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The other games today - 2012/13


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Southampton look comfortable. :dontknow:


Man City still don't seem like they have 'easy goals' in them. Through an Arjen Robben style winger who can just burn opposition around the outside to get behind defences.


Aguero going off has put them off their stride. The question is whether Southampton have the balls to go for it because at the moment, there's definitely something in it for them.

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Southampton look comfortable. :dontknow:


Man City still don't seem like they have 'easy goals' in them. Through an Arjen Robben style winger who can just burn opposition around the outside to get behind defences.


Aguero going off has put them off their stride. The question is whether Southampton have the balls to go for it because at the moment, there's definitely something in it for them.


Nah, they're coasting to a point at the Etihad atm. That's a good point. No need to risk anymore.

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Southampton look comfortable. :dontknow:


Man City still don't seem like they have 'easy goals' in them. Through an Arjen Robben style winger who can just burn opposition around the outside to get behind defences.


Aguero going off has put them off their stride. The question is whether Southampton have the balls to go for it because at the moment, there's definitely something in it for them.


Nah, they're coasting to a point at the Etihad atm. That's a good point. No need to risk anymore.


I suppose so, I guess a better way of wording is it whether they continue to try to keep the ball and play their own game, and not drop too deep too soon.


Coasting is the right word, see if Mancini gets into them at half time. He doesn't especially seem the type.

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Identical finish to Ivanovic's earlier really. Can't blame the keeper for getting beaten on his near post when it's a one on one


Angle seemed a fair bit wider to me. I'll have another look at it. Should make the striker work for it though.

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Identical finish to Ivanovic's earlier really. Can't blame the keeper for getting beaten on his near post when it's a one on one


Of course you can. Cover the near post and the striker can only go one way.

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