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Which one stupid rule would you get rid of?


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The way the fair play table is scored. Right now we have less yellows and less fouls than most teams and no players sent off, and yet we are bottom of the table based on nothing other than subjective opinions.


Should be based on fouls, red, yellows and nothing else, or the whole fair play table should be scrapped.


Spot on that.



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The way the fair play table is scored. Right now we have less yellows and less fouls than most teams and no players sent off, and yet we are bottom of the table based on nothing other than subjective opinions.


Should be based on fouls, red, yellows and nothing else, or the whole fair play table should be scrapped.


Spot on that.




double :thup: :thup:

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The way the fair play table is scored. Right now we have less yellows and less fouls than most teams and no players sent off, and yet we are bottom of the table based on nothing other than subjective opinions.


Should be based on fouls, red, yellows and nothing else, or the whole fair play table should be scrapped.


Spot on that.



The whole thing has pissed me off for years. How do we always score so low for things like respect towards the referee, yet Man U, Chelsea etc all seem to score higher even though they berate the referee constantly?

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Guest bimpy474

Offside rule, the biggest balls up of a rule ever, i have done the refs course and it still left me scratching my head, basically a striker can just stand on the penalty spot, and as long as the winger goes past him with the ball, the striker becomes active and onside.


Apparently standing 40 yards behind the defence is not trying to seek an advantage, on you tube is the video they showed us to explain this, biggest joke ever and i ended up in a row with the ref taking the course, he thinks it is forward goal making thinking.


I said your a massive cock who shouldn't be allowed near a football pitch, went down well that like :D


Because each time the ball is played/touched/dribbled by the attacking team, the offside decision is reset. Meanwhile the forward standing on the penalty spot is in an offside position, but not involved in the play so it not deemed to be offside. It's not hard to work out.


The alternative is even worse if you penalise players for being in an offside position when they are not involved in the play.... the right winger is dribbling up the right hand side but the left winger is running upfield too (about 1 foot offside, but 60 yards away) ....and now you want to stop play for an offside call?  No the current rule is much better for the game.


Now, there are some improvements needed in understandings about when a player is involved in the play etc. Thinking of the example where the player in an offside position lets the ball run between his legs and an on-side player runs in to score.  Yep, I agree that those examples which are currently legal should be reviewed.




Well thank you for pointing that out, i was so confused until you did that kind act  :fool:, its not easy to work out, its just plain wrong, easy to work out in the sense that it complete bollocks if thats what you mean.


A player shouldn't be offside if another player has a shot, as long as he isn't in GK eyeline, obviously a winger on the other side of the pitch shouldn't be flagged either as you pointed out, players running back is fair enough as well.


But the rules as they are, are a joke, knowing the rules as i do its even more stupid, the examples they show on the course are ridiculous, and if you played and watched the game, you would just shake your head in amazement at it.



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Hate teams running down the clock and disrupting the momentum of a match with pointless late subs.  Suppose the only way to get around it would be to ban non-injury subs from 85 minutes onwards but we all know teams would take the piss and pretend players were injured.  I just hate time-wasting in general, really boils my piss.

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Bimpy - Appologies - I don't think the rules are wrong....but some of the examples that they give regarding "interfering with play"  "interfering with opponent" or "gaining an advantage by being in that position"


I think the biggest issue is how they describe interfering with an opponent where it says "making a gesture or movement which, in tthe opinion of the referee, deceives or distracts the opponent"  And then they show an example where an offside player lets the ball run through their legs (keeper challenges for that play) and then the ball runs though to an onside player. Very confusing.


It just adds more burden on the referee to have the correct opinion (yet one that both teams will never agree to).


Did they show the CRonaldo video where he is 30 yards offside, and the defenders are waiting for the flag.....but the ball is played out to the winger, who carries it upfield, passes Ronaldo's position and then he centers for Ronaldo for an easy goal? I actually think that is a great training video to illustrate the law and how it should be broken down by the referees.

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Guest bimpy474

Bimpy - Appologies - I don't think the rules are wrong....but some of the examples that they give regarding "interfering with play"  "interfering with opponent" or "gaining an advantage by being in that position"


I think the biggest issue is how they describe interfering with an opponent where it says "making a gesture or movement which, in tthe opinion of the referee, deceives or distracts the opponent"  And then they show an example where an offside player lets the ball run through their legs (keeper challenges for that play) and then the ball runs though to an onside player. Very confusing.


It just adds more burden on the referee to have the correct opinion (yet one that both teams will never agree to).


Did they show the CRonaldo video where he is 30 yards offside, and the defenders are waiting for the flag.....but the ball is played out to the winger, who carries it upfield, passes Ronaldo's position and then he centers for Ronaldo for an easy goal? I actually think that is a great training video to illustrate the law and how it should be broken down by the referees.


Dont apologise you daft bugger, i was being sarcastic mate, i didn't take any offence or mean any ;)


That Ronaldo example is exactly why the law is wrong, your right its a perfect video to show to explain the law, but its just so so wrong, 100% of players/managers and probably most refs too would agree, but the old knackers at Fifa think they know better.


Your right as well about the interfering with play being so hard to work out, if you think that on a Sunday park a ref has no linesman either, it makes it almost impossible, from my experience in most amateur games the refs tend to give it offside as its the easiest option, and the most sensible.


A thing i would also get rid of is this rule as it had parents scratching their heads last Sunday when i gave this decision in my son's game, my son took a penalty and it hit the post came back to him and he put the rebound in, i had to disallow the goal, as the rules state no one else had touched it, so he took a second touch when he put the rebound in, same thing applies at corners/free kicks etc.


