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Football's greatest - where does Lionel Messi rank?


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I just don't really like the way people think Messi is much better, when he clearly isn't. It's fantastic being able to see both of them in their prime though.


I tend to agree with this. They're so both devastatingly close to being ideal I'm not sure how there could be a chasm between the two :lol: I prefer CR7's style and enjoy watching him play football more personally but there isn't much in it I don't think.

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I do wonder what Ronaldo would need to do for people to think he is better than Messi.


win the CL with him actually doing something meaningful in the final




What year were you born? 'Cause unless you're 4 years old you missed something major in 2008. :lol:

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I do wonder what Ronaldo would need to do for people to think he is better than Messi.


win the CL with him actually doing something meaningful in the final




What year were you born? 'Cause unless you're 4 years old you missed something major in 2008. :lol:


the fuck has 2008 got to do with it?


EDIT: because i assume that hughesy's question was related to the here and now considering the season ronaldo is having and dip in form of messi....i could be wrong like, maybe he was actually wondering who was really better in two thousand and fucking eight

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I might have picked you up wrong but I thought you meant Ronaldo will not be considered better until he wins the CL while doing something in the final, which he already done 5 years ago.


I'd fancy Madrid to go further than Barca this year, although I can't look past Bayern anyway.

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no, i meant now, because since ronaldo joined real whenever ronaldo has done something amazing it's almost always been bettered by messi or at least put in the shade by him being instrumental in barca winning something important


hard to see messi overturning 10 goals on ronaldo this season anyway but for people to say ronaldo is "better", which was the question, i think he'll literally have to score more goals than him and win the CL


might not be fair but there it is, imo

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At 17, Pele was 25.




So racist. And coming from you and all. Horrible feeling reading that post.


:lol: You race carding me. If this was the NFL thread I would have mentioned that this is the first time you defended a dark Brazilian, but I didn't do that here because it sounds mean outside that thread.




NBA thread you mean?


:lol: Probably. It's all the same s***.


Seriously though. Can you even compare players that played so far apart? You just have to break it down by generation/era, imo.


Been there. But we all came to the conlusion that after Pele you can break it down in generations.


Garrincha - Maradona - Cruyff - Messi etc.


But Pele above all ;)

In terms of impact you would have to say Maradona. No player before or after single handedly improved a team the way Maradona did. Pele was the jewel in the crown of those Brazil teams. While pele won three world cups he was not their most important player in 58 and 62 , 70. In 1986 and 1990 Maradona was Argentina's only player.


Is this a serious post? Don't try to re-write history like that. In 1958 Pele got only to start in the third game after Brazil had difficulties in the first two games. His teammates forced the coach to make the change and put him and Garrincha on. From then on it was the Pele show all the way. He scored 6 goals in 4 games, 5 of those coming in the semi-finals and final as a 17 year old. In 1970 he was the veteran and brain of the team, many people thought he'd quit after the 1966 shambles where he was brutally attacked by defenders every game and missed a game against Hungary only to be kicked again against Portugal and have to limp the entire game.


Also for someone who seems so intent on naming the 1986 World Cup and Maradona in the same sentence should probably look up Garrincha and the 1962 World Cup. Both were equally dominated by one player. So look up the years 1962 was BEFORE 1986 so, yeah someone has made the same impact as Maradona, a whole 24 years earlier.


It's like that prize for FIFA that Maradona won on votes, but they just couldn't let it pass and had to make up another one to allow Pele since it was obvious none had seen Pele. The amount of footage I've seen of Pele makes it's quite clear in my mind who was the most dominant player in history, and this under a time where players like Garrincha, Puskas, Eusebio all played, all considered greats of this sport.


I respect opinions and I understand some think Maradona was the best, as he was an absolute impeccable player, but mention his ability and what he did with the ball, not what he achieved, because what he did achieve had  been done before.

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Right now, Ronaldo >>>> Ibrahimovic >>>>> Messi.


Do people not watch the best team in the world? Ribery has got to be before Ibrahimovic. Ibra hasn't even scored the most in his god damn team, spectacular goals shouldn't win awards. I think CRonaldo or Ribery will get it based on the fact that Messi has been injured a bit.

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At 17, Pele was 25.




So racist. And coming from you and all. Horrible feeling reading that post.


:lol: You race carding me. If this was the NFL thread I would have mentioned that this is the first time you defended a dark Brazilian, but I didn't do that here because it sounds mean outside that thread.




NBA thread you mean?


:lol: Probably. It's all the same s***.


Seriously though. Can you even compare players that played so far apart? You just have to break it down by generation/era, imo.


Been there. But we all came to the conlusion that after Pele you can break it down in generations.


Garrincha - Maradona - Cruyff - Messi etc.


But Pele above all ;)

In terms of impact you would have to say Maradona. No player before or after single handedly improved a team the way Maradona did. Pele was the jewel in the crown of those Brazil teams. While pele won three world cups he was not their most important player in 58 and 62 , 70. In 1986 and 1990 Maradona was Argentina's only player.


Is this a serious post? Don't try to re-write history like that. In 1958 Pele got only to start in the third game after Brazil had difficulties in the first two games. His teammates forced the coach to make the change and put him and Garrincha on. From then on it was the Pele show all the way. He scored 6 goals in 4 games, 5 of those coming in the semi-finals and final as a 17 year old. In 1970 he was the veteran and brain of the team, many people thought he'd quit after the 1966 shambles where he was brutally attacked by defenders every game and missed a game against Hungary only to be kicked again against Portugal and have to limp the entire game.


Also for someone who seems so intent on naming the 1986 World Cup and Maradona in the same sentence should probably look up Garrincha and the 1962 World Cup. Both were equally dominated by one player. So look up the years 1962 was BEFORE 1986 so, yeah someone has made the same impact as Maradona, a whole 24 years earlier.


It's like that prize for FIFA that Maradona won on votes, but they just couldn't let it pass and had to make up another one to allow Pele since it was obvious none had seen Pele. The amount of footage I've seen of Pele makes it's quite clear in my mind who was the most dominant player in history, and this under a time where players like Garrincha, Puskas, Eusebio all played, all considered greats of this sport.


I respect opinions and I understand some think Maradona was the best, as he was an absolute impeccable player, but mention his ability and what he did with the ball, not what he achieved, because what he did achieve had  been done before.


You're really replying to somebody with the username Maradona on this subject?  :mike:

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I wonder if it's a coincidence that Messi is picking up more injuries again after Pep has left? Pep seemed to have cracked it with him after suffering a lot of injuries in his earlier days but now he seems to be picking up lots and lots of strains of various muscles again.

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I do wonder what Ronaldo would need to do for people to think he is better than Messi.


win the CL with him actually doing something meaningful in the final




This is one of the worst ways to make a point I've ever seen on here, by the way.  :lol:


While we're at it for Shearer to be considered our best striker of modern times he'll have to have scored more goals than Jackie Milburn.

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I do wonder what Ronaldo would need to do for people to think he is better than Messi.


win the CL with him actually doing something meaningful in the final




This is one of the worst ways to make a point I've ever seen on here, by the way.  :lol:


While we're at it for Shearer to be considered our best striker of modern times he'll have to have scored more goals than Jackie Milburn.


what the fuck are you on about man?

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