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Snoods = Banned


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If they are tight and close to the neck like a turtle neck then what's the problem.  If they are flappy and have three of four rolling layers they they are a risk of being grabbed.  I still think they are just a fashion statement more than a functional item, so on that basis they have no part in the game.

If the said item was colour co ordinated it wouldnt look so shit but there all black or dark navy a different colour doesnt work but then again big soft tossers .
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Shouldn't be banned.


Useful for helping identify which players are total cunts.




Shouldn't be banned.


Useful for helping identify which players are totally ace.

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Great decision. I said on here a few weeks ago, if you can't take your shirt off you shouldn't be allowed to wear a scarf. Agree completely with the decision - the weather conditions are part of the game in this country. If you can't handle it, go to Spain.

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Banning snoods :lol:


FIFA really have fuck all to do outside a World Cup year.


The FIFA rulebook is littered with contentious issues that need sorting out. Whether it's the offside rule, to tapping players up, to debates around goal-line technology. Whilst those sort of things will need clearing up eventually and are important, they'll be debated for as long as the sport is in existence. However, stuff like this is crucial at retaining the grassroots element of the game, which often is missing purely down to the ever-increasing egos of players and so on. Wearing scarves makes a bloody mockery of the uniform. I wish they'd banned blank backs whilst they were at it!


I'll probably get lolled at for making a big deal of this but i'm big on the tradition of the game.

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Glad this was top of the agenda instead of corruption, video evidence, goal line technology, standards of reffing, victims of bad tackles having to leave the field, celebrating with fans being condemned, giving your honest opinions being punished in a free society, the world cup selection debacle and much much more.


'cos everyone can't stop talking about those damnable snoods, about time action has been taken!

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I don't get why people keep going on about this as if it was the top of the agenda for the meeting. I mean, I hate FIFA as much as the next guy. But this was surely just a footnote in the meeting?



Surely? :lol:

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Nah, they only make one decision a year. They all cast a vote to see what they can resolve. Well, i say 'they'; FIFA's really only two guys in an office. It's not even insulated very well.

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Nah, they only make one decision a year. They all cast a vote to see what they can resolve. Well, i say 'they'; FIFA's really only two guys in an office. It's not even insulated very well.


Probably the basis of next year's vote, then.

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