs, but I find Fergie to be the very definition of a sore loser. The fact that he is a 'Sir' which naturally comes with the expectation that he would uphold a certain degree of respectable behavior makes his behavior even more sickening and distasteful.

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Fantastic manager, but he's a f***ing c*** off the pitch. Constantly harassing referees, completely forgetting the infamous "fergie-time." Managed to complain about Carra's tackle, but at the same time defended Shrek's elbow. Hypocrite motherfucker.


My sentiments are exactly, I know all managers are guilty of some hypocrisy and complaining bout refs, but I find Fergie to be the very definition of a sore loser. The fact that he is a 'Sir' which naturally comes with the expectation that he would uphold a certain degree of respectable behavior makes his behavior even more sickening and distasteful.


My sentiments exactly as well, and the guy is in his 70s FFS.


He's a successful football manager, but I really don't think he should have been knighted.

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How much will it affect the team selection and results though? Jose Mourinho has shown that you can Circumvent the ban using wireless communication so can't see it as having any real impact.


Don't you mean Circumverate?


/Gob Bluth

The old reach-around.

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Guest Chubby Jason

Tbh I don't think it'd be that much of a difference whether he'd be in the dugout or not against us.



remember him sitting in SBRs office while they hit us for 6 here.


Eh? ???

They won that one 2-1.
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Not sure there's any punishment in football more pointless than the touchline ban.


I respect him for what he's done though - I'd love to go in the papers and tell Martin Atkinson what a brainless dickhead I think he is.

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On another note, the SJP tour guide told a great story about SBR and SAF on Saturday - when they unveiled the Bobby bust that's in the player/staff entrance to the ground.


Apparently Bobby used to come down to the player's lounge and talk to the players before every home game. One day, they kept him talking in the reception area for as long as possible and as he was about to turn and head towards the dressing rooms, the doors swung open and the two teams (NUFC and MUFC) lined up at either side, followed by Sir Alex and KK (manager at the time).


Bobby asked what was going on, and Ferguson launched into a really long speech "Bobby, it's a great honour to be here today presenting you with something extremely special..." and went on about a 5 minute rant about his start at Fulham, his entire playing career, then Ipswich, England, Barca, PSV, Newcastle etc. to which Bobby interrupted him half way through and goes "Howay Alex, get on with it" :lol: and they unveiled the bust.


It was the last thing he was expecting to see and he had to wipe away the tears as Sir Alex pulled back the cover to reveal the bust - couldn't give a speech apparently as he was that choked up.



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On another note, the SJP tour guide told a great story about SBR and SAF on Saturday - when they unveiled the Bobby bust that's in the player/staff entrance to the ground.


Apparently Bobby used to come down to the player's lounge and talk to the players before every home game. One day, they kept him talking in the reception area for as long as possible and as he was about to turn and head towards the dressing rooms, the doors swung open and the two teams (NUFC and MUFC) lined up at either side, followed by Sir Alex and KK (manager at the time).


Bobby asked what was going on, and Ferguson launched into a really long speech "Bobby, it's a great honour to be here today presenting you with something extremely special..." and went on about a 5 minute rant about his start at Fulham, his entire playing career, then Ipswich, England, Barca, PSV, Newcastle etc. to which Bobby interrupted him half way through and goes "Howay Alex, get on with it" :lol: and they unveiled the bust.


It was the last thing he was expecting to see and he had to wipe away the tears as Sir Alex pulled back the cover to reveal the bust - couldn't give a speech apparently as he was that choked up.




And then we proceeded to lose 5-1. Good story.

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Fergie would argue black was white, if it suited him. It's the flipside of this amazing willpower that has him, at the age of nearly 70, still at the top of his profession. This season Man U have been badly hit by injuries and Rooney's loss of form, they're in a rebuilding phase, he's been playing geriatrics in midfield, but he still has them top of the league, in the semi-finals of the Cup and the quarter-finals of the European Cup. It's amazing.

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Not sure there's any punishment in football more pointless than the touchline ban.




Had the effect of rival fans mocking him but that's all it is really. And he got the media shifting the focus from his players to him, which is probably what he wanted. Can see him with a smirk on his face now.

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Not sure there's any punishment in football more pointless than the touchline ban.




Had the effect of rival fans mocking him but that's all it is really. And he got the media shifting the focus from his players to him, which is probably what he wanted. Can see him with a smirk on his face now.


Someone told me it applies to the dressing room as well, although I'm not sure if that's true.

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