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Transfer Deadline Day Thread


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Guest Rainforest

Anyone sniping at the cunts running our club deserves a medal. They are actually getting away with it, so whats the problem with joey venting.

I still love the lad.

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Guest bmoregeordie

As far as the transfer window, it's disappointing, no doubt. And I'll bet dollars to donuts that the statement from Pardew includes some hint towards signing a striker in January. The seeds of Maiga rumors have already been planted. I'll be damned if I think they actually do this. And I won't be succumbing to the hype.


Beyond the disappointment, this side is at least as good as what we entered last season with. We'll likely sign some striker on a free. And odds are he'll be better than Kuqi (who some people were actually angry about losing). The back line looks like it has potential, and there is a solid, creative, flexible midfield here with potential to be special. As for the strikers, I guess we'll find out exactly how mint Leon Best is.

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Guest bmoregeordie

One of the main positives about Joey going was that we wouldn't have to worry about his twitter antics any more. No such luck it seems.


Anyone who thinks he didn't hurt the locker room with this attitude is nuts. Glad he's gone.

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One of the main positives about Joey going was that we wouldn't have to worry about his twitter antics any more. No such luck it seems.


Anyone who thinks he didn't hurt the locker room with this attitude is nuts. Glad he's gone.


Yeah, right Joey hurt the locker room. Nothing compared to the damage done by Ashley.


IMO Joey simply expressed what the locker room was thinking; others were merely too limit or chary to say anything.

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Guest bmoregeordie

One of the main positives about Joey going was that we wouldn't have to worry about his twitter antics any more. No such luck it seems.




Anyone who thinks he didn't hurt the locker room with this attitude is nuts. Glad he's gone.


Yeah, right Joey hurt the locker room. Nothing compared to the damage done by Ashley.


IMO Joey simply expressed what the locker room was thinking; others were merely too limit or chary to say anything.


So you're fine with him taking a shot at Santon as well?


Anyway, I'm done with him.


Going to focus on supporting the players we have.

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davidhall34 david hall


@lee_ryder @EveningChron feel so disgusted and angry! MA and DL are draining my love for football and nufc!, I wish i was born a mackem!!!!!


Seriously people, f*** off and get a grip. :lol:


That lad needs to calm down.

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Guest bmoregeordie

Sorry but "locker room". :iamatwat:


Plenty of Toon supporters over here. I recently referred to the (American) football field as "the pitch"  and got blank, confused stares.

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Guest sydneycove

FFS the signings we have made have been good. Compare with what others have done. Let alone the fact that Mav, Cabaye, Ba and Santon would waltz into any other team bar Man U, Man C, Chelsea and Arsenal and I am including Liverpool and Spurs in that.

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Sorry but "locker room". :iamatwat:


Plenty of Toon supporters over here. I recently referred to the (American) football field as "the pitch"  and got blank, confused stares.


Aye, there's a good following over in the US. It's just that it's the first time I've actually seen the term "locker room" used to describe the dressing/changing room in football.

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FFS the signings we have made have been good. Compare with what others have done. Let alone the fact that Mav, Cabaye, Ba and Santon would waltz into any other team bar Man U, Man C, Chelsea and Arsenal and I am including Liverpool and Spurs in that.


You just don't get it.

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Guest sydneycove

Sorry but "locker room". :iamatwat:


Plenty of Toon supporters over here. I recently referred to the (American) football field as "the pitch"  and got blank, confused stares.


Aye, there's a good following over in the US. It's just that it's the first time I've actually seen the term "locker room" used to describe the dressing/changing room in football.


Always locker room over here as well...... bloody Poms ;p

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Guest sydneycove

FFS the signings we have made have been good. Compare with what others have done. Let alone the fact that Mav, Cabaye, Ba and Santon would waltz into any other team bar Man U, Man C, Chelsea and Arsenal and I am including Liverpool and Spurs in that.


You just don't get it.


Yeah we could improve with a few more players but look at how far we have come from when we had Owen, Viduka and Martins leading our line.

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FFS the signings we have made have been good. Compare with what others have done. Let alone the fact that Mav, Cabaye, Ba and Santon would waltz into any other team bar Man U, Man C, Chelsea and Arsenal and I am including Liverpool and Spurs in that.


You just don't get it.


Yeah we could improve with a few more players but look at how far we have come from when we had Owen, Viduka and Martins leading our line.


Ba, Best and Shola? Joke, right?

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Guest sydneycove

FFS the signings we have made have been good. Compare with what others have done. Let alone the fact that Mav, Cabaye, Ba and Santon would waltz into any other team bar Man U, Man C, Chelsea and Arsenal and I am including Liverpool and Spurs in that.


You just don't get it.


Yeah we could improve with a few more players but look at how far we have come from when we had Owen, Viduka and Martins leading our line.


Ba, Best and Shola? Joke, right?


Ba, Best and Shola will put more goals in than Martins, Viduka and Owen did in our relegation season.



Are you really so stubborn that you can't admit our current team is better than our team from 08/09? FFS we scored 40 goals!

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Guest sydneycove


















Take in to account that Colo, Enrique, Saylor and Jonas are all better players now than they were then the 2011/12 team would crush the 08/09

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Well, well, absolutely gutted for everyone tbh. Terrible stuff from the club stringing people along regarding this striker signing. Why not just say you weren't going to sign one if that was the case?


They've clearly looked at the start we've had, and the goals Best has come in and scored again, and figured, why bother. Particularly as they were unable to move on any strikers during this window.


I would therefore expect to now see Best right up there in the strikers pecking order, and really hope he will be given a chance alongside Ba, especially considering he seemed to be behind Loven to start the season. His overall play can be a bit erratic, but he has been banging in the goals everytime he starts a game. Hopefully with more playing time his overall play will be more consistent also.


Seems Ba is coming around too, and so hopefully can begin to show a bit more of the pace and movement he did at West Ham, which should hopefully make for a decent partnership.


This is the best we can hope for at this moment in time, unfortunately. Very short sighted stuff from the club. Genuine disbelief regarding the whole thing.


Let's just route for Best, and really hope we've stumbled onto a bit of a player in him. More than we even currently think. Ba I believe will come good regardless.

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