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Sunderland Are Better Than Newcastle

By Ryan Doneathy


In the week leading up to the derby game, most of us get the same pre-match feelings. You know the ones I’m talking about. Your nerves begin to take over and your confidence is suddenly drained away from your system.


You aren’t quite as sure that we’re going to stuff the Mags as you were and even begin doubting yourself and your team.


To calm these nerves ALS have decided to bring you a few SAFC v NUFC facts to help your optimism return. The following stats are just a few of the many reasons as to why we are superior to our Black & White counterparts, why we have always been and why always will be...


1908 anyone? In 1908, Sunderland recorded the club’s biggest ever league victory and it’s a record that still stands 104 years on. Who were on the receiving end of that 9-1 spanking? None other than our nearest and dearest, Newcastle. Now, I don’t want to manipulate you into thinking that we’re going to repeat that triumph this weekend, but just remember that we’ve thumped them many times before and we can do it again. Nine goals may be over zealous, but a comfortable win isn’t out of the question.


One thing that often comes up in debates concerning the Wear/Tyne rivalry is ‘who is the bigger club’? The answer to this is based on history and more specifically top flight championship wins. The record books state that Sunderland have won the league title on six occasions, that's two more than our dirty neighbours. We also won the league most recently, back in 1936, whereas Newcastle last won the league 85 years ago in 1927.


Next up, out of the two clubs, Sunderland have won major silverware much more recently than Newcastle. Newcastle’s last major success was almost sixty years ago when the luckily lifted the FA Cup in 1955. We, of course, won the FA Cup in 1973.


Trophies aside, we’ve also got a more formidable record in terms of league points achieved. The biggest total Newcastle have ever recorded in one season is a modest 102, which pales in comparison to the whopping 105 points we managed, back in the 1998/1999 season!


But we aren’t just superior in terms of history and silverware, we’re also better supported. Newcastle’s highest ever crowd was a rather pitiful 68,386 while Sunderland can brag of having a record attendance of 75,118. I’d also guarantee to you that the 68,386 in attendance at St. James’ that day were all stupid, overweight and nowhere near as handsome as the 75,118 beautiful people who attended Sunderland’s game against Derby County.


Whilst on the topic of fans, those who attend the Wonga Dome these days have an unfounded sense of superiority, but why? Much is said about the Keegan era, with Newcastle supporters even referring it to their halcyon days. But was it all that heavenly, though? Did they win anything? NO! Personally, I enjoyed them blowing a 13 point lead over Manchester United before pathetically surrendering the Premier League title in embarrassing circumstances and let's not forget Keegan’s “I’d love it” tirade.


It's also common knowledge that Sunderland possess much better looking women than Newcastle, a city full of fat and ugly women, or ‘dogs’ as Freddy Shepherd once correctly called them.


So, in conclusion, we hope to have amused and reassured ahead of the derby game and remember next time some fat Geordie gob s**** sparks up with his delusions of grandeur, ram the above facts right down his throat...





Clutching. At. Straws. :lol:


That article helps explain why so many decent knowledgable supporters have stopped going to Sunderland matches and why they have to drag in 12,000 plastic fans to fill their stadium once a year when we are the visitors.

Awful article :lol:


Yes we know we won the league in 1908 when they won 9-1. Wasn't our first team on strike?


Last major trophy wasn't 1955... twas 1969.


Why are they proud with getting 105 points over our 102? It was in the second tier of English football ffs :lol:


Finally our record attendance was more than recorded as the club didn't want to give the real attendance as we h ad to give money to the away team back then IIRC?







Someone needs to research this so we can put it to bed. I read somewhere it was in the days when team was chosen by commmitee, and they were friendly with Sunderland, and did them a favour by playing our youth team or something. As is clear, it wasnt the same team that we beat Man u at OT that same season 7-1 or something. needs clearing up.

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The reality is that we've won as many league titles as they have since we were formed, we couldn't go back in time and try and catch them up.  Overall we've won more major trophies than they have and we've done it in less time.  We've won 11 they've won 8, stupid bastards.


What about us winning the Fairs Cup, a trophy which some of the biggest clubs in Europe list as an honour won, it was good enough for Barcelona but not the mackems, I wonder why?


The mongs have claimed the highest gate while forgetting that our highest gate isn't mentioned because the game was called off in 1900 when 120,000 were inside the ground.


Also when considering gates, what about us topping the gates for English football 10 times, they haven't ever done it once.  In seasons 1946/47 and 1947/48 we topped it and were in the 2nd division and not a single club had a better average attendance, even in the top division.


I could go on but can't be arsed.

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Yes we know we won the league in 1908 when they won 9-1. Wasn't our first team on strike?



Someone needs to research this so we can put it to bed. I read somewhere it was in the days when team was chosen by commmitee, and they were friendly with Sunderland, and did them a favour by playing our youth team or something. As is clear, it wasnt the same team that we beat Man u at OT that same season 7-1 or something. needs clearing up.


