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Andy Gray Sacked by Sky; Richard Keys resigns - join TalkSport


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I might be completely wrong here coz have not heard the audio myself, but why is it wrong to be sexist in private? Most of us do that when we are amongst friends in say a bar and I'm sure women say nasty things about men to when they have their sorority or women only gatherings.


I would have a problem if they did this on air in their official capacity but why should they be restricted in their private thoughts?


Like I said, I could be completely wrong here coz everyone one seems to be condemning them, so maybe someone can tell me what I'm missing?? 


i think you have a point to the extent that this wasn't intended for broadcast. on the other hand, they're still saying that stuff "at work", and in the case with the tv cameras gray is saying it in front of multiple people/colleagues.


Well I guess it would depend on what "at work" means. Normally you would have a code of conduct for as long as you are in your company's office/building. But with tv personalities/pundits, I get a feeling that they are 'off work' once the show is over and cameras stop rolling. Have no idea whether they said it in front of other colleagues, or was just a private banter. But if the BNP can have a political public platform to air their borderline racist views in public, I'm struggling to see why what Keys and Gray did were wrong when they never meant it for public consumption.


In fact if anything they should be suing whoever it was who taped them for breach of privacy.


I'd agree that it's a different issue when the comments are made in private, and that's what's been lost in the general reaction. And yeah, the behaviour of whoever leaked the comments is very questionable, to say the least.


I suspect that, behind the scenes, there's quite a row going on between Sky and Gray / Keys, who will feel they've been hung out to dry. It's interesting that, as far as I know, there's been no official, public apology from the two men. There's a report of a private apology from Keys, and nothing at all from Gray. I reckon there's a dispute going on about the wording of any apology, and about any future action that needs to be taken.

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In addition to my earlier comment, I would like to add that what people say in private is their business and these 2 do seem to have done that....however, someone has got it in for them as the conversation was not supposed to be broadcast - fingers pointed at the technical staff who have obviously alerted other parts of the organization/media to what they said.

Both men AND women are very uncomplimentary about each other in private and this isn't going to change that. Its the professional angle that gives the authorities a handle on all this but it should never have come to light.


More to this than meets the eye, as with everything. I don't think Gray and Keys have a very strong negotiating hand either, because none of the other football broadcasters are likely to employ them if they resign or get fired...esp the BBC, home of PC nonsense as confirmed by Peter Sissons...

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I don't know. Obviously they have an obligation since they represent Skysports and should keep that in mind when at work but I do not really see the problem here. People are so sensitive these days. I reckon the myth about woman and the offside rule is a stereotypical joke on par with for example the assumption that italian players are more prone to diving and unsportsmanship than others.


It annoys me  when things everyone is thinking and joking about informally is blown out of proportions just because it happens with "famous" people. Surely everyone understand this is not a company policy within skysports. Based on the reaction and press this gets you'd think the two old men had tied her up and gang-raped her with their wrinkly old snakes and then forced her to make them a sandwich afterwards. People need to chill  :coolsmiley:



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I'm struggling to see why what Keys and Gray did were wrong when they never meant it for public consumption.


Their job is to provide a fair and impartial analysis of the game, including judgement on the calls of officials.  If they've already decided that an assistant is unfit and doesn't understand the rules of the game based on something as arbitrary as their sex it calls their professional conduct into question, in the same way as if they've decided a new premier league manager is going to be tapping people up and taking bribes because he's a covetous Jew or a new player is going to be diving all over the shop because he's a cheating arab.  If it sounded like just banter then I'd be more inclined to feel sorry for them, there's lots of things you can get away with saying to mates who know you're being tongue in cheek and don't really hold those views that you'd be mortified if they were overheard, but it comes across as a genuine hatred of the idea that someone could be involved in the game just because of who they are.

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I reckon the myth about woman and the offside rule is a stereotypical joke on par with for example the assumption that italian players are more prone to diving and unsportsmanship than others.


You're right there.


But these guys weren't joking. They were genuinely angry about it. Confirmed in the vid of AG. He's livid. If he was laughing when saying it I reckon it would have been viewed far less seriously. Imagine them saying it and laughing...it has much different overtones.


Fair play. I haven't actually heard the interview. If they were genuinely angry and upset about a female lineswoman I feel sorry sorry for people spending time with them in everyday life. Imagine how fuming they'll be all the time when small trivial things go against them like no more toilet paper after they've taken a dump or no more lotion in the hourse when they're in the mood for some self-pleasuring.

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I reckon the myth about woman and the offside rule is a stereotypical joke on par with for example the assumption that italian players are more prone to diving and unsportsmanship than others.


You're right there.


But these guys weren't joking. They were genuinely angry about it. Confirmed in the vid of AG. He's livid. If he was laughing when saying it I reckon it would have been viewed far less seriously. Imagine them saying it and laughing...it has much different overtones.


You can't tell just from that tape how serious they were. And do you really think that Andy Gray believes that a female assistant, who has climbed the way all the way up the ladder to Premiership status, doesn't understand the offside rule?


On the private / public issue, they were in the workplace, within which a certain amount of trust is necessary. Breaching that trust should only be done in cases of sufficient seriousness. And it's hard to believe that whoever did it was motivated by outrage at the presenters' behaviour.


The whole thing just reeks of hypocrisy.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Was it Mike Newell or Clough that went off it when a there was a female referee at their game a few years ago?

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Guest neesy111

1.7million a year to watch football and no doubt get put up in 5 star hotels every weekend, fuck me that has to be the best job on the planet


Andy Gray is on over 30k a week.  What the hell is wrong with the world.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi





Dobbie the House Elf - John Gregory Imposter - T1000 (from Terminator 2)

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Thought I read somewhere that Andy Gray just decided to sue NOTW because his phone was tapped as part of the Andy Coulson affair? Who owns NOTW and Sky? Could just be a coincidence....



That would explain the deafening silence from the presenters at this time. And the leak of the other clip of Andy Gray commenting on the lineswoman's attractiveness.

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