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The 2011-2012 Betting Thread: Last call for 2011/12 football, pretty much


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Will be watching Farhh's next race closely by the way, finished very well. Got off to a woeful start too.


It's run up the inside was halted twice aswell. Farhh would have been very, very close to SYT with a clear passage through.


I'll be backing it big in its next race.

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Will be watching Farhh's next race closely by the way, finished very well. Got off to a woeful start too.


It's run up the inside was halted twice aswell. Farhh would have been very, very close to SYT with a clear passage through.


I'll be backing it big in its next race.


Aye, I think it would definitely have beaten Carlton House with a clear run. I'll be on it too. :thup:

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Any interesting bets for the Euros? Apart from match results accumulator, that is.


Tried placing an 8 fold bet predicting the stage of elimination of each team, but those fuckers wouldn't accept it due to trade rules and shit.


Fucking chicken. :hmm:

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Been a lurker in this thread and forum for a few months,Loved Dinho's work,just please don't put yourself through that again!


I also will aim to stay away from any forum bets  :whistle:


Anyway,does anybody know what happens if my top scorer (for their country) finishes in a dead heat with another player? Is it classed as a win? (bet365)


I need Benzema,Ballotelli and Ronaldo to be their respective countries top scorer to win £8k  :drool:



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You loved my work? :lol: Get out man... I lost a grand over the past few months! :lol:


Anyway, if it is dead heat, then your bet's worth is usually divided by the number of joint topscorers for that country.


Yeah but it was fun crazy reading your posts. Glad you managed to see sense in the end and stop chasing. Unfortunately it seems sometimes the only way you learn is by teaching yourself. Would you agree it's made you a better "gambler"?  It certainly did me.  O0

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