Turns out it was the same team that won 4-0 at Forest the week before. Hate it when facts get in the way. Had a few big names out though.


And we lost 1-0 at Bank Street to Manchester United - Old Trafford was a couple of years away then. They beat us in the cup semi-final too, the eternal twats.


I'll get me anorak.



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Guest Howaythetoon

That 9-1 defeat, there are two story's behind that match.


Story 1 - apparently several of the first-team players back then were not happy with their win/appearance bonus so went to what would have been back then the trainer, selected by a board committee to simply coach them, the board actually picking the players. The trainer went to the board who responded by dropping them for what was then, not a ferocious derby like today, but more of a neighborly friendly match-up.


As such kids and reserves replaced the senior players hence the 9-1 drubbing. The shameful defeat, not because it was handed to us by sunderland a then friendly neighbour, but because we were challenging for the league and with it we were regarded as one of the best sides in the game full-stop, lead to the reinstatement of the senior players, who dully went onto wait for it, FUCKING WIN DA LEAGUE! Nice one mackems!


Story 2 - back then sunderland were not considered our fierce derby rivals like today but more like that nice neighbour over the road so when the board of committee decided to drop the senior players for a side of kids and reserves, they did so with no real concern. For coming up was a potential 4-pointer title deciding match against Blackburn Rovers who at the time were top of the league or direct challengers for the title. So we rested the senior players and although the kids and reserves got well beaten, the seniors did beat their title rivals Rovers 2-0 a week later which went some way to decide the title. Nice one mackems.


Ironically, either way, the mackems 9-1 win actually gave them a shot in the arm as they went onto become title challengers themselves, failing short of actually winning it, losing out to erm, NEWCASTLE UNITED by a point margin the same as their goals for margin against us :lol:


I love how they crow on about that win by the way, it really is sad. Back then NUFC and sunderland were nothing like the rivals we are today despite actually both competing for the title and other honours and even the same players, Hughie Gallacher for example was courted by the mackems when we were after him and indeed when he was our player. We were friendly neighbours whose fans on both sides would travel the 12 or so mile distance to watch each other when their own team was playing away. My grandad being one of those people.


Whenever we won a cup many a 'mackem' would celebrate and clap our team when passing through.


The reason why I've used '' when referring to the them above by the way, is because back then they actually regarded themselves as Geordies.


They as a club, as people and as a city have no culture whatsoever, their entire existence is defined  by and revolves around NUFC and Geordies. They forever live in our shadow always and that's what really eats them up because they know deep down they will always be a sad mackem bastard supporting a second rate team that no-one gives a fuck about and the less said about their hovel of a city/town or whatever you want to call it the better.


I'm being 100% genuine here, while I hate their fucking guts I genuinley do not give a fuck about them outside of our matches with them. I probably hate Liverpool more and I'm a born and bread Geordie.  They really are insignificant outside of the derby.

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I love how they crow on about that win by the way, it really is sad. Back then NUFC and sunderland were nothing like the rivals we are today despite actually both competing for the title and other honours and even the same players, Hughie Gallacher for example was courted by the mackems when we were after him and indeed when he was our player. We were friendly neighbours whose fans on both sides would travel the 12 or so mile distance to watch each other when their own team was playing away. My grandad being one of those people.


Weird thing, I was watching some old Auf Wiedersehen Pet episodes last night and the one where Sunderland are playing in Belgium against Liege came on.  Dennis and Oz went along to cheer them on and got on well with the Sunderland fans there and even wore Sunderland scarves.  My dad when I was growing up displayed none of the animosity towards them we see now, he used to say he wanted all the north east teams to do well.


I just wonder how much the hatred and bitterness has been stoked by the sky hype and how much was genuinely there pre 92.  A little before my time so maybe some of our elder brethren can enlighten us.

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I love how they crow on about that win by the way, it really is sad. Back then NUFC and sunderland were nothing like the rivals we are today despite actually both competing for the title and other honours and even the same players, Hughie Gallacher for example was courted by the mackems when we were after him and indeed when he was our player. We were friendly neighbours whose fans on both sides would travel the 12 or so mile distance to watch each other when their own team was playing away. My grandad being one of those people.


Weird thing, I was watching some old Auf Wiedersehen Pet episodes last night and the one where Sunderland are playing in Belgium against Liege came on.  Dennis and Oz went along to cheer them on and got on well with the Sunderland fans there and even wore Sunderland scarves.  My dad when I was growing up displayed none of the animosity towards them we see now, he used to say he wanted all the north east teams to do well.


I just wonder how much the hatred and bitterness has been stoked by the sky hype and how much was genuinely theere pre 92.  A little before my time so maybe some of our elder brethren can enlighten us.


Probably down to everyone in NE being jolly old Sunderland fans pre 92 and then Sky bought Newcastle and made them great so all but the ultra Sunderland fans who go to every game home and away started supporting us but they of course never go to SJP. [/RTG]

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A lot of older fans reckoned the hatred went supernova after the play off defeat in 1989.






what made that worse was they were a poor 6th that season, were shite in losing the final to Swindon, swindon were then dissqualified over financial iregularities and the SMBs handed promotion by default.


