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The other games today - 2011/12


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Guest Chubby Jason

Good to know that body checks are now legal. Alan Smith may be useful after all.


oh god, i forgot he existed for a second. watching him play always reminds me of the time Boris Johnson played in that charity match. the hair only adds to it too.

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Guest bimpy474

So presumably our chances to get into Europe are served better by a Spurs win tonight?


If it means they get to the final with one of the other top 7, it certanly does.

Wanting Spurs and Liverpool to win  :anguish:


No, i said one of the other top 7 meaning us but i didn't want to sound to obvious like ;)

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Guest kingdawson

Is Rose usually a left back? Thought he was a winger

much better lb then winger.


Still not good enough. Look into yourself, you know it to be true.


Rose? he's more then good enough in the lb role.

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Pretty s**** match. Adebayor looks especially crap.


Yeah, he just doesn't seem interested. Typical of our ropey games. The oppo are organized, get men behind the ball and counter with speed (and leave the foot in!). We have a "fluid" formation which ends up with people getting in each other's way, Ade wandering about and Defoe being utterly ineffective in general play.


Then we break and have a proper shot.



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Is Rose usually a left back? Thought he was a winger

much better lb then winger.


Still not good enough. Look into yourself, you know it to be true.


Rose? he's more then good enough in the lb role.


Yeah, I'm still unconvinced. I really hope so, but he is not a natural defender and often doesn't seem to know what to do with or without the ball going forward. To be fair to him, he's done far better than I expected. Cheap, homegrown, squad player though.

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