That rules daft to me, if it comes back from the GK its ok but not the woodwork.

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Guest bimpy474

I really hate the way that it's not obstruction when a defender 'shields' the ball out of play for a goal kick.


Totally agree but i used to love doing it as a player, it feels like good play but it is obstruction imo.

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The Ronaldo clip at the Macro level does appear wrong, but when you break it down - touch by touch and realise that there were probably a half dozen touches between the first through ball out to the winger, and the final cross to Ronaldo, and each one is a separate offside decision then it's a perfectly valid goal according to the LOTG.  It does "seem" wrong at first, yet at the final moment you think ....wow, great goal and well played by the AR/Ref.


Not quite as glamorious but my sons U14 rec game had one opposing player 10 yards offside on the left side when the ball was played through down the middle . Everyone knew he was offside, and assumed a IFK, so no one moved. Meanwhile an on-side player from the right ran through unchallenged and took the ball in and beat the keeper. Frustrating as it was a stupid mistake from the Defenders not to chase it down.....more fustrating because I knew the referee/assistant had played the situation perfectly and it was a valid goal.....and totally frustrating because as mad as I am about gining up a stupid goal.....there is no one to yell at to complain about it.


The perils of being a referee (and a coach/player)

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I really hate the way that it's not obstruction when a defender 'shields' the ball out of play for a goal kick.


Totally agree but i used to love doing it as a player, it feels like good play but it is obstruction imo.


As long as the ball is in playable distance....they are playing the ball without touching it.  I'm fine with that.....except there is then the thought that they can be charged without penalty. Which usually means a straight charge to the back of the shielding player.

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Guest bimpy474

The Ronaldo clip at the Macro level does appear wrong, but when you break it down - touch by touch and realise that there were probably a half dozen touches between the first through ball out to the winger, and the final cross to Ronaldo, and each one is a separate offside decision then it's a perfectly valid goal according to the LOTG.  It does "seem" wrong at first, yet at the final moment you think ....wow, great goal and well played by the AR/Ref.


Not quite as glamorious but my sons U14 rec game had one opposing player 10 yards offside on the left side when the ball was played through down the middle . Everyone knew he was offside, and assumed a IFK, so no one moved. Meanwhile an on-side player from the right ran through unchallenged and took the ball in and beat the keeper. Frustrating as it was a stupid mistake from the Defenders not to chase it down.....more fustrating because I knew the referee/assistant had played the situation perfectly and it was a valid goal.....and totally frustrating because as mad as I am about gining up a stupid goal.....there is no one to yell at to complain about it.


The perils of being a referee (and a coach/player)


That would annoy me no end, the defenders hesitated because the player was interfering, the defenders reacted to him being there, see these are where the rules are mad, right but totally devoid of common sense, obviously its our own opinions on things but........

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I dont understand the interfering with play for offside because if your a defender trying to play the offside trap then the attacker is interferying with play no matter what so has to be taking into acount seems to make it a lot harder for defenders.


Important to note....the first part of "law 11 - offside" states......It is not an offense in itself to be in an offside position. 

The second part describes when to penalise a player in an offside position.


Then it goes on later to state ...Interfering with play is defined as "playing or touching the ball passed or touched by a teammate".  This is a clarification of the basic law.


So standing in an offside position is not an offense.  Neither is it interfering with play (as long as they don't touch the ball). And now we're back at the interfering with opponent thing again.


Players who don't know the basic laws don't deserve any help from those who do. :)

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Guest bimpy474

I really hate the way that it's not obstruction when a defender 'shields' the ball out of play for a goal kick.


Totally agree but i used to love doing it as a player, it feels like good play but it is obstruction imo.


As long as the ball is in playable distance....they are playing the ball without touching it.  I'm fine with that.....except there is then the thought that they can be charged without penalty. Which usually means a straight charge to the back of the shielding player.


I was good at this, but the sole aim was to stop the player getting the ball, you do that anywhere else on the pitch its a free kick, just one of those accepted things in football.

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Guest bimpy474

I dont understand the interfering with play for offside because if your a defender trying to play the offside trap then the attacker is interferying with play no matter what so has to be taking into acount seems to make it a lot harder for defenders.


Important to note....the first part of "law 11 - offside" states......It is not an offense in itself to be in an offside position. 

The second part describes when to penalise a player in an offside position.


Then it goes on later to state ...Interfering with play is defined as "playing or touching the ball passed or touched by a teammate".  This is a clarification of the basic law.


So standing in an offside position is not an offense.  Neither is it interfering with play (as long as they don't touch the ball). And now we're back at the interfering with opponent thing again.


Players who don't know the basic laws don't deserve any help from those who do. :)


As the saying goes "the laws an arse" :D



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Wanna add in more crazy offside issues? 


What about players coming back from an offside position to collect a ball when they are now onside......and what if they come back into their own half to collect the ball.  Yep - still offside.


Try explaining that to the volunteer Dad coach.  The explaination is usually followed up by the coach saying to the player....don't worry, you weren't offside....the referee got that wrong/doesn't know the rules.


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Shirt off, celebrating with fans stands out alongside a player having to leave the field of play when injured by another player, both totally ridiculous.



For me though captains plus offender only speaking to the ref after a n incident not being enforced properly with yellow cards, not sure if it quite fits the title of the thread mind, it's close enough.


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Not really a rule but.....women linesmen/refs in the men's game.


Are you Richard Keys in disguise?  :D


Do us a favour, love.

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