They were mega shit tho and relegated in 1 season :lol:  while we all know what happend here :smug:

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A couple of three things - SAFC won half their titles in the 19th Century when the likes of Darwen and Burton Swifts were in existence. As for their boast about holding the record for the highest attendance, that merely reinforces their inherent fickleness given that we've averaged over 11 million more fans then them over the years. Oh, and that record attendance was sandwiched in between two home attendances of 7,000 and 12,000. Fickle Thick Mackems. 



They are Stock, Aitken and Waterman to our Stax, Lee Hurst to our Lenny Bruce and what kills them the most is that barely anyone outside of their sordid cesspit gives a flying fuck about them or their football team.


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The game seems to send some of them round the twist. It's almost like a total irrational unsubstantiated collective heads-in-sand mongo fest takes over in the week before where they forget their dreadful record in this fixture and chronic inability to rise to the occasion.


Baffling tbh.

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The game seems to send some of them round the twist. It's almost like a total irrational unsubstantiated collective heads-in-sand mongo fest takes over in the week before where they forget their dreadful record in this fixture and chronic inability to rise to the occasion.


Baffling tbh.




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Yes we know we won the league in 1908 when they won 9-1. Wasn't our first team on strike?



Someone needs to research this so we can put it to bed. I read somewhere it was in the days when team was chosen by commmitee, and they were friendly with Sunderland, and did them a favour by playing our youth team or something. As is clear, it wasnt the same team that we beat Man u at OT that same season 7-1 or something. needs clearing up.


Turns out it was the same team that won 4-0 at Forest the week before. Hate it when facts get in the way. Had a few big names out though.


And we lost 1-0 at Bank Street to Manchester United - Old Trafford was a couple of years away then. They beat us in the cup semi-final too, the eternal twats.


I'll get me anorak.



In the quarters we dumped "them" out of the cup, 3-0 at Roker Park.

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That 9-1 defeat, there are two story's behind that match.


Story 1 - apparently several of the first-team players back then were not happy with their win/appearance bonus so went to what would have been back then the trainer, selected by a board committee to simply coach them, the board actually picking the players. The trainer went to the board who responded by dropping them for what was then, not a ferocious derby like today, but more of a neighborly friendly match-up.


As such kids and reserves replaced the senior players hence the 9-1 drubbing. The shameful defeat, not because it was handed to us by sunderland a then friendly neighbour, but because we were challenging for the league and with it we were regarded as one of the best sides in the game full-stop, lead to the reinstatement of the senior players, who dully went onto wait for it, f***ing WIN DA LEAGUE! Nice one mackems!


Story 2 - back then sunderland were not considered our fierce derby rivals like today but more like that nice neighbour over the road so when the board of committee decided to drop the senior players for a side of kids and reserves, they did so with no real concern. For coming up was a potential 4-pointer title deciding match against Blackburn Rovers who at the time were top of the league or direct challengers for the title. So we rested the senior players and although the kids and reserves got well beaten, the seniors did beat their title rivals Rovers 2-0 a week later which went some way to decide the title. Nice one mackems.


Ironically, either way, the mackems 9-1 win actually gave them a shot in the arm as they went onto become title challengers themselves, failing short of actually winning it, losing out to erm, NEWCASTLE UNITED by a point margin the same as their goals for margin against us :lol:


I love how they crow on about that win by the way, it really is sad. Back then NUFC and sunderland were nothing like the rivals we are today despite actually both competing for the title and other honours and even the same players, Hughie Gallacher for example was courted by the mackems when we were after him and indeed when he was our player. We were friendly neighbours whose fans on both sides would travel the 12 or so mile distance to watch each other when their own team was playing away. My grandad being one of those people.


Whenever we won a cup many a 'mackem' would celebrate and clap our team when passing through.


The reason why I've used '' when referring to the them above by the way, is because back then they actually regarded themselves as Geordies.


They as a club, as people and as a city have no culture whatsoever, their entire existence is defined  by and revolves around NUFC and Geordies. They forever live in our shadow always and that's what really eats them up because they know deep down they will always be a sad mackem b****** supporting a second rate team that no-one gives a f*** about and the less said about their hovel of a city/town or whatever you want to call it the better.


I'm being 100% genuine here, while I hate their f***ing guts I genuinley do not give a f*** about them outside of our matches with them. I probably hate Liverpool more and I'm a born and bread Geordie.  They really are insignificant outside of the derby.

and none of it really matters to me, it's an historical footnote with little relevance to today. I know how i felt when rowell got his hat trick and when they beat us in the play offs, i know how i felt at both new years day games, the 4-1, the 5-1 and many more. even games i wasn't at i remember how i felt listening or watching, i was involved in them all in one way or another....but, and this is contrary to preceived wisdom, i wasn't about in 1908 so it means very littlle if anything at all.
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