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John Carver

Guest neesy111

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Carver is a talentless prick and I hope he gets everything he deserves for having a go at fans who have travelled down to Southampton.


That's a good point. How far is that, 300 each way?


If you're going to lose your rag with fans, it makes it much worse if you're doing it to those who have put in an extraordinary journey like that to watch their team.

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Do a 600 mile round trip to be called "fucking cunts" for voicing their opinion by the Assistant Manager. That's gross misconduct imo.


People are entitled to their (totally justified) opinion and you can't call them fucking cunts in public and expect to get away with it. If he does somehow lose his job over this, admittedly a long long way off, then it's his own fucking fault. He's in a position of high responsibility at the club. Then again the manager got off with physically assaulting another person whilst doing his job...


Bang on.

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At least it shows some kind of fight from the Club. Yes the language shouldn't have been used but he's a passionate man, a supporter. It must be killing him what's happening.


He hasn't got a clue what's happening or realise he's a part of it.

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With what's going on at the club it wouldn't surprise me if Pardew chucks Carver under the bus over this in an attempt to deflect from his own problems.

It wouldn't surprise me if Pardew nailed him to the road then ran him over with a bus just for the shits and giggles, never mind to save his job.

It's the type of person Pardew is.

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Guest Howaythetoon

There is no doubt that Carver is one of us, a supporter, and his past comments about Ashley reaffirms that for me. He probably believes he can help and make a difference just like we think we can by turning up cheering (or jeering) so I certainly won't be slagging the man because he was a positive part of our history not so long ago under Sir Bobby. But he cannot be ripping on the fans or getting involved like this.

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At least it shows some kind of fight from the Club. Yes the language shouldn't have been used but he's a passionate man, a supporter. It must be killing him what's happening.


He hasn't got a clue what's happening or realise he's a part of it.

He's got professional pride added to the fact he's a fan. It must be playing havoc with his guts.

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Anyone on here that has a job that requires a CRB check will know that you can't get into bother or it could cost you your job, Carver has stepped over the line and acted aggressively, when he should have walked over and discussed the issue with HIS fans, he probably evens knows some of them or their families.


Totally unprofessional behavior which goes to show the influence Pardew has had on him. 

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Fact is Bobby would have slapped him if he heard him ever calling the fans, "c***s". Oh well he'll be on the dole soon enough!

Really? The same Bobby who called the fans jerks???



As if that's the same.  :lol:

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At least it shows some kind of fight from the Club. Yes the language shouldn't have been used but he's a passionate man, a supporter. It must be killing him what's happening.


He hasn't got a clue what's happening or realise he's a part of it.

He's got professional pride added to the fact he's a fan. It must be playing havoc with his guts.


He's got no professional pride judging by his actions today.

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At least it shows some kind of fight from the Club. Yes the language shouldn't have been used but he's a passionate man, a supporter. It must be killing him what's happening.


He hasn't got a clue what's happening or realise he's a part of it.

He's got professional pride added to the fact he's a fan. It must be playing havoc with his guts.


He's got no professional pride judging by his actions today.

He's probably at the end of his tether by now.

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At least it shows some kind of fight from the Club. Yes the language shouldn't have been used but he's a passionate man, a supporter. It must be killing him what's happening.


He hasn't got a clue what's happening or realise he's a part of it.

He's got professional pride added to the fact he's a fan. It must be playing havoc with his guts.


He's got no professional pride judging by his actions today.

He's probably at the end of his tether by now.


No where near enough as he should be with his manager or himself.

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if he had professional pride he wouldn't have jumped into bed with Ashely the 1st chance he got, especially after slating him not long beforehand

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Carver is a talentless prick and I hope he gets everything he deserves for having a go at fans who have travelled down to Southampton.


That's a good point. How far is that, 300 each way?


If you're going to lose your rag with fans, it makes it much worse if you're doing it to those who have put in an extraordinary journey like that to watch their team.


320 miles roughly to get abused.  :lol:

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At least it shows some kind of fight from the Club. Yes the language shouldn't have been used but he's a passionate man, a supporter. It must be killing him what's happening.


Shame Pardew can't get his players to show some of that passion.

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Typically unprofessional behaviour from a thoroughly unprofessional coaching staff.


Inexcusable but not surprising. Not much of a coach and in no way a professional.


But as others said, Pardew squared up to a player,  called Pellegrini a cunt, and today failed his contractually obligated press appearance, so we are a self-hating fucking Mickey Mouse operation regardless.

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Although he was Sir Bobby's number 2 he was more of a Terry Mac than say a Brian Kidd in terms of involvement and such when it came to coaching, advice, etc. He was basically Sir Bobbby's buffer.


I quite like Carver so its disappointing to hear this if not exactly surprising. He's basically a fan, getting paid a decent wedge, to work for NUFC, the club he loves, but in terms of ability he has about as much a right to be here as Pardew because he brings absolutely nothing to the club.


His actions cannot be defended and he needs to be reprimanded for this.


As a person who has known Carver for a lot of years he supported Wolves when he grew up not Newcastle.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Although he was Sir Bobby's number 2 he was more of a Terry Mac than say a Brian Kidd in terms of involvement and such when it came to coaching, advice, etc. He was basically Sir Bobbby's buffer.


I quite like Carver so its disappointing to hear this if not exactly surprising. He's basically a fan, getting paid a decent wedge, to work for NUFC, the club he loves, but in terms of ability he has about as much a right to be here as Pardew because he brings absolutely nothing to the club.


His actions cannot be defended and he needs to be reprimanded for this.


As a person who has known Carver for a lot of years he supported Wolves when he grew up not Newcastle.


He's a Newcastle supporter today though.

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Although he was Sir Bobby's number 2 he was more of a Terry Mac than say a Brian Kidd in terms of involvement and such when it came to coaching, advice, etc. He was basically Sir Bobbby's buffer.


I quite like Carver so its disappointing to hear this if not exactly surprising. He's basically a fan, getting paid a decent wedge, to work for NUFC, the club he loves, but in terms of ability he has about as much a right to be here as Pardew because he brings absolutely nothing to the club.


His actions cannot be defended and he needs to be reprimanded for this.


As a person who has known Carver for a lot of years he supported Wolves when he grew up not Newcastle.


He's a Newcastle supporter today though.


No he works for Newcastle big difference.

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Typically unprofessional behaviour from a thoroughly unprofessional coaching staff.


Inexcusable but not surprising. Not much of a coach and in no way a professional.


But as others said, Pardew squared up to a player,  called Pellegrini a c***, and today failed his contractually obligated press appearance, so we are a self-hating f***ing Mickey Mouse operation regardless.


Yup. This episode is very representative of our club at the moment.

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