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Pardew on Total Sport tonight

Big Geordie

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Pardew is main guest for the return of Total Sport, after it's summer break tonight. I would love to listen in, but will be at work so will have to make do with listening again tomorrow morning. Will be interesting to see of Total Sport cherry pick their callers and questions so as not to give Pardew a hard time. I'm sure the manager will have been briefed with regards to what he can and cannot say by Llambias. It it going to be a case of more lies and half-truths or plenty of waffle without really saying anything?


Does really seem to be a divide at present amongst fans with regards to how the recruitment policy is going at the moment. Myself, I'm in the 'concerned' camp though I appreciate only time will tell come August 31st. If anyone is going to be listening in, can they provide bullet points as to what he says please. Ta. :)

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I think Pardew will be well aware of what he can and can't say, without being reminded.


The good thing about Pardew is that he sometimes gives info away, so we might hear something new tonight.


On the other hand he also talks a fair amount of shite too.

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Guest Geordiesned

I'm hoping that someone asks him not just about the Carroll £35 million but also the TV/season ticket money. I won't hold my breath though as I'm sure any tricky questions will be vetoed.

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I'm hoping that someone asks him not just about the Carroll £35 million but also the TV/season ticket money. I won't hold my breath though as I'm sure any tricky questions will be vetoed.



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