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The 2011-2012 Betting Thread: Last call for 2011/12 football, pretty much


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I think Alexis is a good shout for FGS. Was thinking of doing that myself. Going to jump on double your money Poker now and try and win a few 'free bets' for tonight. The poker being the only thing i ever seem to win.

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Fucking boat. Pushed the Titanic out, mate. £20 to jinx us all. :pow:


Good lad! I still haven't done mine yet, debating on stakes. Doing Barca -1, win to nil and a smaller bet on -2 to add to the ones from earlier.


What's this -1? Are you talking an Asian Handicap type bet?


Normal handicap. Just means Barca have to win by two clear goals at least.

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Not gonna touch this game with a barge pole. That said, I think Chelsea will scrape it through. Real to overturn Bayern and Real to win the final.



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David right pissed more money is going on Barca than he's put on Real. In the midst of deciding to up his game tomorrow. :razz:


I've got 600€ on Real to reach the final. I've got 200€ on Real to win the Champions League. I've got 30€ (yes, only 30€) on Real & Chelsea to reach the final - but at great odds. Enough? We'll see...

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Well I've got a tenner on Real and Barca to qualify. :thefinger: You want big money? I'll give you big money, biatch!


On a serious note, was Real to reach the final a long-term bet, or recent? Think I remember you saying Real to win the CL was a long-term bet?

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Well I've got a tenner on Real and Barca to qualify. :thefinger: You want big money? I'll give you big money, biatch!


On a serious note, was Real to reach the final a long-term bet, or recent? Think I remember you saying Real to win the CL was a long-term bet?


Done it in Oktober last season iirc. So, more long term. Returns 1000€.

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I want to put a bet on Barcelona winning tonight, something that involves no more than £4 (that's how much I got in Skybet account). Any tips?


Barca 2-1 win Drogba last goalscorer. 2€ on that and 2€ on the same with Lampard LGS.

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