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Other clubs' transfers

Guest palnese

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Ash, who's saying you've bid for Gotze?

Young Guns Blog. He usually knows his stuff, not passing it off as his own info says there is talk of it.

I can't explain how highly I rate Götze, literally the closest we will ever get to having Messi.

Bit like Nasri...oh wait.

Götze is miles better than Nasri, already.

u mad bro?
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Guest kingdawson

Anyone else enjoy KD's lust for Arsenal news as much as me?


I want to see what our rivals do. Right now they're as big a joke as us so i hope they don't sign anyone that will improve them. Hopefully they sign the Dann's and Benayoun's of this world and stay clear of the Hazard's and Gotze's.

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Guest kingdawson

@honigstein raphael honigstein

@Duncan C reporting that Dortmund turned down an offer from Arsenal for Götze, quoting a price of €35m in response (via @DuncanCastles)



phew dream over before it got going.

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If we bring in Alex, Santos, Götze, Elia and Park Chu-Young by Wednesday I'll be over the moon.

Presuming Santos is better than Gibbs which... he will be.



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Guest guinness_fiend

Arsenal are going to get in some really good players by the end of Wednesday it looks like.


Yup. They're the highest profile feeder club in the Premiership at the moment, so players who want to play for the Barcelonas and Manchester Uniteds of this world would be foolish not to cut their teeth in the Premiership under Wenger's tutelage before the eventual big move.

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SkySports Sky Sports

Skysports.com understands Blackburn are in pole position to sign in-demand Birmingham defender Scott Dann.


Does he like being relegated? Samba - Dann looks tasty though.


EDIT: 29 seconds late...

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